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NOTE: This version of the game has significant rewriting, some new gameplay scripts, and some graphical improvements. Unfortunately it's still too buggy to really play. If you haven't played the game before, play version 0.6.0. But if you've already played the full game, give this one a try for a taste of my true vision of the game. Download: https://mega.co.nz/#!jsVSBRgD!OOTuhPXWj_oZvn-AUrEfnjpVigZcW_GWFv2nsJdNREA Light Version*: https://mega.co.nz/#!D1821KQJ!n_KsakTpgCuw8F2fAzWjOv2wMxgbXQla5udVd66kzBI *Requires RPG Maker VX Ace RTP to be installed. If you don't know what that means, use the first link. Feel free to report any bugs you encounter. Meanwhile, the completely stable release of version 0.7.0 is scheduled for April 4th on Patreon, April 11th everywhere. I'm scrambling to do final balancing and testing of non-critical stuff, but the core of the update is solid. ^^



This update is like cake...fans of a certain game will know what that means.


I enjoyed how much better the dialogue was. I think the game lost some of the immaturity that was holding it back from being truly art.

Secular Reason

Cake... I immediately thought of that game. Damn you evil robots!