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Okay, mini-update to explain the situation: - The next version of the game is close to finished. - I have an exciting new update related to potential custom art. - My life is weird and busy because this is when the new work year really kicks in. For the game, I need to finish balancing enemies, making all the equipment for shops, bug testing, and generally doing everything to make sure what you can access so far is complete and polished. That will definitely happen one time or another and the early version will show up before too long. This weekend, ideally. As for the other update/preview, I'll try to do that sometime too but I'm just not sure how busy I'll be and how to balance all this. Development on both fronts continues regardless, however.



"Life is weird and busy", "early version...this weekend, ideally" I love the timeline, but feel free to have a life beyond work and game, that sounds extremely dedicated :P


yeah it does really just try once a month its what most can expect well goodluck P