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Many people have shown interest with the April Fools trailer I made.  So maybe we can reconsider things!

As my Patrons, I'll let you guys decide whether to make the visual novel a reality, in exchange for Adventure Time's production time.

  • Option 1: Continue the Adventure Time fan game, proceed as planned!
  • Option 2: Make more Reverse Falls sprites for the world to use!
  • Option 3: Delay the Adventure Time fan game and make Reverse Falls real!

The image above has more details. Make sure to check it! 

Choose wisely! We have one week to decide. (April 12)



Already waited this long for Adventure Time, so can't say I mind waiting much longer if this is the only chance Reverse Falls realistically ahs.


I am begging you people. Let us have Reverse Pines, especially since we know the AT game will happen regardless.


Why not finish AT, and move onto reverse falls after?


Why can't there be a combo of choice 2 and 3 Dx. I would love to work on my own little Reverse Falls Visual Novel. Edit: I'm literally stuck between them x'D


This is the only chance.😭


Guys, this is the only chance to make the Reverse Falls!!!


I'm planning to work on a "What if" animation when the AT fan game is done, then Missing Halloween after that.


@R.K. True, but he did say it will possibly have a chance a year later. Now he has to make reverse falls, how long would that take? So 6-12 months on AT and maybe 3-8 months on a short 10-20 minute RF game. Might as well get AT out of the way as things are running a bit slow as of late.

Simon Garside

Gah way to twist mah arm.


I really like the Adventure Time game.


Gotta vote AT #FinishAdventureTime

Jerry V

Make Reverse Falls a thing because while it will delay AT it'll still be worked on after Reverse Falls whereas Reverse Falls won't happen if it isn't chosen/wins


Seeing as how Adventure Time was the only reason I pledged money to this guy I gotta vote for that. Sorry Reverse Falls. You're an interesting idea but I've got priorities.


Mike Inel love you stuff buddy! it'd be amazing if you eventually make a reverse fall's game!

devin schmidt

i cant decide mike... either continue AT game or delay it for reverse falls


Adventure TIme was the whole reason i payed into this! id love to see that finished before more stuff happens.

Josh Spicer

It's not worth delaying it if you might not get a chance. Do it now. Adventure Time will always be there, especially with what's already been released. Reverse Falls VN has nothing but could be something BIG.


Please! I hope we get Reverse Falls!!!


I am literally a patron because of AT. Finish the game then expand to other projects if you want.


I may really want reverse falls to happen but finishing adventure time would be better.


Now, this is what I think. I pledged my money to Mike Inel because of AT, but I do love Gravity Falls as well and like many of you, that Reverse Falls caught on. The AT game is already afloat but RF ship hasn't started production, only the design, the blueprint. AT game is already there but RF VN is not yet a reality. I say, sacrifice a few months to delay AT for RF. At least then, when RF VN is a reality there's no turning back and scraping the project entirely.

AJ Hurtado

I think reverse falls could use some tweaking before becoming it's own thing. AT game is much more developed. Don't let the steam die out!

torin sockey

while I'm a little pessimistic about swap AU's if your confident about this project I think you should go for it if it doesn't take much time


Personally I believe you should finish the AT game; I'd be really disappointed if you lost steam on that project in favor of the Reverse Falls VN.


Make RFVN. Come back to AT. You can always come back, and besides, change is a good thing. By changing it up a little you let your mind refresh itself from stagnation. At that, I want to see RFVN become a reality, and from the poll options, if it doesn't win, then it will take a significant time (is ever again) to get the chance to be made.


Like another patreon commented: I became a patreon for Adventure Time. Maybe Reverse Falls later on. Gives you more time to really consider the RF project and give it proper shape in the mean time.


While I came on for Adventure Time, Reverse Falls seems like it could a good thing, besides, with how far you are with Adventure Time, it won't kill anyone to a little while for you to work on Reverse Falls then come back to Adventure Time.


