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Random assortment of things this update.

One bit of good news: DoW is further along than I remembered. Once I can dedicate some time to finishing it, the process won't take long. Expect it in complete form (text-only scenes) next month, first for $10 backers but later at least $5 backers will get to play. I feel good about the story, so I hope it will be an interesting diversion for everyone while I transition back to TLS.

Next, I finally crossed something off my To Do list that's been bothering me for a while: putting my games up on GameJolt. If you use the platform or want to give me clicks, right now I only have the Ouroboros page up:

(It's not letting me publish Crimson Gray for some reason.)

$10 backers, expect a preview of side project #3 before the end of the month. This one has been a long time in coming, but now that #1 is released and #2 is within sight of being finished, I want to show you guys the next thing in the works. It has some completed art that I hope will whet your appetite.

That's all for now. Expect October to be an eventful month!



God bless you. Every time someone writes of "wetting your appetite" I die a little inside.


I'm dying for more TLS content first time I played and it said I reached the end of the available content my soul died a little


heh, Sierra is very good about spelling, I think the only time it gets messed up is when she's got *a lot* to type, and is (most likely) in a hurry. :D


I'm curious what's dow


Er went down and read some but what's the game about? I saw a nice picture of a girl getting triple teamed and that it's an rpg but is the protagonist a male or female and yeah I'm curious what's it about


lol touche


Wait, you're almost done with DoW? From what I remember I thought it was going to be like you're next big TLS-style project, not a one-and-done type deal. Granted even your side stuff like Ouroboros is a few hours long but still.


Nope! DoW is a side project that is almost done (excepting art). I hope it will give everyone 5-10 solid hours of gameplay!


in the endless roaming in the TLS code i found an (i think) error, in the megail-ledger diaogue in the throne room the 'written part' of the premium steel profit isn't under the check of the swich, but only the actual pron increase. [i hope you understand wath i mean] PS: i feel wrong post this in the new post