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I feel like every single update this month could end up sounding like "There's too much going on at once, but I'm finishing a lot of things" - it's true, but it'd make for bland updates. This week I'll focus on just one thing that turned the corner in terms of being finished.

(First, a quick TLS update: I made some more progress, but not as much as I'd hoped because of some things that came up.)

You know how I've been talking about stress-writing a novel? Well, the core of the work is done. To be clear, this is a traditional epic fantasy novel, not NSFW or something connected with my other work. I'm not sure what I'll do with it, but it's satisfying to have finished (and if you're not interested, you can rest assured that my time investment in it is mostly done).

The book I've written is about 288,000 words. For reference, the "average" novel length is 100k words. To give some other points of reference: the first Harry Potter is 77k, The Fellowship of the Ring is 187k, Gardens of the Moon is 209k, A Game of Thrones is 284k, The Eye of the World is 305k, and The Way of Kings is 387k. So you can see my book is firmly in "big fantasy novel" territory. A physical copy would probably be about 720 pages.

Not sure what to say about it right now, since I hate synopses. The WIP title is "The Brightest Shadow." It has some thematic similarities to TLS, enough that I worry a bit about it. When I began planning TLS, in choosing the story's themes, I had to walk away from others. This story picks up some of the ideas I abandoned and tries to flesh them out in a completely different direction.

Let me try to describe it in a casual way for you guys instead of book cover PR language:

 - Where TLS uses the idea of a "chosen hero" as comedy, the novel approaches it as cosmic horror.

 - It's a story about a conflict between "humans" and "Deathspawn." Naturally the Deathspawn are pure evil and there are no shades of gray whatsoever, nosiree.

 - It's heavy on action with a wuxia-inspired magic system. It's fully secondary world, not historical fantasy, but with a clear eastern influence.

Maybe that gives you a feel for it? I tried, anyway.

I want to give patrons a chance to read the novel and give feedback on it, but I'm not sure how I want to do that. I worry that dropping so much text on people would be unwelcome. The book is divided into five parts, so I considered releasing those one at a time. Partially because that might be more digestible, partially because I like seeing people's feedback throughout a work instead of just at the end. The main disadvantage is that it would delay the release and polishing of the book for a long time. I'm not at all sure how to do this, so opinions are welcome.

How many people here would be interested in reading? I am looking for people who:

1) Have the time/interest to read that much text and provide feedback.

2) Ideally enjoy the epic fantasy genre.

Please do sound off if you're interested! If you're not, that's fine. I don't know whether this will end up being a one-off experiment, but I think writing it was very healthy for me. Thanks again to everyone for their support.

Other stuff is still in the works, of course. Crimson Gray 1.5 seems to be in good shape, it's just a question of when I want to invest the time for a proper launch. Right now I'm thinking early October, ideally after a TLS release. Other stuff is coming along as well and might get a focused post in the future.



i want to read your novel


Wheel of Time? So many good memories....until the third book. Sigh. The best ones always die too early. RIP


I'm very interested in epic fantasy and have been a beta/proofreader for published work. Also I just realized last night that I've spent $300 on kindle books this year to date and oh god I need to spend less on reading, so having a brick to go through that I don't need to buy sounds excellent >_>


Well out of the 6 books you named, I like 4 of them, and the only one I hate is George RR "kill all the characters I like" Martin. I'll give your book a whirl.


push through the 3rd book, man, really they get better, and Brandon Sanderson from Way of Kings, Mistborn, writes the last 3 from Jordan's notes.


Realy glad you're delving into non-NSFW! One thing I dislike about your works is that I can't really discuss them with friends and family. Sadly, I don't have much time for traditional reading and mostly listen to audiobooks nowadays, so I guess all I can do for now is wish you best of luck and hope you hit it big so I'll get your novel as audiobook at some point. :)


I'd be interested and should be able to find the time. In terms of getting feedback, I think you'd be better off going with it one volume at a time, since a single batch of feedback on 288k words would be a mini novella itself. I'm not sure how well it transfers from software development to literature, but I would still subscribe to the view that it's better to iterate quickly and incorporate feedback across multiple cycles. If it's 50% longer than The Fellowship, then I definitely think it'd be worth splitting into multiple volumes in the long term at least. A lot of people would find that size daunting as a single piece, but would lap it up as a trilogy or series. LOTR is technically six books in three volumes, for instance, which makes it a lot more digestable. Five volumes would make each volume a bit shorter than The Philosopher's Stone, so there's a couple of ways you could go there. Five books would almost be like episodic content, which could be an interesting experiment. It'd work well with patrons, but I don't know about how a traditional publisher would take it. I guess a smaller number of volumes would depend on how big each section is, and whether there's a logical way to group them - you could make it a trilogy if the last of the five parts is bigger than the others, for instance.


