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Happy Spooktober, everybody! I'm mentally deep into the TLS update and don't want to distract myself, which is why it's nice to have things prepared. Here is a quick short story that you might find fun:


The story is not really Halloween themed, just a cosmic horror story. It is about a mother and her daughter who visit a strange inn, get a good rest, and go on to lead unremarkable lives. ^-^

This is basically just a one-off I wrote during a day when I wasn't going to get much else done. Though I could easily tell other stories in this world, I have no concrete plans to do so and this one isn't leading into anything bigger. I think it works well as a standalone story and I hope people like it, though.

Anyway, I'm going to plunge back into game development now. Back online sometime.



*Cracks whip* Bring on the goddess fucking! Damn, I think Yarra's starting to manifest in my subconscious.


Happy Halloween

Dmitry F

Nice short story, you had me wondering what the real cosmic horror was till the end. Quite enjoyable. Really reminds me of the game "Sunless Sea."


Glad you enjoyed it! I had fun with this one, but wasn't sure what people would be anticipating. I haven't played Sunless Sea and only know one person who does. They had some issues with the gameplay but said that it had a great atmosphere, and I do like worlds built around cosmic horror.


Neat story. You know, I keep wondering what would you come up with if you'd take on a challenge of realistic hard sci-fi. With your imagination, creativity and pretty interesting approach to drama I bet it would be quite something.


Glad you liked it. Out of curiosity, how hard are you talking? Say, on the Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness.

Runcible Technician

This was great, I love cosmic horror! I agree with Dark Art, you definitely have the chops to make sci fi. You have characters and descriptions at least as good as Alistair Reynold's in House of Suns, and you have characters a million times more engaging than any of Neal Ashers.


What a wholesome story, kid seemed like a brat but boy was I wrong :> Since the topic is apparently now you writing hard scifi, even though that story was I think typical Lovecraft Victorian tech, I can't help but wonder if you really have an interest in working with ideas on the fringes of our understanding to craft something educational or alien. Is Alonon's apathy towards the simplistic duality that rests at the heart of TLS informed by a desire of yours to craft something more fundamentally sophisticated? You may have already done something like that with TBS, I should get around to reading it at some point.


Read the story. Cute. Also it was pretty obvious what the twist would be, well not the exact nature "of too much teeth", but yeah, "completely ordinary girls" in horror settings are almost always anything but.


Haha, glad the story worked for you. Alonon's state of mind was planned from the beginning as an exploration of the idea that some people would find living in a NSFW Logic universe fundamentally unsatisfying. But yes, I like writing different things! TLS has been a very enjoyable way to explore various tropes, but I also hope to explore different ones. TBS is my effort to do epic fantasy, going into destiny and hero's journey tropes. Obviously it's different than TLS, so not everyone will like it, but I did my best. Overall I will likely write mostly fantasy, but I do enjoy various settings including SF.


Yeah, I figured some people would see the twist coming a mile away, so I tried to at least include some reread/reconsider value.


Kids these days: https://www.deviantart.com/nebezial/art/death-vigil-we-are-beautiful-on-the-ins-oh--454231404 To continue mixing references randomly, I guess there are indeed cases where having the daughter of Death as a nanny isn't as overkill as it sounds.


Interesting story. It seems like the setting would be interesting too, although very grim and dark if not grimdark. I did suspect the general nature of the twist, but it was still a fun read. Also, I see there was a new post about TBS, which Patreon didn't bother to notify me of. Wonder if I'm the only one.


I haven't read that! Stjepan Sejic does expressions with great personality, so I'd be curious what he might do with a premise along those lines.


Glad you liked the story, but Patreon. Patreon why. =/ I guess I'll send a notification about it the next time I have a meaningful update to that post.


I know you've mentioned, that this is oneshot and all that, but i think first meeting between Lintha and Arighnashk would be interesting to explore. And more backstory basically. How the world is at large, what happened exactly, why are there unspeakable horrors out there, Now you made me think about all that stuff. You're bad and you should feel bad. :p


I'd be happy to write more short stories about these characters and in this world, it's just that I don't have any plans to do so in the near future. I do have a bunch of ideas for setting and backstory, though, because I'm incapable of not wandering into such things. ^-^