You said it


I became a pateron for adventure time but would like to see Reverse Falls real in the future


Ho geez those sprites are fantastic. Don't see reverse falls winning, but what an amazing world that would be. But I agree with the others, you've been working on AT for a long while and should get to switch it up if you want a change of pace. The groundwork laid from April Fool's looks amazing and I'd hate to see that never explored more just because we all find ourselves so focused on seeing the final AT game post haste.


Here's my thought: Adventure time is amazing and I would personally like to see it finished. However, there's already so much to it to keep people hooked on it. Reverse falls seems like a surprise hit and if you lose the spark that has everyone's attention right now you might not get that lightning in a bottle. Start a new project and get that established, then come back to adventure time and put your energy into that. I'm not a Gravity Falls fan but if it puts everyone else into your corner and garners more support, there's no downside for Adventure time since you can come back fresh and have two successful products.


Dang, on one hand, I'd like more Adventure Time, but on the other, I'd REALLY like to play Reverse Falls o( 030;;;)o


I like the concept of the Reverse Falls but from my own personal experience I'd feel better once you'd have less projects requiring your attention. Plus I feel like it would give you less on your shoulders.


I signed up to patreon to begin with for AT, but honestly at this point I love everything he's put out pretty much equally. Whatever the final tally, more cool things get brought into the world and that's just dandy.


I do worry that voting for RF is tantamount to bullying more work at him. I admit my initial gleeful reaction is now torn.

Christopher Waters

I'm not going to vote because I think you should do what you really want. But damned be if I would be upset about more Goth Wendy.


I became a patreon because I want the Reverse Falls to definitely become a visual novel. As I love both series, Gravity Falls means a lot more than me. I say delay it and please make the Reverse Falls VN a reality. You had NO idea how much I was cursing up a storm when I figured it was an April Fools joke. But it seems like I'm not the only one on the boat that wants the RFVN to happen. I will definitely recommend to friends to become a follower of your work so my dream can be a reality <3


Continuing the creation of adventure time would be awesome, but I fear that putting off Reverse Falls will make it become forgotten and the sense of adventure making it will be lost to Mike.


"Who the hell isn't voting for a 1 time chance of getting reverse falls" ....oh....welp...time to hope people do the right thing.


Continue adv time, please.


Pines Pines !!!


I'm fairly sure with how Mike's workflow is, option 3 would include option 2, and while option 1 would be delayed, we would end up with more than otherwise. So option 3 is the logical choice.


Reverse Falls Please


If you think about it, 6-12 months isn't that bad(*coughs* and it might give him time to think of awesome new content to add to the the game *clears throat*) what were talkin' about?


I think the Adventure Time game takes priority here, not only is Adventure Time itself on its final legs but the fan game project itself has been going on for so long it'll just be nice to see it completed.I'm sure Reverse Falls will get its chance in the someday but for now lets just take on project at a time.


REVERSE FALLS!!!! How do I vote more than once?!


Adventure time, already so far, may as well finish it <3


I'm genuinely surprised almost no one is voting for Option 2. It's a good balance between the two other options, imo.


Personally I feel that simply showing support fail reverse will help it to be an option in the future but then again it will probably be loss in time unless enough support is shown. I also believe that you should finish one project before you start another, as the saying goes the hunter who chase two rabbits will catch neither. If you could, maybe try to keep this in mind when you finish Adventure Time, just a suggestion. (and in case of anything I hope people will understand this is just my opinion. (No hate please.)).


Before I make my vote, will reverse falls contain sexy times ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Similar to deIz (<a href="http://gamejolt.com/games/deiz/5995" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gamejolt.com/games/deiz/5995</a>), yes. Hetero, yuri, and yaoi. (But no nudity)


With option 1 you may not get another chance as someone else might make something similar to it. While with option 2 and 3 the game would be delayed but it would give mike a chance to polish the adventure time game for any possible bugs or glitches before release or maybe some last minute details/Features. every choice has pros and cons so we must think carefully before making any major decisions


I know how to program a visual novel, so either way if those sprites are up for use by us (with proper crediting of course) I could be the programmer for the game if needed. Someone actually write the script though, I'm a pretty terrible writer.


