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Whew... this week was a busy one! Released the NGM audiobook, started publishing a serialized novel, and finally launched TLS on Steam. Doing this much stuff usually disrupts creative work, so I tried something different this time by editing between those tasks. It seemed to work well.

The story on RoyalRoad is off to a better start than I had expected. Conventional wisdom is that it's hard to get much attention before your first month, but it's getting some traction. The "top rated" category is basically just a popularity contest, but the story actually hit #680 already. I'll post according to schedule and mention it again in a month - that's when a surge could first put the story up on trending lists.

The image for this post is another two characters from Street Cultivation. Neither of whom has been officially introduced yet, but enjoy the preview. I have six images total for this story and from this artist, who was pretty nice to work with overall.

Of course, the biggest development is finally getting TLS on Steam! There was some weirdness with not being in Early Access that required contacting Valve directly, but for once they didn't hassle me. Just today I got that changed.

Anyway, we're up to 32 reviews already! If we can hit 50, that unlocks the "Very Positive" ranking, which will help the game a bit. Thanks so much for everyone's support!




Perhaps on RoyalRoad it helps to have a preexisting fanbase giving you favorites and such from the first. Quite the hips on left girl who I assume is Rick's previously mentioned sister. Overall can't say I'm feeling this artist as much as some other commenters. <a href="https://thelastsovereign.fandom.com/wiki/File:Nuanced_titfucking.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://thelastsovereign.fandom.com/wiki/File:Nuanced_titfucking.png</a> I'm surprised this wasn't one of your screenshots for the Steam page, as I've always felt it was a pretty good one-line summary of part of the game's appeal. Also the Arclent map, just so you can be like "look at me I have fancy custom graphical assets like a map!"


Yeah, it's true that my initial rating isn't really "fair" compared to the average story starting out. There seems to be some organic interest as well, though. I welcome all feedback on this artist! I'm biased in favor of the guy just because his communication is good and he's fast - I contacted three artists at the same time and he finished six pictures before the other two artists even got me the first sketch. Art quality is what matters in the end, though. (And yeah, the one on the left is Rick's sister.) The Arclent map was actually a screenshot before, but Valve rejected it under their kneejerk "No prepared images, only screenshots" policy. Probably harmless to add it now, though. The other one... I don't remember my exact thinking, other than perhaps worrying it might attract the wrong kind of attention, but it might be nice to add now.


I'll note that the one negative reviewer got through exactly the first sex scene before declaring it a depiction of a war/sex crime and giving up. That's what subtle satire gets you, I guess. I'm kind of skeptical of the whole "trigger warning"/"disclaimer" scene, but there might need to be some hint that the first bit of the game is not to be taken as condoning Kai's behavior.


I'm open to (reluctantly) adding something along these lines, but I struggle to come up with anything that doesn't feel anvilicious to me.


<a href="https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198276433231/recommended/951830/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198276433231/recommended/951830/</a> That guy got more or less soft-bullied into changing his review from negative to positive though. Leaves a bit of a weird aftertaste for me, especially as I think his complaints aren't completely insubstantial. I refrained from replying there to not reignite the flame, but I wanna say here that I've lately felt knowledge of the hidden stats becoming more vital to making meaningful choices. Or rather, while at first those hidden stats were a means to reflect the impact of our decisions on the world, that relation lately sometimes feels reversed to me, having to check the stats first to know what I'm actually choosing between. Just playing and seeing where it gets you still works fine in terms of balance and such, but it sometimes may feel more like being the reader of one of those old interactive adventure stories with 'if you choose a, go to page x, otherwise go to page y', and less like actually playing a game. Which is my major preconception about visual novels btw, and why I tend to dislike them. That's only my opinion of course and I may be wrong, but I thought it might be worth sharing. EDIT: This was meant to be a comment to the chain above, but I guess it's fine as a topic of its own. EDIT2: I still love this game with all my heart, that should be out of question I hope. ^^


Oh, so that's what happened. I thought the numbers changed in a weird way once, but assumed my memory was faulty. I do hope the guy didn't feel pressured to change it. Not sure if I should say something to make it clear that criticism is fine. It would be rather belated, however. Regarding your primary criticism, it's a complex issue. My intended goal with the game is for past decisions to have a significant impact on future choices, instead of a string of unrelated decisions. If they produce a sense of invalidating the later decisions, however, that isn't what I want. My hope has always been that playing blind you feel like you're making a significant difference (even if you aren't in control of the exact consequences), but that playing as a hardcore minmaxer is challenging and strictly optional. &gt;EDIT2: I still love this game with all my heart, that should be out of question I hope. ^^ I appreciate you saying it.


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