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Thanks again for donating! This was the post where I originally laid out my plans for this account, but now that I'm doing Patreon full time, I thought it could use an update.  Here's what you can expect from this Patreon.

Regular Core Game Releases

I put out new sections of my core game (currently The Last Sovereign) roughly once per month. Since they follow logical blocks of story, they may take slightly shorter or longer. My work rate has been fairly stable since I began focusing on games full time, so while bugs can still slow me down occasionally, you can expect steady updates.

Weekly Updates

I give progress updates once a week, generally mid-Sunday. Sometimes they're reflections on my work, sometimes announcements of releases, sometimes just quick reports, but I like to stay in touch. There are additional posts for special announcements. $10 backer threads can occur at any time when something about the game needs to be voted on or I want to gather feedback.

Occasional Side Projects

Though most of my work goes toward my core game, I like to change pace sometimes and work on something else. Expect to occasionally see some shorter, more experimental games from me (such as Ouroboros or Crimson Gray).

Free Commercial Releases 

My patrons are my core supporters, so the last thing I want to do is charge you guys for my commercial releases! Basically, if you've given me the equivalent of the price of one of my commercial games, you deserve that game for free in addition to whatever rewards you got for your support! 

So if you've given me $10 - whether that's one month at $10 or ten months at $1 - then you're due a free game at that price! When I come out with a $5 game, that one will be five, or Desecration of Wings is $15. Basically, your support gets you that month's rewards, plus credit toward commercial games! This still applies if you supported me in the past and had to drop your patronage for whatever reason.

If you're in the $10 tier when I release a new game, you get that game, guaranteed, and the $10 still counts toward other games! Currently the total of all my commercial games is $35.

I'm very grateful to all of you, so feel free to ask questions or make suggestions. See you next update! ^-^



just wanted to make that monthly number nice and round


Had to pledge after spending 40 hours playing the most recent public release, haven't had as much fun playing a RPG Maker game in a long time


Glad to hear you're enjoying the game, and thank you very much for your support!


You make good stuff! Your TLS is one of the only games that I found due to the smut but stayed for everything else. It is right up there with MGQ/Paradox in the "disregard porn, save world" category. The imminent release of DOW, which has a similar appeal, gave me an excuse to bump up to $10 and you certainly deserve it. Hope you continue with your work for a long time to come!


Thanks, glad you're enjoying my games! You've bumped up at a good time - you'll be getting a special update post fairly soon, and a free copy of DoW as soon as I finish dealing with Steam!


Hi, I just signed up. I saw your games available on DL Site, and I figured Patreon would be a better way to go. So as a new sign up, am I able to request a game like Desecration of Wings?


Hi, thanks so much for your support! Patreon is indeed a good option and you'll get a significant discount compared to DLsite - but do see the "Free Commercial Releases" section of this post. You're a short distance from a copy of Desecration of Wings!


Hi!! I love your games. It's been a long time I consumed media from a competent writer. Keep it up!


Hello! I'm a big fan of your stuff (TLS, KoD, Noxian Nights), so I figured I'd start putting money towards you. Been recommending TLS to everyone I know after having reached the end of the current content, haha. That being said, am I able to request for Desecration of Wings? If I'm reading it correctly, the $5 I gave last month and the $10 I gave for this month gives me $15 to put towards a commercial release, right?


That's correct! Appreciate you reading the post - and I'm very grateful for your spreading the word! Expect a link via DM shortly.


Hey I just wanna say if I could give $50 a month I would but then I would go broke XD absolutely love TLS I cant wait for more updates.


Thank you very much for your support! I don't want any of my fans going broke, I want you around to keep enjoying the game. XP New TLS release tomorrow, hopefully!


Hate to necro a little, but after playing part way through the game, I have to say I'm extremely impressed overall. Well done.

Ra'Chaun Rogers

Just joined and I'm really loving your work. Bought your stuff on steam too


Thank you for your support, and I'm glad to hear you like my work! I appreciate you getting my games on Steam - if you'd have time to drop even short reviews, that also really helps! Just glad to have you here, though. ^-^


Gosh, I didn't know what to expect but The Last Sovereign really took me by surprise! It's probably the best Bioware-style RPG I've ever played, so I figured I should pitch in now that I've made it through to Stenai. I'm happy to have found the game by chance, but it does make me sad that I almost missed something so great. Would it be alright if I talked it up a bit on Resetera?