I don't usually write comments, but am I missing something when I think that the best of both worlds would be finishing the AT game and immediately beginning Reverse Falls? I voted option 3 because frankly, I originally became a patron due to my love for Mike's 2D style - I also love Gravity Falls and want to see more of its world through Mike's eyes. Would it not work to finish the 3D-heavy project and then come back to working primarily on 2D for a while for the fans who prefer 2D? I'll admit bias since as an anime fan I don't really prefer 3D in general, which is why I voted option 3 - If we would have to wait up to a year or never to see Reverse falls just to complete the AT game sooner, I would rather delay AT because what I saw on that April Fools video was special. I think it would just be different if Reverse Falls was guaranteed after AT and I would've voted 1. Edit: I know artists aren't gods, but something about the math of the RF = AT + RF vs. the AT = AT - RF just gave me some pause.


With option 2 at most we would wait half a month, option 3 we get 2 full games. Option 1 I have no problems but I like the idea of having 2 games or the resources to make a full game with the art of Mike


Option 3! Option 3! Option 3!


If option 2 wins (which I doubt it will), would we be able to use it to make the game on our own? Of course still giving art credit to Mike. Cuz...that's why I voted for 2.


Mike, if option one wins can you still make Reverse Falls a reality after you finish the adventure time game?


Look guys I really need my Gravity Falls fix and Reverse Falls would be a much better alternative to fanfiction .


Consider the following: If time is spent on "Reverse Falls", it is possible that the story that is paired making this visual novel could inspire or influence certain aspect within the Adventure Time game. (Entities bleeding within each other.) For better? For worse? D: What if you or co-workers were to get injured --&gt; hospitalized! then the split tasking/multi project would slow... I advise! Accomplish one! then onto the next!


This. We've had 3+ videos teasing Mike's potential to make Gravity Falls *gasp* even more amazing - and this new one made me so insanely happy ... for a minute, and then it was over - I'm starting to get twitchy xD


I think it would just be easier to decide if we knew why it wasn't between both being alive but at different times vs one being alive and one being possibly dead. I'd completely understand if there is a really good reason, it just seems like we need slightly more info. Edit: I think what's bothering me most about this is,at least how I'm seeing it, that we're essentially voting on whether we have primarily 3D for another year. A quick check of Mike's public channel yields that if the past is any indicator, serious whole 2D stuff is at least 6 months away if not a year - ever since Mike made the Katawa Shoujo trailers I've wondered what a VN designed by Mike would look like, and after years of waiting we (assuming the whole thing still stands that Reverse Falls is kicked to the curb indefinitely (not a fun word for projects) ) - finally see an idea perfect for a fan VN that could become something no one else has seen before.


If I pledge more money, do I get a stronger percentage on the vote? Now Noir makes a strong case, and as much as I want option 3, it is looking less likely with the percentages where they are at this junction.I don't love the "If not chosen" for Option 3 though as it makes it sound like this will never exist, and I really, really think that Reverse Falls is something that will greatly benefit the world to exist (I haven't stopped gushing over the notion sense April 1st and I was only ever a mid-tier GF fan). I'm not experienced at programming VNs, and aside from a few expectations generated by the joke trailer, don't have a strong sense to write the plot out, but I would love to assist with editing grammatical errors and overall writing process in general.


Guys, adventure time game will still continue if we do option 3. Think about it !


Adventure Time please. This is one of only few games that I actually enjoy in such a short period. It caught my attention a few days ago.


Reverse Falls.....in Adventure Time?


I have to say make the Falls Real mostly because I think that with Mike at the head he could make it into a wonderful game


The wording for option 3's "if not chosen" really makes me think the VN won't happen. I'm choosing option 3. Not just because I'm a huge Gravity Falls fan but because from the wording at least, it would allow both projects to exist. While I know this would increase the workload (which would be mitigated by the hiring of extra artists and animators which Mike said he would do), option 3 seems like the best option. Whichever option comes out on top, I'm sure Mike will make something extraordinary.


I have never watched gravity falls but will at somepoint and I honestly would love to see this graphic novel, but I do want the adveture time game asap, I voted for the GN only because I cant risk not letting it get made even if I do favor the adventure time game more.


