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New TLS update, just the tweaks and errors we discussed:

Bigger news is that I finally got an alternate account for those who have requested it. I'm not sure how to contact the backers who left Patreon, but here is my referral link if you want to support me elsewhere:

Following up on the $10 thread, what do people think of "Aura Accounting" as a title?  Maybe not 100% accurate, but I think combined with the cover it gets at the dichotomy while being a little intriguing. Let me know if I'm missing a bad reading or it otherwise doesn't work, though.

Anyway, weekly update on Sunday. Lots of stuff happening!



I'm not sure the boredom of accounting is a good thing to evoke in your title for an action-filled kung wuxia hustle.


I like it, but what exactly is "accounting" meant to portray? I think it is so unassuming people's interest will be piqued, but it may not have as much impact and staying power in people's minds.


Well, I'm relying on the cover and genre for people to assume it isn't REALLY about accounting. Another effort to capture a dichotomy in the title, anyway.


It's meant to convey the modernity aspect of the story, creating a contrast with genre expectations.


The Subscribestar link doesn't go to your page


That is my signup link - in theory if you sign up using it, I get a larger percentage of your support. But here's my actual page link: <a href="https://www.subscribestar.com/sierralee" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.subscribestar.com/sierralee</a>


Would it possible to support you for $5 here and $5 on Subscribestar and get the $10 tier rewards/posts on both? Or if I want to use one or the other, which one is your primary focus/gets posts first?


I still intend to use primarily Patreon, this is just to provide another option for those who don't want to use it period (and it wouldn't hurt to have a backup if the worst happens). SubscribeStar won't get anything Patreon doesn't get and there'd be no reason to split your support.


I get bad vibes from subscribestar. Probably be fine but maybe try to avoid leaning in too heavily whilst it's still untested


To be fair, Patreon's giving off some bad vibes lately too.


"Following up on the $10 thread, what do people think of "Aura Accounting" as a title?" Sigh. Alright you got me. That was enough of a tease to finally get me to update to the $10 tier. Been considering it for a bit and I can't resist getting writing updates sooner. I like the title by the way


Ah, I wasn't trying to tease, I was just in a hurry and wanted to ask people about the name. ^-^' Definitely take a look at the cover to go along with the title, though! And if you have thoughts about the writing things I posted there, I'd welcome them!


Are any of the fixes or tweaks in 41.4 for something gamebreaking? Last month I let me data cap go over and well, if it's not necessary I'd rather avoid.

Quiet Stranger

I still really like "Debts Written in Qi" as an eye-popping name that explains what the book is about, even if there isn't a single reference to ch'i in the book itself. Are there any mystical terms that do make an appearance? Martial arts? Dragons? Philosophical traditions? Small gods of the city? Demons? Going to throw a bucket of paint on the canvas, here, see where the splatters land. "Traffic, Taxes, and [[Key Eastern Fantasy Concept]]" "The Eightfold City" "Taxes and Chakras" "Spirit World Credit Union" "Dragon of the Board Room" "White Collar Xiákè" "Concrete Cherry Blossoms" You know, I quite like some of these, despite myself. But perhaps I can pose a more cogent suggestion once I've read our Patreon issue.


There's nothing gamebreaking, no. If you care about exact balance, you'll want to replay the synod at some point in the future. If you care about content, no new scenes/events have been added since 0.41.3.


The core qi-equivalent in the book is given a unique name, but the book also uses aura, ether, and demons. Martial arts are a central thing, yeah. &gt;"Traffic, Taxes, and [[Key Eastern Fantasy Concept]]" Haha, my brain's first reaction was "Traffic, Taxes, and Tort Reform" - wrap it up, everybody, we have our catchy title! &gt;"The Eightfold City" I like that title a lot, but I don't think the book can back it up. &gt;"Spirit World Credit Union" "Dragon of the Board Room" Ooh, both of these have real potential, but unfortunately the book doesn't include either element prominently enough. They definitely nail the balance I was thinking of, though. &gt;"Concrete Cherry Blossoms" I like this one especially, and it's very evocative, but in this case it's the eastern side that isn't represented. I could add a bunch of cherry blossoms, I guess, but hmm.


I've had an interaction with Subscribestar when I followed another game creator on it and they always did a fabulous job. Subscribestar, and the game creator both:). They were never shady, everything was smooth, until, one day, adult content was threatened to be taken out. Why? Because of Paypal. This is your real culprit, from what I understand. They control so much of the online transaction world, even if it is paid via credit card or bank account or whatever, and they are the ones who put the screws to these platforms. There aren't really any other viable choices other than some bitcoin ones. I haven't checked in with Subscribestar since I left and maybe they've gone full bitcoin, but if they are still relying on Paypal as Patreon is, then expect more turbulence ahead. I think Paypal may be doing shit for political cover (surely they realize how much money porn makes online) but I dunno. I may have heard some internet bullshit, though and could be wrong.


