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The DStP launch has gone okay. It's sitting at 3.5, which is average for new games but worse than my previous titles on Newgrounds. Total plays are above average but hardly explosive.

It's a bit encouraging that a reasonable number of people who don't know me at all find the core gameplay fun. There are also a reasonable number of complaints. I don't think this gameplay loop is necessarily a divisive one, so I think that's a sign that there are things that need to be improved. I don't have any real insight on that account yet, though.

Anyway, that's only occupying part of my attention, so I have good news: I can now be pretty confident that the TLS update will be released on Friday. Probably in good shape too, though with an update across this many maps I'm sure I'll neglect some details.

You guys better like that long sex scene you were enthusiastic for. Edited and placed into the game, it's over 70 boxes long (and behind the scenes, it has eight conditional statements). This is going to be the longest in the game by a wide margin. I'm still considering making it a short story, though I don't know how accessible it would be to non-fans.



Let me guess at the nature of the new scene: Wendis choose-your-own-adventure sequence based around which girls you and your husband choose for your reintroduction to sexuality! Pick the right ones for maximum regained sanity! (Not really.)


Longest sex scene ever: Everyone, "Yeah yeah yeah!" Annikath somewhere fingers bleeding from drawing chapter one, "noooooo."


How your fingers haven't fallen off from writing this much, i will never understand, Sierra


If I added a CYOA element to a scene this expansive, that would be... a lot.


Yeah, this one is completely impossible to represent in a single image. I don't know how we'll handle it art-wise.


Haha, I do my finger exercises and pray I avoid carpal tunnel. But otherwise, I'm quite happy to be doing what I love!


That sounds awesome. Also i am not sure if this was mentioned in the bug reports, but after the end of Fucklord War, when you try to access Reserach by talking to Riala, the window simply closes without any further reaction.


She's probably missing a conditional branch to give her a new line for that. Unfortunately, right now I don't remember what that would need to be, but I'll try to get it figured out. Thanks for the report.