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Setbacks (like my laptop dying) are always a good time to write up the new sex scenes, since they can be typed out in a text file just about anywhere. One scene this update is more playful, while another is an extended scene with a character you already know. I'll probably also get to another side scene back in Stineford, depending on what people say in the other thread. Now that I'm a little further from my computer crash, I've taken stock. Fortunately, I did a lot of the mapping and eventing beforehand, so I can keep working on the things that remain undone. The biggest sticking point will be finishing testing, which I can't really do from any of the computers I can access right now. However, if everything else is done by early March, I should be able to run my test games through and get things out on time. There will probably be a quieter period until then. You may have noticed there are version problems. If I had my computer I'd put out a 0.5.2 to fix everything, but I guess I'll have to live with the current situation. Basically, the bugfix version is older than the main one - people should only use it if they have Hilstara/mine problems. 0.6.0 should smooth it all out.



Nice to see you still going strong, hope things continue to look up. Appreciate the updates.