Mike, this is your passion. I'm certain whatever you do we will still support you and all of your projects. I personally love all your work, so if there is the possibility for both Reverse Falls, and the Adventure Time game to both exist then I'd go that route. Don't stress about it, just keep making amazing art!


Though I really like the Adventure Time game and can't wait to get the new update, I think the visual novel is a great chance that we shouldn't just let go, I'd personally love seeing more of this great idea! I think waiting a little bit more, in exchange of this great idea being born would be worth it, you can call it delayed gratification, sometimes waiting a little bit more in exchange of something even better is the right decision to make!


I am all for the Reverse Falls concept, however I want the fan game more


Make it a follow up! Just finish one thing then start the next! You know the people that have a new car an want to show of their new stereo in said car. You drive somewhere and in order to show you how cool the radio is, he/she constantly switches from song to song not letting the whole goddamn thing run even once. By the end of the 30 minute drive, you have been reminded of the first 20 seconds of every song from the last two decades without ever hearing at last one single song! Don't be that guy! FINISH THE GAME FIRST FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Make the reverse Gravity falls a follow up!




The longer that things go on, the more likely someone sends a C&amp;D for the fan game, I think. I want as much progress / completion of it before something comes up. Additionally, the options presented seem to imply that the Reverse Falls project would just result in some more sprite art. Not an actual VN with dialogue, scenes, paths, etc. (And Reverse Falls doesn't seem to have a NSFW side)


I want reverse falls so bad! I like adventure time fan game, but my heart belongs to gravity falls in this one.


*panics* oh god, what do I choose, what do i choose...


They are both God-like, I love your work so much.


Make Reverse Falls real, it's looks a interesting visual Novel.


i have to say with that traler I think it be a good game


I think AT game has been through enough quality to enjoy for people. I wish to see your great works in other genres or original works for now. I think we can pause the AT job here maybe.


I'll be honest, the Reverse Falls concept while nice, is just that, a concept. Would it be nice to have? Yeah, but I've also already played the AT game, and just leaving it hanging there is kind of disappointing, there's already some investment in it and it'd be a shame to let it fall to the wayside by now. Not to mention the fact that others seem just as keen to make their own takes on the concept of RF as they are to get the game.


uhm..., can i use debit pledging?


He said in a comment bellow that he wouldn't because he'd be working on a next missing Halloween and some other projects. Hence why it won't probably happen otherwise. :(


Make Reverse Falls Real


It was your wording. If we don't choose 3 then this project will never become a reality. If we choose 2 then we get the sprites yes, but that would be the end. The only way I can see everyone winning is if option 3 is chosen. That way Adventure Time game is still going, you get a break for a while and let yourself rest from that, and we get a cool visual novel that hasn't been done for for a great show! So unless you're changing the wording for option 3. Saying, "It will be a project that will be worked on AFTER the Adventure Time game is completely finished." Then I'm sure people will be less torn and upset.


Reverse Falls!


it seems as though option three is the most sought out option, that being because if reverse falls start then there will be time later to make adventure time really refined. not only that, but there won't be another chance to do this, we get both this game and adventure time. i honestly want this, not only as a patreon to this account, but as a fellow story writer who is pretty good a scripting that lovves these kinds of things


Please just finish adventure time first, please.


First we get the adventure time game done, and THEN we go for the Reverse Falls game. I'm completely down for waiting a year if need be to get both.


As long as we do eventually get both I'm fine with waiting.


he didnt say he would do it after advemture time game.... this could be t only chance we have people!!!!


xD i want both, i dont care what order just so longas they both get done!


make reverse falls real!!!


At first I was all like, looks like reverse falls is being made, but then I was like, thinking about it not as many people watch gravity falls... NOOOOOOO


I would love to see the Reverse Falls novel,but the Adventure Time game is almost done and I like the adventuring aspect.


I want both Reverse falls and AT, but you've been working on AT for such a long time, you should finish that and then get on Reverse Falls, tbh I think you would get SO much more support doing reverse falls but AT fans have been waiting a long time for even an update.

