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I hope those of you in a place that celebrated Thanksgiving had a good time. I've been hard at work, but this week's update is going to be a bit of a scattered one. As I look to the last month of the year, I'm reviewing my yearly goals and considering how best to use my time.

TLS: One awkward thing is that the next TLS update would naturally come out in about a month, and I've found that patrons have much less time to play during the Christmas and New Years seasons. That means either rushing to get it done early or accepting that a smaller update will be out later. Traditionally I've rushed, but this year I'm considering investing time in some other things.

Once Ever After: One of my goals for 2019 was to finish all the creative heavy lifting on this game so that it would be off my mental plate. I have only partially accomplished this so far. I've made new content through the end of the game, so I could actually create a new build with a bit more work, but I wanted to wait on that until I'd gotten more assets and fixed some enduring issues, so that anyone replaying gets an upgraded experience.

The Brightest Shadow: I'm still waiting on a few more people to finish giving feedback, but I'd like to make a new draft this month. I'll make this one available to $5 patrons to tide you guys over if the TLS update isn't rushed.

Steam Awards: This one isn't work on my end, but things for you to potentially do, if you want. Several people have contacted me about nominating TLS for the "Story Rich" or "Labor of Love" Steam Awards. Only the most popular games ever win these, but it doesn't hurt if you want to nominate.

Steam Reviews: Weirdly, the rate of TLS reviews has increased lately. I didn't do anything to encourage this, but I'll certainly accept it. If anybody has an account they'd use for NSFW games and hasn't reviewed, please do! I wasn't sure getting to "Overwhelmingly Positive" would be possible, but if this pace continues, it might happen one day.

This has been a very good year, but a long one, subjectively. We'll see how much energy I can muster this week, then next update I should be able to give a clearer idea of the situation.


Kobold Lad

Thought it would be a very long shot nominating it but tis the thought that counts.


The reviews are probably coming in because of the sale - one of the goals for the event badge is to leave a review for one of your nominations.


You bet your ass i nominated it ;)


I'd love to see "Angry Janine" get laid sooner rather than later (not to mention her Aramite dwarven cum expert getting booted while Robin heckles him). But, I know what waiting brings when it comes to TLS, so you do your thing. .... I can wait. .... GAH! NO I CAN'T! BRING ON THE GODDESS FUCKING!


Players who have invested in supporting Eustrin may soon be happy on one of those counts...


TLS has already smashed past any quotas of awesome I had for it this year, so take as little or long with it as you like. Out of curiosity, will the next update be straight to Eustrin/Aram or a period of world exploring?


Straight to another plot segment. The world exploration will come after, and will be a huge update.


So the main question is... do we want a great christmas present, or a great way to start off the new year? 🤔🤔🤔 I'm honestly leaning more towards waiting a bit. Sometimes i hype myself a bit too much for small updates like 0.46. I would rather wait an extra month, and play something larger in one go.


Then I would recommend skipping (or not hyping yourself for) 0.48.x but get hype for 0.49.0.


Not to give condemnation or anything of the kind but I've read the announcement here and you've said normally you rushed with updates for TLS which is great. But now you said that you've found out that a lot of people aren't able to play games as much for the Christmas holiday. What does that have to do with anything? If you dont want to rush that's your choice but I simply fail to see the rationale behind your decision. Please explain it to me


Patrons can help with bug reports, comments on balance, help with scripting, etc. One of Sierra's many strong points is her responsiveness to feedback, but that can only work if we're around to give it.


I think I see your point Lamsey, thank you for explaining it.

Grey Wolf

While I want more content and cannot stop myself from playing at least every other update longer ones are better for me. I have never been quite as invested as I was when I played the whole game blind with only one restart because I didn't know you could save Altina. I still remember ending on the shard sipping scene, which was so good. Even if the sipping part did take the sadness out of Yarra's "happy even if I only have a decade left" speech. I never have and maybe never will support another NSFW game dev and I'm not sure I would have supported you if I had found the game before the end of chapter 1 or maybe even 2. While I am curious what's going on in Eustrin and Aram others have already made comments about that. I may be alone in this but I hope it isn't too long before we find out more about the Great Sage of Ghenalon and other Thenours stuff. The scope of the game is so much larger at this point I am unsure if more than a few Thenours updates could ever be justified.


So I might have missed this in the last few updates, but when will the art be put in the game? I have not played the last update and I don't want to restart from the beginning, but from what I understand the art will be available through Simon's Reflect skill, right? Is it coming in the "get hype for 0.49"? Even a few scenes added in would be cool - I was average on the artist at first but the more I see of her work the more I like it


You'll definitely get some more on Thenours, though the war mostly depopulated it of major players.


It will be added in one major update, when the art for the full first chapter is done. Which update that will be will depend on how fast Annikath can finish the remaining scenes. My hope is that launching big will potentially draw new eyes to the game. In any case, all the art will be available via the Reflect skill, yes.