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Well, I got the build unexpectedly early, so... we're doing this now, I guess. This is a new version of Don't Save the Princess for everyone to try out before we show it publicly.

PC: https://mega.nz/#!O4NHiCRT!6R0k0aniuS4WsKeu7dP_0N6T9BgIsvyJvWwqGykPieo 

Mac: https://mega.nz/#!r98y2KZY!XMMvpBlq43fCS7aL5xIGzT_yfvlmBM_fp_hcIoCNboo 

I forget the condition of the game the last time I showed it, but this one has almost entirely removed placeholders, added in the sex scenes, made many improvements, and added an Endless Mode. It should be a much smoother and more polished experience.

Having said that, I decided to keep working on TLS instead of playtesting this most recent build. It's probably fine, but if there are weird issues that crept in at the last minute... please report them, I guess.

I'm looking for three kinds of feedback:

1) General reactions to story/concept/gameplay.

2) Reports of specific acute problems, like game-breaking bugs or issues that could be improved with tweaking.

3) Thoughts on broader issues that could fundamentally change the game. We're not going to alter the core coding of the game before the public release, but the whole purpose of this demo launch is to see how people feel about the core gameplay loop and iterate to make it more fun wherever necessary. There are more notes about this in the game.

Anyway, that's all for now! I hope people enjoy this little side project. ^-^


Hell Satan

Oh so this was posted on the 15 I was busy with work ill check it when I get home.


Sorry for the long delay in reviewing, life has been busy in a lot of ways. Have to say for my part I'm not sure the game is for me. It's not bad in the early levels but around later level one I found myself having to grind repeatedly to get enough shop upgrades to make it and for me, there isn't enough beyond the tension of trying to get everything exactly right. That I think is the biggest reason I am not the target audience, for me I spent too much time being tense and worrying about getting everything right. The dialogue is fun and the mario tropes it pokes at make me laugh, but there wasn't a lot of it compared to how many times we had to grind and so the stress and minor frustrations built up for me. However I recognize art is expensive and time consuming so having art after each level or even ones that repeat for the losses would probably be more hassle than help. Maybe a scaling series of scenes where the princess and her 'captor' get close and closer to sealing the deal before getting interrupted would help sustain motivation? That ties into one thing I wasn't clear about and should have asked beforehand...but each time the player succeeds in stopping runman in a sublevel...is this all just one long area he's running in chopped up into sections or are these distinct areas that he fails to get through and returns home after failing? With the super mario way of dividing things, the level sections were a series but also separate. to try to clarify, are the levels ------------------------- or - - - - - - in terms of how they connect to each other with each of the sex scenes/rescue attempts. That being said, I did find the shop upgrades very useful in making a difference and the better I timed things/played the more I was able to buy and it would snowball...right up until Runman started getting powerups too. The random nature of the defenses and the runman powerups sometimes made it very hard to win or even combo at times, especially if the star powerup happens *juuust before* the defenses, and thus the level is pretty much lost unless one gets *veeerry* lucky with defense placement and combo. My question is, are we not supposed to worry about losing/having to do it over and thus the random nature of the defenses/powerups is to keep things from getting monotonous or tedious...or is it still being tweaked into how they show up. I saw above others commenting on how fast Runman reaches top speed and I have to agree, it gets maxed withing a 5th or 6th of the map and after that the level becomes a frenetic hussle to try to remotely slow him down or combo at the right times. The sex scenes were good, simple and quick, but honestly, they're all the better for it because after all the work to get to them, we the player can *feeel* the princess's release of stress at finally getting some nookie :P In summation: It has some balancing/smoothing out to go, but the premise, the mechanics, the story and the pron, they all are good and I would be happy to try it out again or play the finished product. Cause even if I'm not the target audience, it's a good game to play if you just want to get an adrenaline rush without too much drama :P


Hey, belated feedback is still feedback! And even if the game wasn't your type, it can help to get an outside perspective. >With the super mario way of dividing things, the level sections were a series but also separate. I definitely had in mind the levels representing a Mario sequence. >My question is, are we not supposed to worry about losing/having to do it over and thus the random nature of the defenses/powerups is to keep things from getting monotonous or tedious...or is it still being tweaked into how they show up. While this system will likely change before the next version, I tried to keep the levels short so that losing is not a big deal. >In summation: It has some balancing/smoothing out to go, but the premise, the mechanics, the story and the pron, they all are good and I would be happy to try it out again or play the finished product. Cause even if I'm not the target audience, it's a good game to play if you just want to get an adrenaline rush without too much drama :P Glad to hear it!