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Based on the previous poll, I revised the choices for my Patrons to decide!

Remember, only one of the choices will be added as NPC in the fan game.
We have two weeks, choose wisely!

Update: Added bottom note.



Star butterfly :D

Bear Grilz

Imma cross my fingers for the giantess canyon

Bear Grilz

And water nymphs...


Come on flame princess adult!


Mysterious Princess sounds like a load of original content, which I'd very muc prefer. The reward item sounds useful too.

Jerry V

Giantess Canyon sounds amazing and i love the idea of seeing her nude. Plus the long length sword sounds interesting


But think about it. That sword length could help with the Finn boss


Guys, just pick Star, how can you not pick Star!


Where's catbug and BMO? D:

Bear Grilz

There's so much NSFW of flame princess so few canyon


I'm so torn between Flame Princess as my fav AT character or Star... Man such a hard choice!


Not nearly enough Canyon rule 34. My vote goes to the giant lady!


Want Star so damn bad, but was hoping he would do Adult Star with nude content. All in all, hope all these will be implemented someday, still love this project immensely!


Canyon sounds soo much better


Aka I want to create Flame Princess with huge boobies revision. :p


I want both Canyon and Adult Flame P. thoooo T-T


The power of flaming tits compels you.

Windra Astaria

sooooooo... it's pretty much a decision between tentacles ... or multi girl action... kinda would like to pick how I would receive a reward, and with what gender to be rewarded (if you know what I mean). But love the game all in all.




All of these sound so good! Not making it easy


who would pick FP original with no nudity? the hentai comic had my fav moment when FPs clothes are torn off and finds the demonic one piece thing in a chest and has fun with fiona, kinda funny though i just read that for the first time a couple of days ago then this, weird.


Hmm, dang. Difficult to decide, because both nudity option and in-game weappn option. For myself, it's between adult FP and Canyon, a tough decision.

Lecherous Leech

Oh the injustice! Making me choose between seeing Canyon naked or Hekapoo naked!


%SIDE NOTE% add enemies in the repeating maze area


oh god their all so good

Simon Garside

i want that sukimizu (knowing what it looks like from the comic in question) but i also want some nudes gah why must you do this to me


Yeah, tough call. While I personally think there's plenty nude content, I'd really love to see Canyon in the game. Yet for a game mechanical perspective, I sure would prefer to have the monster eye.


They're all attractive! I can't make a choice! DAMMIT!


Flame Princess (Adult) for me. Love those tits.


That fast travel though people


Ima go by mysterious, I've seen enough huge badonkas. I just love how noone chooses flame princes original , probably due to the lack of something.


I know FP Original isn't going to win, but her item is definitely the best. FeelsBadMan...


STAR and Hekapoo


I know only one will be in game, but will we still get some sketches of the ones that could have been?


Can i vote you take all the time you need to make it all real... XD


can we still get canyon in the model viewer if she doesn't make the cut?


I feel like the original would've gotten more votes if it had gotten some nudity content

Richard Zealy

Could we swap the items from the Flame Princess (original) with Flame Princess (Adult)?


Regardless of any of the vote results, we gotta get Star Butterfly and Hekapoo!!! The scissors and da awesome reveal of the hotnesss!!! must include! Ima pay more if must X3


Me I vote for Mysterious Princess ! XD

shard zerune

for me canyon so close to stealing it and the fast travel sounds really awesome but i have to go with my girl FP


the msitery princess is <a href="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yPVfJ-UDuvo/V3M_QeZlnhI/AAAAAAAAAdc/QX9-AgiIdgM3rJ-L3N_X3t9JW92rCR6pQCK4B/s1600/Hhh_1_-_S1E1.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yPVfJ-UDuvo/V3M_QeZlnhI/AAAAAAAAAdc/QX9-AgiIdgM3rJ-L3N_X3t9JW92rCR6pQCK4B/s1600/Hhh_1_-_S1E1.png</a>

shard zerune

awww why cant they all go in the game V.V

Stormy Weather

I would love FP original, but the no nudity for that really kills it as a viable option...


Canyon has the best nudity options, so going with that.


I'm going with the adult Flame Princess, since I can choose only one. But seriously can't the original FP option be a part of it? First we beat the tentacle monster together with the original one and later it gets revived, so the adult one has to travel back in time? It would make sense, you have to admit!


Big Blue Babe!!!


Now this is a tough one, the revised story lines make it tough, although, looking at the rewards I chose Canyon


We all know original FP would have all the votes if it weren't for the lack of nudity.


Out of curiosity, why don't you do nude content for fictional underage characters? I know that in the past you used to, but there was a sudden stop and purge of all that content, and I don't remember if there was an explanation. I'm not advocating for it, I am just curious is all.


