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Going to be quick this time: 1) $10 Patrons! We have some great ideas for the newest bonus scene, but we could use more. Find the other activity and contribute! 2) Progress on version 0.6.0 is reasonable. Timing will hinge on how busy I am at work, but I'm aiming for early March. 3) I should have my new laptop pretty soon. 4) I've made one world-building change I'll explain now. I was going to leave the money abstract, but since people have repeatedly reported getting funds as errors, I decided to spell this out and add some nuance to the world. The central banks of each country issue promissory notes (or ProN for short) for large sums. This has no effect on gameplay, just know that your characters aren't carrying around tens of thousands of coins. Also, places where you received "Sx as funds" now say you received ProN.



We gets to has ProN! *goofy happy dance of joy* other than that, glad to hear you are getting the new tech soon, and that things are progressing well.


Good world-building and a groan-worthy pun!


I think the ProN / Sx dichotomy was a good idea.