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Wow, this was an ugly week at work. Technically I got a fair bit done since last update, but that was mostly on the weekend. During the week, I finished a map, made some stores, and evented a quest that involves running around Stineford. That's seriously it. -_- This shouldn't happen regularly, but it won't be the last time. Maybe I should say a bit about my situation. I work full-time and a half, but the full-time job actually isn't bad - it's one of those where I can optimize/automate a lot of the work and there's little stopping me from doing other stuff at the office provided that it looks professional. This means that the half-time job doesn't seem to suck up so much of my free time, since I have a bunch of stuff done by the time I leave my main job. But occasionally there are meetings or other time-consuming things, and when that happens it gets much harder to work on the game since the half-time job eats up my evenings. For that reason, I've decided that the next goal will be one for me (though you guys will get more consistent updates out of it). At $500, I could quit the half-time job. It sucks to think I give up so much of my life for just about $500/month, but those are the numbers. -_- Obviously Patreon and taxes will take a chunk, and it's not like I'm going to flip off my boss and walk out, but it's still a good benchmark. Thanks to you guys, that number doesn't seem so crazy. ^^ But on this subject, if you have complaints and you're thinking of leaving us, please let me know if there's anything I could do differently. I know sometimes real life gets in the way, and obviously if you have bills or medical problems or anything, definitely use your money on the important stuff. Though this week did a great job of slowing progress on the game, it wasn't entirely unproductive. I spent several meetings looking very busy, but I was actually playing with Ren'Py and python. I have several partially-working game mechanics - I couldn't add any sex content at work, obviously, but it's configured for that. I'm going to prioritize Stineford, but if this ends up going anywhere you guys will see it first. (Basically, my idea is a Rogue-like RPG set in the middle of a sex zombie apocalypse. I think it's fun, but it will stay on the back burner for now.) Regardless of all that, of course, I'll keep bringing you the best updates I can as I can. Assuming work eases off a little, you can expect a completed Stineford in three to four weeks.


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