I can't wait to read your book, but I don't think I have the time to be a proper beta reader. If by some weird chance, you don't get enough beta readers, I am willing to give it a try.

Jens Mikli

I used to *inhale* fantasy epics like this on regular basis and what you're describing was a weekends distraction. The first stormlight book was the last one I really enjoyed though I'm not sure why. TLS is doing more for me than the sequels.


About the book. Have you thought about using text to speech? Personally, I use Dspeech with microsoft David when I want to "read" something but don't have the time or I am to busy. It is free and a TTS release would be more digestible.


I won't mind readig the book.


Good to hear! I try to get my books in decent shape before I show them to anyone, but I've made thousand of edits so I'm sure it needs a lot of proofreading. XP I'm a really heavy library-user myself. If I purchased all the books I read, it would be a significant item in my budget.


I would happily read the whole thing at once. It's sound really interesting!


For the record, the books I listed weren't necessarily endorsements. I'm not really aiming for a grimdark tone like GRRM, but no promises about character deaths...


My plan is for patrons here to get access to my SFW material, but they'd be under a different name, so yes, you that might work out. ^-^ But I'm afraid an audiobook is probably quite some ways down the line.


Yeah, see, I have mixed feelings about how to divide things. The parts are definite logical groupings and most have their own rising/falling action and climax, but I still feel like the whole book is the logical unit I want to use to introduce this story. (Yeah, sorry for not mentioning that this is a hypothetical series. XP) Some of the individual parts don't necessarily stand alone well, or would be depressing on their own. It might work acceptably if viewed as episodic content, though. There are also six sections that stand outside the main parts. There are four interludes that I'm not sure how I would divide out. Also an epilogue that I REALLY want as part of the overall experience. Anyway, hope that doesn't come across as shooting down your idea, just giving some of my thoughts on the subject.


Count me in. If you're concerned about time, you could release all 5 parts at once and ask your patrons to consolidate their feedback after each part before continuing. You would rely on their willingness to adhere to this request, but patrons that don't start following the release right away would also be aware of it.


Good, I definitely want feedback from heavy fantasy readers. Personally I thought the first Stormlight was the freshest in terms of the worldbuilding and some other elements, but I'm hoping the series will pick up steam in the usual Sanderson fashion.


If this is to me: hmm, I honestly haven't considered that. I am personally not inclined toward audiobooks but I'm happy to pursue this sort of thing if it is something people want.


This isn't something I can commit too, and I really can't give intelligent advice on how to proceed in finding an audience. I've blown past several self-imposed deadlines on my own (non-fiction) writing project, which is somewhere between 100,000 and 500,000 words in 300-500ish pages (there are several files and it's in a markup language, so I don't actually know). And I'm now once again realizing that I have absolutely no coherent plan on how to get anyone who actually needs the information contained in it to READ the intercoursing thing. So I'm futzing around with footnotes and references on something that's basically complete to delay what I subconsciously believe is the inevitable demonstration that all that work was an exercise in futility. TL;DR, I'm in no position to help proof and vet someone else's opus, because my own is in even worse shape, and this state of affairs demonstrates any advice I have to give would be counter-productive. OTOH, SL, you can at least derive some satisfaction from knowing there are writers worse off than you.


Hey, anybody reading the comments who is interested: do you have preferences for a format to distribute the novel? My inclination is to use PDFs because a Word document feels tacky to me, but I've been told that some other people feel otherwise.


I'd love to read another fantasy epic. I've read most of the books you listed, and many others besides. Have you considered posting chapters on a place like Royalroad where expectations of writing/draft quality are a bit lower? If you're upfront about looking for editing /discussion, it can be a fun venue. Plenty of RRL authors have gone on to publish their works.


Epub/Mobi are best for e-readers, but if you have a word doc, that may be the most convertible format. Upload to Google docs maybe?