Thank you very much for your support! I'm glad you've enjoyed the game so much. ^-^ I would certainly not object if you wanted to tell other people about TLS! Work like mine basically lives or dies on word of mouth.


I am playing TLS for years now..... I think i started with the version where you went to the trading outpost the first time. Since then i only registered regularly improvement both of the story and the character. And that is what a RPG is all about. I finally got a decent paying job, so I am able to support you. Even if it is just with 5$..... How much is that in Euros? Nevermind. I even got Ourobos on Steam for a discount price, and that was reallly funny....Greetings from good old Germany


Hello, thank you for your support! I'm glad TLS has brought you enjoyment over the years and it's good to hear your situation is improving. I look forward to bringing you more content. ^-^

Dr. Genesis

I'm baaaaaaack. It's good to see you're still making steady progress after what, 5 years working on this game?


Glad you have you back with us! Yes, this has been a labor of love for quite a long time. ^-^ We're getting close to the last chapter!


Looking forwad to the project!

Charred Heretic

I'm just really impressed that you've managed to take what seems to be mostly stock RPGMaker assets and, through your own incredible writing talents spun that straw into the pure gold that is The Last Sovereign. The masterful skill with which you simultaneously touch my heart and tickle my fancy is worth far more than I can afford to pay. I don't know how long I'll be able to maintain this payment schedule, but I just needed to show some support for a project that has done so much for my entertainment.


Thanks for the kind words! I appreciate you supporting my work when you can, and I appreciate even more that my game has had a positive impact on you. ^-^


I have a problem Sierra Lee, and perhaps after years of pitching your own content, you might have an insight. The Last Sovereign is the best RPG I've ever played. Hands down. However, I cannot for the life of me convince my friends to try it. How can I convince people that sex is just the subject and rpg maker the medium for your art?


Hah, I have (sorta) the same problem, though in my case it's less that they're turned off by the genre and more that they're lazy assholes who keep saying "sure, I'll try it, after I finish my massive unfinishable backlog of stuff I haven't even bought yet"


Have I given enough to get Ouroboros and Desecration of Wings?


You have! As thanks for your support, I've sent you links to both. ^-^


I suppose this is the best place to request links to the games (assuming I meet the milestones)? It's not entirely clear from the post, but I've seen you respond to these sorts of messages over the years.


Here is fine, or you could send me a message. You're well past the milestones: do you want links to all my games?


I just tried the free copy of Ouroboros, it's great! I just added a 10$ pledge, could I have the 2.0 version? Thanks!


I've been following for a while now and finally was able to start pledging :D. I pledged for 10$/month and am I able to have a copy of Crimson Gray?


First of all, sorry for the necromancy post What is the instance on your books? I'm not sure why you can download some books and not others in your alt-Patreon and the Patrons of this campaign have access to them or not. I'm already here, BTW. Sorry if I'm late to the party...


So far, I had only found the .epubs for TWC 2 & 3, the TBS first book and the Grimdark novel that I have no intention to touch (sorry about that). Would you mind send the links for the other ones? I have yet to buy the TBS series on Amazon (will do this month or in December in the worst case), but seeing that I have a new, great e-reader with notetaking capabilities (the Kobo Elipsa) I was hoping to read them in something better suited for the task that my Android tablets or even worse on PC. BTW, I'm really, really glad to know about the Switch ;) . You should definitely do a Amazon Wishlist at some point.


Thanks for TLS, is the first thing I wanna say lol There hasn't been a game that made me this hooked in years, and gaming is pretty much a big part of my life (I even might have created a game or two, in writing xD) Anyway, I was going to pledge 10 bucks but that in my country would translate to 30 bucks and I don't really have that kind of monies atm, maybe later xD right now I'll have to make do with a 5 bucks pledge. Sorry '-' (kinda weird, paying for something and saying you're sorry you can't pay more...hmm..*ahem*) Anyway, thanks '-'


Finally got a chance to play (and fully complete) Crimson Grey, and remembered all over again why I need to support your work. Rather than wax hyperbolic like I'd originally planned, I'll simply say: thank you for your amazing work.


Oh, I'm glad to hear you liked Crimson Gray! It's a bit of a niche story, but I'm happy that it can find people who appreciate it. ^-^ Thank you again for your support! You should get a look at a side game and a side project this month in addition to the usual, so there are some fun things ahead.


I have been following you for sometime now, and finally I am able to help a little.


I said I would pledge on newgrounds so here I am! :D