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Alright, new version of the game! You should have a message with the link


PLEASE NOTE: This release was sent via Patreon to people who pledged on

July 1st. If you pledged since then, you won't receive the message. If you

would like to pledge and get it right now, contact me via PM and we can make

alternate arrangements.

I have mixed feelings about this update. The plot developments turned out

just how I'd hoped, and I'm very happy with the character stuff in this

section, but not so sure about the combat balance. Some areas are fine, but one

is... more complicated. Let me explain.

I had an idea for a new mechanic would have been a really fun change of

pace, but the script I was trying to use failed me. I put some serious effort

into figuring it out with no success - this could be really time-consuming in

the end. Since literally everything else was completely ready, I decided to

redesign the dungeon around a different mechanic. Delaying the release for one

niggling problem wouldn't have felt right. I hope to fix the mechanic later,

but meanwhile let me know about the dungeon in this update since it didn't have

as much time for playtesting as the others.

In addition to that, there's a big battle sequence at the end that's

different than anything that's come before. I went back and forth about how

best to balance it, because I wanted to create the right feeling for the

section while providing a fun challenge of a slightly different sort. Not sure

if I struck the right balance or not, so let me know all your thoughts.

Once you've finished the update... you'll know that there's going to be a

poll for the $10 patrons. I won't put it up right away, let more people finish

the update first. I can't start work immediately, anyway, due to bug reports

and other business I have to take care of.

Anyway, enjoy! ^-^



Uh, Lee...It's saying something about a decryption key? Can't seem to find it. edit: nvm. wasn't copying the link right.


This is a problem with Mega when the link gets malformed somehow. Try copy-pasting the link instead of clicking first, then try a different browser. If I screwed up the links, I'll get every correct ones ASAP, but I'm guessing it's just Mega being weird. EDIT: I see you got it. ^^


It looks like both of the links in the message you sent out, or at least the version I got, lead to the RTP version of the download.


Looks to me like I carelessly switched the links around. They're the opposite of what they say. >.<


That was fun. I am intrigued by this wrench you have thrown at us and look forward to seeing how it plays out (and to seeing if Simon can flip the table). I did however notice a couple walkable walls in the castle: The decorations on either side of the entrance were passable as was much of the wall above the left, second floor staircase.


That's quite the wrench. I thought the way Carina was added was well executed. She accomplished something significant while willfully ignoring Simon's advice. I think it turned out better than if Simon had just swooped into to rescue her. First, one obvious bug. During Carina's scene, the screen where she mentions that the other priestesses said her body was built for other things repeats twice. I am curious how this is going to unfold. For one thing, both Aka and Carina are infected and can only go days without having sex with Simon. I'm not even sure Aka can make the trip to Yhilin in that time. I doubt they'll find another fragment bearer nice enough to fuck them without turning them into sex slaves. Even if Simon manages an alacritous escape, they are in different parties, so he can't attend to them both. While I have complete faith in your ability to handle this, my brain keeps going in circles trying to guess how this will work. Also, I hope Riala escapes or is released or rescued quickly. I've liked her from the first time I played, and I can't imagine being at the mercy of an displeased Incubus King would be good for her sanity. Let's hope she manages to get through it relatively unchanged. Finally, I assume the $10 voting comment will be to determine in which order you do the various split party segments. Yarra's group is going to the moot, Aka's group is going to Yhilin, and Megail's group is going to be consolidating resources in Ardoheim, right? Oh, one last thing: can the ancient succubine word for the Lust Lord be Kudshu and the ancient succubine word for succubi be Kedeshah?


Thanks for all the feedback. You'll get answers to many of those questions in time, hope they're all satisfying. You've got the right idea about the voting and the different groups, though Megail's is actually on a trip somewhere else. I confess that I have not actually made up much vocabulary for any succubus language, ancient or modern. I suppose it could be those, though I'm not sure where it would come in. I'm familiar with kedeshah, but not kudshu.


I liked the update. Was a little shorter than I thought it would be, but I could see how some of the programming would be difficult to get through at this stage if you wanted to take things in a different route. One thing that I did think of though while playing, I did want to have access to the other areas of the game before heading into the battle. Then I could have gotten some better gear for some of the newer characters coming in. Also with the Pron notes, are there only a limited amount of those. Trying to invest an yet have the merc army is a little troubling at least for me. Anyways great so far. Oh also, is there anyway to have the scripts from before come up as well. I like the new ones and all, but I would like to see the old ones whenever I could as well. Personally I did think that the ending of the new uptdate was a little fast paced, but I also don't know what you have planned for the future so it could still be awesome regardless. Keep up the good work and looking forward to the next one.