I would be insanely down to read a novel like that! The format of distribution could be PDF or epub, but I'm fine with any format the novel comes out in!


call me intrigue, always been a fan of fantasy and lover of books ; ). So I'am volunteering to read and give my opinion. I am interested in the world you create and that it has thematic similar to TLS isn't anything against but makes me more interested due to that TLS subvert my expectations that I thought it would be just a RPGmaker adult eroge just having story because it must for the rpg themes. But instead is a full fleshed story with characters with personalities and growth making it truly a game.


Send it my way, Sierra; I blow through heavy fantasy pretty much constantly (and quickly - 100k is like a afternoon read for me =P ) Wuxia-themed? Love it already. :P Honestly, a pretty great birthday present, hahaha! Happy to beta it, too. In terms of release - if it's along wuxia lines, wuxia novels tend to release in terms of volumes; every chapter is around 3-5k words, and chapters range between 16-100 per volume. Then again, that's more of an Eastern "light novel" style, based on arcs rather than on acts...although arguably acts and arcs have little difference in some structures. For delineation, and because of the Taoist symbolism, a lot of wuxia novels tend to have stillness sections either at the beginning/end, or in the middle of a volume every now and then. Format-wise, something mobile-accessible would be quite nice, so... .html? Epub? Otherwise, pdf is fine.


That's fine, I don't expect everyone to want to give feedback on something like this. Best of luck with your own project!

Lord Forte

I'd be up for reading it. Can't promise exactly how soon, since I read less than I used to, but when I actually get into such things I can easily read a novel of that size in a day or two. Personally. I'd prefer a single bloc of time because it takes me a certain frame of mind to feel like reading and having to get into it multiple times would make it less likely to get done. but I could probably manage either way. Pdf or .doc is fine, as long as it's not e-reader only as I don't have one of those. Looking forward to reading when you get it out, especially since the themes sound rather intriguing.


I've considered sites that aim for more episodic releases, though if it isn't arrogant to say, I'm trying to keep my standards high.


Thank you very much! While this will have a different tone than TLS, I'm certainly aiming to hit many similar notes and I tried my best on all the elements you mentioned.


Thanks for your interest! I should say that I do mean wuxia-INSPIRED - I think people expecting a xianxia-style story would be disappointed.


Glad you're interested, and thanks for your thoughts on the various questions! For the record, there are some pretty convenient ways to read ebooks on a desktop. I've definitely used them heavily in the past.


That description reminds me of Nier, kind of. Don't have the time for reading it, though - time is at a premium atm for me.


Volunteering to read. I read at 1kwpm, and while not a GOOD grammar nazi, I do tend to pickup on grammar issues. My favorite writer is currently banned on amazon so I've had a dearth of reading. It gets boring watching the loading bar on PCs progress >.


My wife and I both love science fiction and fantasy and would be willing to edit or review for you. That being said, I enjoy your writing style and will happily buy the book anyway when it comes out, so you may want someone more unbiased. These days I don't do a lot of reading due to lack of time, but would be able to commit about an hour a day to it on the subway. I am pretty good with grammar but tend towards wordiness in my own writing.


If you have it broken up into five chunks and want per-chunk feedback, just release all five and ask for feedback that way. You'll probably get a decent number of folks that review each piece individually. Your stuff tends to make you pause and think, and when people are in a thoughtful mood a review is a small ask because they want to talk about what they just read anyway.


I would be happy to read the whole thing should you choose to release it.


If you're still looking for beta-readers (although you seem to have a ton already), I'm a big epic fantasy fan and would love to check it out. EDIT: Epub format would work best, reading it on my e-reader would make life a lot easier


Unbiased and critical reactions are useful, but honestly, all reactions are helpful. I'm not sure when I'd be sending the novel, but feel free to share with your wife if she's interested!


Yeah, that's a valid way to go about things. I'll definitely consider it.


Yeah, the reaction has really surpassed my expectations! I'm not sure how I'm going to choose or when I'd be releasing it, but thanks for volunteering.


"Sierra Lee", the next Katharine Kerr.


I'd certainly be interested...


Long time follower, first time commentor. I would love to read your novel, and if it ever gets published would buy a copy. If you are not going to publish it there are sites like royalroad.com where you can post it online for the world to read.


I have the interest and time, but have a tendency to trail off often, so I would not be able to say that I would be able to get you feedback quickly or not. But I like the premise that you mentioned.


There's a pretty good app called Burning Slug that is excellent for self-publishing e-books. The free edition will probably do what you need. <a href="https://burningslug.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://burningslug.com/</a>


Hi, thanks for your comment and for your interest! I intend to aim for publishing first, but I'll definitely do something with it in the end!


