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Hey, everyone. If you're a $5 patron, you know that the new Don't Save the Princess beta has gone live. It's stumbled a bit coming out of the gate due to some bugs that are apparently slippery and hard to replicate. More info on that in the future.

The good thing about delegation is that the ongoing work on DStP isn't really using much of my time or energy. Though there's a novel and short story incoming, those are finished, so the only major piece of work on my plate is TLS 0.47.0.

This is a bit of a curious update, because I've been thinking about its details for a long time. Many elements are as old as the party's first visit to Stineford. I underestimated how long the gameplay time would feel in between then and now, so some of the events may be a bit delayed, but some of those will finally happen. Other things have shifted, necessitating tweaks. Putting it all together should be fun, but right now I'm in the early stages of writing events and hoping I can make it all balance out.

That's all for now. Back next week!


Nathan Phoenix

Got a few major bugs so far (v3 10/16) First, game opens with the shop window instead of the main menu. Second purchasing upgrades for the lightning gun removes coins but does not change anything else on the menu (price does not increase, damage does not go up ec ec ec) same with "minigame" Third, once the lightning gun is charged up instead of firing, repeatedly pressing the space bar causes runman to fly into the air


Thanks for your reports! Those are pretty serious issues I never encountered, so I will have to pass them along and hope we can get them figured out.

Runcible Technician

Yeah, I had the same problems, shop window on open, shop window is superimposed over levels so that they are hard to see, lightning gun upgrades don't work, but that wasn't an issue for me because my lightning gun never charged up lol! It's a fun little game but there were a ton of technical issues. Can't wait to see the finished product.


On an unrelated note, I've just come up with a name for the unary incubus king shardholder from back before time out of mind: The "OG Lustlord".


Oh just the time I just finish replacing my laptop keyboard.