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EDIT: Be sure not to miss the comment I added below to discuss the question of how character rooms should be included in the layout!


So, my break isn't officially over yet, and I'm not formally working on TLS... but I can't help it, I've been doing more than just the basic planning that I originally intended. This post is to gather ideas and opinions from you guys regarding a specific feature.

In chapter four, you'll be getting a new base area for the party, and my plan has been to allow players to do some modification and customization of this base. So one thing I want from you guys is thoughts on what you might expect or want in such a feature.

Having said that, there are some pretty severe restrictions. In terms of the engine, it just isn't made to do something as complex as letting players build a base up from scratch. In terms of design, I actually find myself not wanting to allow too modular a design because I feel it would lack qualities that should naturally flow from the characters and story.

Here are some things that you should definitely be able to customize:

 - Wall hangings, pictures, etc

 - Room objects, like tables/crystals/etc

 - Statues, thrones

 - Not sure about these, but maybe floors/walls

My thought is that you'd purchase the different ornaments/designs and then be able to switch between them at will to customize your base a little.

In terms of actually building the base, I think it will have to come down to a set of expansions and upgrades. For example, in the start Carina would be in an empty room and ask if you could build something there, and once you pay the money it would be filled (likely with a benefit of some kind). There will also be upgrades, like improving the library or base defenses.

Uh, yeah. I've been thinking about this for a while and I've gathered a lot of resources that I hope will allow the player to do a little customization. But if any of you care about this feature and want to pitch ideas or expectations, now is the time!


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