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I tried a new method for working on the update this time. It worked well in some ways, didn't work as well in others. I will have to keep experimenting to see what is best. In any case, this week has been immensely productive. Not that the previous two were wasted, but this was the one where I really saw everything come together and put the majority of the plot elements into the game. Having those in decent shape always makes me feel better about the update - there's lots left to do (for example, all the battles) but that's more like filling in the gaps instead of building a new narrative spine. Another thing I've been spending time on is miscellaneous improvements. While I want to focus on writing and gameplay, since that's the main thing I have to offer, I am trying to improve the presentation as well. Next update you can expect some minor changes and I've laid the groundwork for bigger ones. For example, I was working with someone to make some nice custom menus and such. Unfortunately, he seems to have bailed on me. I wish I had the graphic design skills to finish things up properly. :/ The next section will be another intensely plot-focused one, wrapping up the current plot threads. After that, though, you'll get a chance to explore Yhilin more leisurely. That portion will unify a lot of what's currently been put on the table, but the upcoming update needs to lay the groundwork for it or I'll have to do sloppy rebuilding. Anyway, looking forward to having these next two out and finishing a major piece of the game.



Sorry to hear about your guy bailing on you, you just can't find good help these days can you? Have you talked to Regless yet about doing some collaboration? Looking forward to the next version, each has been better than the last.