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I've had an above-average week. I completed roughly X% of the update, reducing the expected time to completion by Y days, unless a future below average week increases it by Z days. Work continues.

Less generically, this update is proving to be very long. Long enough that I think I could justify breaking it into two full-sized updates, but right now I'm thinking of doing something different. The next update will be extra large in order to include all of the war calculations. That way those of you who create tools and walkthroughs can see the full scope of the war.

After that will come a smaller update covering the end of the chapter and the interlude scene. I don't want to bundle those with the big update because I'm already going to be pushing myself on this one. Hopefully that will be agreeable to everyone.

Meanwhile, I'll keep working! More info next week, other posts only if I ever tear myself away from the core work.



No need to schedule thingies algebraically on our account. Us obsessives will be happy with anything.


He's right! We are happy with whatever works for you.

Edward Culham

Yes, I do agree though think that might be better to split it up especially if it is quite large.


You do you Sierra. This is my first comment on a post of yours so I thought I'd slide this word of encouragement at you, I love this freaking game! I've spent ungodly amount of hours on it (just caught up to the latest update) and it looks like we still have a ways to go. I salute you because honestly I haven't enjoyed many games in the past couple of years (getting older and all that). Make sure to keep doing what makes you happy and inspired, it seems like everyone here is on your side.


You divide it up whichever way is easier / better for you Sierra.


I feel like this is the 4th week in a row that you report above average progress. That is pretty damn impressive Sierra. Im happy when i can stay focused for 3 days in a row


Having the war take 3 updates would be strange since 3AW was supposed to be the game's biggest war event, but I think avoiding burnout is probably more important than other considerations.

Secular Reason

Well, I've finally caught back up to your current position in the game and am back to waiting for updates instead of waiting for free time to play... I'll be glad to get the war finished, but as you know, I'll be even more glad to get into more of the Tower and other behind the scenes mindfuckery. I really want to pick your brain about the cosmology of your world, (more about "what would happen if this" or "is this even possible" than about what is revealed in the game so far, that's the easy stuff) but then I'd possibly be distracting from time you could be updating so... In other news, I'll be back to bug-testing stuff after this.

Coty Reubart

when is the next update coming out this friday or next month


Good. Get the war out of the way so we can get back to SEX POLITICS. Seriously though, looking forward to seeing how this war twists and turns. Especially because it will get us closer to opening up that final harem tab.


Great to hear from you! Glad to know that you've been enjoying the game. ^-^


I have been on a pretty good run lately. An above average week doesn't usually mean seven above average days, though - there are ebbs and flows within that.


While I think that war is still biggest in some ways, this one is growing larger than I'd originally planned in the execution.


This war will definitely advance Tower plotlines! I'm almost always open to answering questions about the world, but a space between releases might be the ideal time.


Not sure - that's kind of what's being discussed in these comments. Either sooner with less content or later with more content.

Andrey Kulikov

My main concern is the game's quality. If pushing yourself would mean less polished update and more mistakes then I think it's better to divide.


I try to never push if it would mean a serious quality issue like constructing a scenario wrong. Polish and bugs comes down to just how intensive this cycle has become. Reducing those substantially would require delays that I don't think anyone wants.


Completely off topic since I'm happy whether or not we get it sooner and less content or later and more, but how's Once Ever After going? I remember that it was kind of barebones last release? At least, I think you called it a .2 release.


It was 0.2 because it was the second release, not as a measure of content. Players reported 10-15 hours of gameplay. Some of the content is rough (all maps are placeholders, for example) but it included the whole primary cycle of the story and many finished scenes. As for how it's going, I'm not actively putting any time into it beyond commissioning art from Cres and custom sprites/tiles from other people.

Jan Dietrich

Looking forward, now that i have more time for gaming i'm really excited how the war unfolds :)


I think it would be nice to be able to see the end of the war just so that I can roughly gauge how I'm doing. This is the first time I've done one of these calculation-heavy events without relying on a walkthrough, so it will be nice to get to the end and make sure I didn't completely screw anything up with the first set of choices. I'm in favor of the war-interlude split.