Secular Reason

There are several things that I noticed on previous updates but never mentioned. Titles. The titles for the various companions don't change when the values do. As is, there are certain points in the game where the script for checking the value and setting the title exist, but *only* in those certain points. Those scripts should be in place at any time there is potential for a value change. Otherwise you end up having the result I did. I'd had Simon's daughter high enough for "Eternal Daughter" for quite a while, but it didn't change until I'd come to the wasteland ruins. (I know since I checked the code. I was curious since it seemed that different people needed different values for their title changes so I wasn't sure if it was the value changing that did it, or events. Checking the code confirmed that it was a missing script.) I tend to "bug test" games by trying all kinds of options (many, many playthroughs) and sometimes looking into the code myself. At various early portions in the game it is possible to get affection values above 100, and they only seem to lock back down to the intended 100 maximum after a place where the script to change the title is placed. This is another reason why every place where affection can be changed should have a script to check for titles. This happens with other people as well if you focus on raising one person in particular and not on the happiness of the entire party as a whole. On an entirely different note, I'd always found it strange that Riala tells Simon where Altina is, but he doesn't even think of going to rescue her. He just continues along on his journey, abandoning her to be a fuckslave of the orcs until you happen to go back to Ardoheim (months?) later. This... doesn't seem in keeping with his personality of wanting to help everyone he can. Just a thought. Also, Megail should have another option added to her in the castle. It is weird that you can convert PRON to Sx, but not convert Sx to PRON. Since the options exist for many different types of investing, this would be a way to reward players who grind or horde their money, scraping by with weaker equipment. Since PRON is simply Sx in paper form, it is only logical anyway. Of course, then you'd need to put in the results of doing those 300k and 500k investments but still...


Glad you enjoyed it generally. ^^ Will try to answer your questions: 1) ProN is limited, yes. 2) Which scripts from before do you mean? If you mean sex scenes, yes, I hope to get that function into the game in time.


Titles: I may have missed some here, but I tried to make the titles update whenever you can actually see that title by normal means. This should work even if you're editing the game to get titles that aren't possible by normal rules and I don't think there are problematic glitches here, but tell me if anything breaks. Altina: I added more to show that Simon was thinking about her, but I'll shift the dialogue again to be clearer. Didn't want him to seem callous, just realistic. Sx to ProN: For balance reasons, I've decided this one won't be in the game, sorry. Will be adding some more lore to make this more justified, but the main reason is that I don't want people to feel like they'll be punished for buying anything.


I was going to say this over on Fenoxo's forums but then I erased the spoiler laden comments and decided to take it here instead. Especially now that most of the patreon players here probably already played the update. That said if you don't want this sorta spoiler just stop reading here. Don't worry its not so much about story as it is about gameplay though. . . . I really enjoyed the twist you threw in the combat with the sudden change in enemy tactics. A lot of players have probably been capitalizing upon the mp conserving nature of succubi in combat. Well the first part of this chapter kinda makes that tactic a dangerous move. You'll get your rear kicked royally if you put any lust based combatants into your team. If you put both of them in you're going to really be hurting if they use their lust lock abilities. Plus they have attacks that deal heavier damage to lust based combatants if you don't have the gear to protect against that. If you did use that protective gear you would have to lose out on the gear that boosts lust combat ability too. I generally use three supports in my party of 4 to fulfill the following roles. The roles are Rogue, Combat Succubus, and Mage. However, in this case I only did one fight and realized that I needed to change it to Rogue, Demolitions Expert (the bandit with the bombs of course xD), and Mage. I really try to balance my party with a variety of attacks so I can probe out enemy vulnerabilities. When I got to the orc part later on I brought Yarra back into the combat lineup. Her attacks had mixed effectiveness but she turns out to be a useful character that can hit the entire enemy lineup at once without burning up precious mp. This is extremely useful when you don't know how many battles you will be fighting in a combat scenario. I really enjoyed this update. I will say that I felt it ran a little shorter in play time when compared to the prior update. I can't complain though. Keep up the good work!


Glad you liked it! I do try to change things up to show off different sides of the world and hopefully make a fun gameplay experience. As things progress I intend to start using multiple tactical styles at once so you can use your party members' different strengths. Section length is going to vary, I'm afraid. It's partially a product of my free time and how much extra stuff I want to do, but it's mostly me trying to present the game in reasonably contained chunks. I figure if people are playing only month to month, I should give them a satisfying piece of the plot instead of a random section.


I'm enjoying the game as a whole. The plot is so well done that I specifically signed up to Pateron to support it. I -really- want to meet the girl with the single horn and the mask that was serving one of the Lustlords!


Thank you so much! And while you'll have to be a little patient to get her in the harem, you'll get a chance to meet her in a few updates!