Thanks for your interest and volunteering, not to mention the honest evaluation of yourself. I'll keep you in mind!


I would be interested in reading it and responding with feedback! Haha, when you said you were stress-writing a book and you had the core of it done I thought "Ah, cool. So the framework is in place and it's going well" and then you say it's 288k words and ready for feedback and my reaction was O_O. You always amaze me with how much you put into your work/hobbies. Color me impressed!


Oh, I definitely consider this my career and I try to put all my energy into it! Anyway, thank you for your interest. ^-^


Sounds interesting and I am always looking for more stuff to read so consider this me sounding off. It would be amazing to someday be able to enjoy it in an audio book format but I imagine that would be a long ways down the line.

Edward Culham

love to read your novel, pdf is what I think is best. Just cause then nothing gets changed by accident due to formatting different word documtents


Thanks for your interest! Yes, it'll be quite some time before we think about an audiobook, but maybe one day.


I'd be interested in reading it, preferably in a common eBook format, but I don't have a lot of experience with wuxia stuff. One thing jumps out at me here - this name "Deathspawn". Now I have to ask: Are you aware of Dragon Age, and are you trying to seem like you're ripping them off? Because that's what I'd think is going on if I read this on a book jacket.


Thanks for your interest! This idea actually predates Dragon Age, and in the original plans they were called Darkspawn. DX I'm very open to changing it, but I haven't thought of anything that communicates the same concept and isn't terrible. I'd keep the name off the book jacket and query letter for that reason, though.


I would be very interested in reading it, preferably in Epub or Mobi format and just one file. (not split into five)

Issac Dyne

I love fantasy stuff, I'm open to whatever method is easiest for you. The wuxia part definitely has me intrigued

EG Douglas

I am very much interested in reading, though I'd like specific guidelines on what type of feedback you'd be wanting so I don't overstep and inadvertently offend.

Anonymous Profile

The setting sounds really interesting, but I can't provide feedback in a timely manner. I'm interested in the final product though!

Quiet Stranger

That's a reasonably normal length. I can handle it. Although I prefer physical books for extended reading, I would be happy to sit down with an electronic copy of yours. Even if my opinions would not be useful, I'd like a copy anyway; I genuinely want to read "the Brightest Shadow." Since you want progressive feedback, it would be best to file remarks after each chapter. Perhaps in an online notepad that you can review as convenient. It could also be productive to place your novel in a single, shared document—using Google web services—to foment discussion between readers. I would enjoy making liberal use of the comment function. However, it may not be easy for you to digest the noise which comes with that format. Although I echo skepticism for "deathspawn" as a racial epithet, I'm sure it'll be more palatable once I have context on why they are called this and how these monsters view themselves.


I would love to read more of your work, though I currently can't promise much in the way of feedback in a timely fashion.


I would be interested in reading it but I'm pretty swamped. I won't be able to give any feedback for a long time.


Wow. 288k words? Didn't you start writing, like, a month ago? o.O I honestly can't say how long I'd need to read it all, since we're understaffed at work recently and my work schedule seems to be changing on a daily basis. At best, I'd binge it up over a well-timed weekend, at the very worst, i might not find the peace and quiet for a single reading session in the next 6 to 8 weeks. I'd love to try though. Please please please? ^^ I'd prefer to get all the content at once, just so I can read as much as possible when I find the time. And if I'm invested in a story, more pages to look forward to are only a plus. You still might put each of the five parts in their own text file, to give a more physical reminder of the book's structure and when it's time for us to pause reading and collect our thoughts for another chunk of feedback. I at least could use such a reminder as I tend to get caught up in reading. ^^ Also, as far as perception of digestibility is concerned, I'd assume dividing it into smaller parts would have mostly the same beneficial psychological effect regardless of if you make the several chunks available time after time or all at once. Of course I don't have any statistical backup for that assumption and might be totally wrong. ^^ On file formats, I'm up for anything I guess. Even TXT is welcome here. ^^ I don't have an e-book reader and my past experiences with free software for pc have been mostly frustrating, but if epub or the likes turns out to be the preferred format here, I'm optimistic someone would be able to point me to some freeware that I don't need a college degree for.


I would certainly like to read it, I don't mind much about the format. I can give some feedback, but not being a writer I'm not sure how helpful that might be. Also as to how fast I'll read it that depends heavily on me liking the story.


