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Wow, we hit the next goal already! It doesn't quite feel real yet, though I'm sure it will help when the December payments come through (I think that happens soon? I dunno how this works yet). Realizing just how many people care about the game enough to support has encouraged me to pour even more effort into the game! Before I get into what I did this week, if you're a $10 patron, check for another activity I'll post in a minute. I haven't figured out a good way to do polls yet, but for now I can just count manually. All the sex scenes for this next update are written, at least in rough draft. Since this is a big city, there are prostitutes, plus new scenes with your party members. I'm also trying a new thing with the inn that I hope will add nice touches of sexiness to gameplay. One thing that took an unexpected amount of my time was creating an area map. In addition to exploring Stineford, you can go to several areas in the region. I wanted to avoid the usual JRPG world map for a variety of reasons, so I'm going for something a little more abstract. It uses the overworld tiles (at least for now), but there are a few changes that hopefully make it clear that it's just an abstract representation of travel, not literally walking around everywhere. We'll see what people think. Like I implied before, though, Stineford is really big. The entire game so far has five "combat areas" and once you include all the optional quests, Stineford will have more than that. There's no way I can do all the mapping and eventing for that many quests, so I'll be trying to give you a polished update that just has some areas locked off until next time. I have finished some key events, though. I wrote and finished a scene that introduces a fun character I hope you'll all like. Let's just say it's someone who has already been referenced but hasn't appeared. I'm also finishing up a "home base" area where you'll be able to talk to your party members. Based on my progress this week, version 0.4.0 of the game should come out next week for you patrons. Thanks again for your support!


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