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I'm pleased to say that the new TLS update seems to be going well and the ridiculously long scene didn't seem to be too long for anyone. Normally I might push out a .1 version now, but since gameplay is mostly stable, I think I'll wait a little longer. Given a bit more time, I'll be able to add some additional content and fix a few of the more stubborn errors. $5 backers will get a notification when that's updated.

Meanwhile, I'm still thinking about turning the long scene into a short story. Part of me wants to put it up on Literotica, but I wonder if it wouldn't be mostly impenetrable to people who aren't familiar with the game. I could easily rewrite pieces to be more newcomer friendly, but if I got into describing characters... that way lies madness. I'm not sure whether I'll actually do anything with this.

Meanwhile, over a dozen pieces of art have been finished. There will be a $10 post with all of them, but image for this post is one of them I'm particularly happy with. I've said this before, but my goal is to hit some notes you don't see commonly.

Anyway, that's all for now. You might get a notification from me in a few days depending on your tier, but everybody will be hearing from me on an upcoming special day!




If you started putting out erotica set in the TLS world, you'd probably do quite well. You've got one piece out there-- the one that introduced us to Wendis-- and it's outstanding. I'd suggest you go ahead and write it and accept that it's for the fans. Instead of exposition explaining the characters, write more short stories, erotic or otherwise, set in the TLS world. You could start by doing some vignettes that show critical points (e.g. one of the girls meeting or hearing about Simon) just to get them out there, and go back and expand them into proper stories later, which is also an opportunity to add ero scenes to the ones that miss them. Personally I'd absolutely love to read more fiction in the TLS world. If you eventually generate a body of stories that explain enough for people to figure things out then you've both got an outstanding erotic fiction setting *and* a doozie of an advert for the game.


Hey Sierra, out of curiousity, will the next major update have the next investment round? I was planning on doing a new playthrough when that happened


All I want for Christmas is Wendis wrecking the harem :P As for the scene, have you considered your Ao3 account? Maybe you could put all the game scenes in one "story" with a link directing people to it.


Maybe just post in on Archive Of Our Own as a TLS "fanfic"? Nobody expects fanfics to make sense with no knowledge of the original show.


Thanks for the input. If I do storify this scene, or write others, it will probably be in the gaps between other work. However, you may be happy to know that I have a number of TLS stories that I fully intend to write following the conclusion.


Originally I was planning for the next update to be be the free roam one (including investment) but now I'm thinking it will be two updates from now.


Honestly, I hadn't considered it. My AO3 account hasn't been active in a while, plus I think it tends to be focused toward specific fandoms.


As I noted in my comment just above, I hadn't considered this. While this would definitely prevent confusion, I think it would also be pretty well ignored. If I was doing something 100% for fans I could just distribute it directly.


Annikath as always not only gets the sexy of the scene but even more importantly gets the whole atmosphere with the facial expression and hand placements, so great work! And I now fully understand what you meant by it was going to be 'tough' to get pictures for the latest long sex scene, as it'd probably need more pictures then chapter 1 just to cover everything. I would say perhaps it'd be better to just have some sort of 'group picture' but even that doesn't sound easy with it being 20+ characters.


This one was tricky, with so many arms/hands! I'm glad you like it, because I quite enjoy the atmosphere. ^-^ I still haven't decided what will be done about the long scene, but I'm leaning toward just illustrating 1-2 of the more unique setups that capture the feel of the scene.


I encountered another bug, though this was in my new playthrough. The chest with 50000 Sx from 0.47 appears in the Stineford Slum Slaver Stronghold, and Carina talks with Yarra about it, despite not having joined the party yet,


Are you on 0.47.1? I thought that was supposed to be fixed.