Canyon and the sexy water nymphs plz


Like i think the best choices are adult Flame Princess or Canyon, but i really want Canyon!


how can people not vote for star butterfly....


Boobs win this one haha


Patreon has a very low tolerance for underage nudity.


Yeah we all wish we could vote for all of them if anything lol plus that new addition to the after battle item for flame princess I swear he's just forcing us to pick her.


Star please


who is flame scientist?


You all are a bunch of pervs and I'm ok with that(my second option is canyon)


Just saw rewards for flame princess is instant npc nude. I like that better


I really wished MP was voted most. Oh well.


Yeah Canyon's nudity is sexiest, but Flame Princess' Battle item is the best so I can't decide!


It's a shame folks don't want to push for more crossover material. We're getting Bee &amp; Puppycat content, Bravest Warriors stuff (I'm hoping for a Beth outfit for Fiona, btw), Steven Universe stuff, and now we get a shot at a crossover with Star Butterfly, and folks don't want it. A damn shame. But hey, tits will win over quality crossover content any day, I guess.


Canyon's nudity is sexiest, but Flame Princess' Battle item is the best so I can't decide!


I think all of these are great, and as far as game content goes it's hard to decide. But man...am I the only one that isn't to big on the whole Monster Tata deal? I look at all the adult content coming up in these and I'm just like "...eh..." Can we have a Micro Tata option or something at least? (PS: I voted for Mysterious Princess this time, and Bonwyn the last =P)

Bryan Davis

Mike is there a chance that Finn will meet the adult FP as a side quest or no? Either way keep up the good work


Canyon, then adult FP :3c

Cricket Chirps

Just want to mention this here Mike, but you know pretty much all of us here supporting you will be happily handing you money into eternity as long as stuff like these ideas are still getting added to the game. I really strongly feel like you should consider doing a poll after you finish adding whichever part wins here and just ask which part people want to see next, at the time. I know working on one project over a long period can feel less rewarding. But i hope i am speaking for many here when i say: "I would love to see all of these ideas over time and i will be here to support them all getting made." Honestly, i for one will happily increase my pledge if some new goal was to be set by you that would make it worth your time to keep working on this game long term. :) Work with us please! Haha, at least talk over the possibility or if there are any reasons why you strongly want to move on from this game.


What Cricket Chirps said man. We're all here cause we love your work, in every form that it takes. This thing here is seriously my favorite thing I'm funding on Patreon. No joke.


As tempting as the first option was, the "No nudity" part really killed it for me. This is a really amazing game. But the nudity has been acting as a selling point for a while now, aside from the awesome lore references and amazing combat system. (Albeit many unpolished boss battles).


LOL i called it on the last poll. Time travel FTW.


Non-canon character I'm designing for the boss-battle / NPC. I'm still debating whether to make her large breasted or flat.


As much as I want to add all of these ideas, I'm only a single person to work on this. (I tried hiring, but it didn't work) So I'm left no choice but to only include one of the ideas I had and let my Patrons choose.


That Monster Eye sounds fun o(0u☼)o


Ok, having looked up who Hekapoo actually is (never had the good fortune of actually watching Star, but I like the design and concept) and man...I am really happy with my choice. Shame MP isn't looking like it's gonna win =/


I can't not vote for Hekaboo.


I asked about an Itty Bitty Titty Editi(on) and got a reply. Unfortunately it would take a huge amount of work to do.


Flame Princess is the most interesting but has the worst reward. I agree with some of you that want the original FP battle item for adult FP Sad that Mysterious Princess is loosing the pole


Man, I almost don't want to vote at all, because picking one inherently means NOT picking the other three...


Id like to see that insane long sword but id be fine with adult flame as well


lets be honest mike you really just wanted to add fire princess (adult) because the after rewards are probably the best among the 4


how can people not vote for star the mysterious princess...


Can you just keep working on the game and do them all?




I voted the 2nd one. As of right now 59% Mike Inel you are doing something right dude!


Nooo Canyon In fact no surprise the princess (bonnibel and flame) are more chosen


Mysterious Princess is Star Butterfly from SVTFOE


Wow #2 is leaps and bounds ahead of the other 3 choices


I voted for Flame Princess Adult but, if you put her in the game can their be ANOTHER way to win the Water Sword?


I'm with GFM


Ey mike, can you add finn sword to the game?


It will be added as prize after beating the boss battle I'm currently working on.


This is a really hard decision! Ugh! (and i still somehow picked with the majority haha


i would do flame princess (adult) and then mysterious princess because fast travel would be cool


I would have loved to see Hekapoo. But I'm also strangely pleased that Canyon did so well. She is very underloved.


I like canyon... people are afraid of a tall woman... NOT ME!


The lemon guy, with a female version

The Nanomatic

I hope we can get an original flame princess later on! :3


man i hope see them all in their