Thank you for your interest and detailed feedback. Not to shoot down your idea, but while I really like seeing discussion between readers, I'd be concerned about the primary method of feedback being a shared doc. Based on my experience with writing groups, opinions tend to affect one another and you don't get the full effect of having multiple readers. Having said that, I'd strongly consider making a thread for feedback if there's interest. On the name, see the new comment I added in the previous comment chain.


Oh, I've been working on this for a long time. I only started mentioning it here when it stopped being something I occasionally did a little in my spare time and started consuming a significant chunk of my working time. Anyway, thank you for your interest! Personally, I think the EPUBReader add-on for Firefox is easiest: <a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/epubreader/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/epubreader/</a>


YES. I would love to read your novel AND give you feedback. I would prefer it separated in five parts. You can even post all five past together with no need to logically split it into books. This way one gives your more and faster feedback.


I would love to read your novel if you’re willing. Epic fantasy is my favorite genre and I keep attempting to write some fantasy of my own! Making systems of magic is incredibly fun!


I'd definitely be interested in reading that, but I'm afraid of commitment, so only if it's fine even if I never get around to giving my feedback.


Also, maybe make a discord group for it? Conversations about would probably be more valuable than straight feedback I imagine.

Dustin null

I definitely would as an avid fantasy reader and a particular fan of your writing style. It would be my honor.


I have a hobby for writing, so I'd definitely love to read it. I like reading as much as I like writing to be honest, except I can't seem to concentrate properly to write, what with all the voices in my head...anyway I liked the...premise, is that how you say it? Anyway...yeah I'm rambling xD I'd love to read that story, and I saw quite a few others showed interest so maybe that's enough to convince ya to let us read it? ~wink wink nudge nudge~


I would be happy to read through it. My recommendation is to go with the suggestions that others have of breaking it up into chunks for feed back and create deadlines for responses to the chunks to help keep things focused.


as far as novel goes, im game, bring it on :D


I respect your honest self-evaluation! I'll keep you in mind as the process goes forward.


A Discord group has been raised for various reasons and so far one hasn't been made. I think I'll stick with individual responses for the initial beta reading, at least.


I've certainly been encouraged by all the people expressing interest! Thank you for volunteering!


I'm an aspiring author myself, and I'd love to read your work. If you have some free time, maybe we could trade novels! :)


I'd read our book in a heartbeat, (or maybe longer according to its length.) But since you have called this a "stress relief" project, does that mean if we want a sequel quicker we should try to induce as much stress as possible? Your midterms are tomorrow and you forgot to study! You smell like a cabbage! Your latest release had too many bugs! Patreon decided to delete your everything! Stress Stress Stress Stress Stress!


Haha, no. The path to the sequel will be through polishing the first novel, then finding a good channel or publishing to release it. Plus, I just spent a ton of time writing/editing, so I want to switch to a different activity for stress release. Anyway, thanks for your interest!

Ra'Chaun Rogers

Sounds lit. As a writer myself I appreciate other creators

Treant Balewood

I'd definitely be interested in reading, I'm an avid reader and enjoy Sifi/fantasy particularly. I'd be worried about giving 'constructive' feedback but I'm willing to try.


Sounds good, i am in.


I'm interested, though finding time for something of that length could be a little tricky. Eh, I can probably make it.


I'd definitely be interested in reading a novel/book/series of yours based solely on your track record of compelling storytelling. My only concern though might be editing. I have 2 published (very short) novels and I know I am god AWFUL at editing myself. I dunno if you have someone that helps you edit or if the onus is entirely on you, but my suggestion is to find someone, probably another writer, help you edit it, take notes etc. Unless you intend to use crowd-sourced patron feedback as your editing process, which could definitely work and I could be wrong about needing a single editor. Anyway, my point is that I'd love to :)


Thanks for your interest! My hope is to edit the text as much as possible through all the people reading it, but then have an editor after that.


I have to say that I played through the content in The Last Sovereign about three times now in a pretty short span of time. I think it's one of the best games I ever played so far. Keep up the good work!


Thank you very much for your support! I'll keep working to make the game the best it can be. ^-^


Since war of lust was my first online book I bought I would love more personally. Besides all the lore that is great world building I enjoy how you write


Thank you very much! I certainly hope you will enjoy the worldbuilding of the novel. ^-^