While it's impossible to say for sure, everything I've seen supports the general idea that payment processors are the ultimate issue, as you said. Not just PayPal, but credit card companies as well. In any case, for me SubscribeStar is less about the fallback and more about those who don't want to use Patreon.

Hell Satan

Welp when I finally get the time I'm leaving patreon.


Just retested in 0.41.4: Cockwhore Altina already has her dildo, but is still standing in Premium Steel telling me how to create it


Ah, there's actually an additional complicating factor here: if you created Altina's wand in one of the earliest versions where that was possible, the switch that you'd done it wasn't flipped. Checking again, I am 90% sure that anyone replaying from before that section won't have the bug.


Hey Sierra, glad you got the SubscribeStar set up. I've set up a pledge for you over there, and I'm going to drop the Patreon one.


So, no additions to the Kerannii deal conversation? That makes me a bit sad, as I feel really strongly about this. Then again, I seem to be the only one, so I guess it will be alright. Still... ^^ Anyways, looking forward to replaying the Synod in its final glory, thanks for your work as always!


Thoughts on 0.41.4. <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NpPLGdifoonNgDahk3dkfR2Gu7Zhgjov80yZRL0-jb0/edit" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NpPLGdifoonNgDahk3dkfR2Gu7Zhgjov80yZRL0-jb0/edit</a> Did the Neutral outcome on the Unification Vote get scrapped?


Thanks for your detailed thoughts! Oh, dang, I forgot Sarai's books. They're sitting there ready and everything. =/ I've added the switch to the event where she joins, but you can also get them after the fact by using her Chat option. Good call on updating minor characters in the courtyard, too. &gt;Did the Neutral outcome on the Unification Vote get scrapped? The breaking point is -2, but that means you need to get -3 for the neutral result. Sorry if that was unclear. &gt;Foreign Succubus is neat, do we miss anything by not speaking to her during the Gathering? No, she's purely flavor. &gt;When we step outside with Sarai to discuss the Purity standard vote the music changes, Not technically a bug but caused by transferring outside to speak with Sarai. Minor issue, but somewhat jarring. Hmm, I don't think anything can be done about this, given how the music works. &gt;Food seems offset quite a bit during Simon / Elleani picnic, not sure if intentional or not. Intentional. I was thinking they have it off to the side instead of between them (also, I didn't want Elleani to move on top of it).

Secular Reason

Hey Sierra, found a slight bug. In the game files, under Chapter Two, on the Camp page? Robin is the only character who doesn't have the "Call common event Robin Affection" for her. All the other characters have their common event being called. Might be intentional, but since she's the only one...


Little off topic but after a years of supporting you I got to stop supporting due to my income changing apologies for this but I will ty to make comments on these free posts.


it's the right place/post? i hope so. a ultra minor tidbit. in the unpeople vote (main chamber, third row, first column, ID:20) if you don't make a deal with esmera [2999] you are hit with a esmera score -1 even if simon argue for new unpeople in vote itself.


No need to apologize, please take care of yourself! I appreciate all your support over the years and will keep making more TLS for you. ^-^


Just Subscribed to you on SubscribeStar, Good To Know That I can Support You Without Patreon Getting a Dime. Just Make Sure To Mirror All your posts There as Well.


Hey, Sierra, in Tak'kan there's that imp at the Bloody Spire who asks you to find poison extracts. But the orc at the Wilds doesn't want you to kill the monsters there - is there no other way to solve this quest than to take out just the three packs the plague bats are hiding in?


Thanks for the support! Your request to mirror all posts is an understandable one, but I don't know if I'll be able to manage that. I intend to give out all the main rewards on SubscribeStar, but doubling a lot of my non-creative work doesn't sound fun.


Pointless note on the Gawnfall map now that I'm replaying the "final" version of the Synod. I like the people loitering around outside the walls. No idea which version added them though.


I think I added them just last version, but yeah, they're there to add atmosphere. Glad they were appreciated.


Not sure why but the comment on the blog doesn't seem to work so I figured I'll ask here: Will there be any benefit/downside in the future for not supporting both priestesses in the synod? (talking about Kerannii/Esmera


Not sure what would be the issue with the blog - I didn't notice anything, anyway. As for your question: yes, there could be future consequences based on your synod decisions.


I actually don't see any notification at all from my blog, so that comment may have gotten eaten. Regardless, I don't accept physical goods. But if you made fanart, can you upload it to a site and post the link?