Percy PoAsDo

adventure time game is way awesome! reverse falls looks awesome tho. If you sold the idea to disney/cartoon network, it could become real maybe? :D


Reverse falls can happen sometime after the AT game. You seem like you're reaching the home stretch with the former, and if you start the latter and content creep ends up happening, it might become 2 long term projects.


What most people don't realize is that reverse falls may never happen if you don't choose option 3. If people actually read the picture maybe someone may realize that. :/

DJ Quinn

If only the AT option said "Continue Adventure Time, But No Reverse Falls Ever"


I feel like the more projects going means if you hit a block with one, you go to the next one


If we don't vote for Reverse Falls it more than likely never to happen ever &amp; it looks like it has a lot of potential


Welp, Fire Princess is worth it, even thought reverse Marble and Pacifica are really beautiful.


Man, even though its looking pretty unlikely now, I want this Reverse Falls so badly... if nothing else, hopefully this could end up being the next major project once AT is done.


Don't get me wrong, the reverse falls stuff is great too, but i really need me some more adventure time


Man i wise i clound choose 3 of them mike you make me cry 😭😭

John doe

It may take another year for Reverse Falls to become a real thing, but right now Adventure Time just needs to be finished up; Before anything else can be work on, in the same manner of Adventure Time that is.


I agree with what you're saying, it's just his wording of option three that worries me.


I wish the wording was more straight forward. The first option leaves out the fact that if RF isn't chosen it probably will never become realized. I think a lot of people are choosing AT thinking "He'll just do RF later." But that's not the case...


I want adventure time game end but i want one day play reverse falls too after AT is done.


Ok, I love the new GF stuff, but I would rather have AT done, so you (Mike) can rest for awhile before making a new game or whatever


Adventure Time please!!


adventure time till death!


I agree. Adventure time


finish or at least release an updated adventure time game. work on one thing at a time then focus on the next project later

Auzzy B

I voted Adventure Time, but whatever Mike ends up making will no doubt be awesome.

John doe

people are saying that Reverse Falls won't be ever be made if it's not chosen , which is not true. It's just going to be another year till the option comes up again is all.


I feel like there is totally a fourth option here. Finish working on adventure Time and then work on reverse falls. It doesn't necessarily have to be dropped forever if you don't work on it now.


I believe that the intent of what was said is not that it is logistically impossible, but rather that the motivation to go back to what started as a joke piece may not be there in a year's time.


I'm planning to work on a "What if" animation when the AT fan game is done, then Missing Halloween after that.


Great !!!


if is this a big ( and only in long time) chance for RF to come alive and the only price is delay the AT, than I think its only one option. I vote for "make RF real"


Mike, will u do some or more lolis? i like to see girls closer to my age ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (im 15yo so chill).. Maybe my girlfriend will like it aswell ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


If it means waiting a little longer adventure time as opposed to never getting another chance at Reverse Falls. Then I say go for Reverse Falls!


Please! Reverse Falls!


Go for adventure time, finish it, then work on reverse falls. Can't wait much longer ;-;


Please make Reverse Falls!! I want to go against dipper!!


adventure time then reverse falls


I vote for Reverse Falls ! because it's great !

Josh Spicer

There is a high chance Reverse Falls won't be made again if you don't vote for it. Come on now.


This is rough man, I want to see AT finished to the end. But if the RF ship sails that would be unfortunate. Patience is key here, that's for sure.


Do Reverse falls the chance of him being able to do it again is slim we need to vote for it while we can this may be our only chance...


Looks like we dont get reverse falls


I won't say I'm happy reverse falls won't happy but I can say I will love whatever you make because you put I your heart into it


I really love the adventure time idea, and I have loved / beaten every iteration that he's uploaded, but at the same time it would be really fascinating to see what could come out of reverse falls, since mike has experience with visual novels made in the past.


I literally just became a patron to vote on this. Sad to see Reverse Falls is so far behind in the polls. u_u


while I really want to see more added to adventure time and see it finished soon I would also really love to see the reverse falls game so my vote is gonna have to go to reverse falls since i love your non adult stuff more


I prefer the adult stuff, I just don't have hope for reverse falls eventually becoming a thing, who knows what Inel will wanna do after the adventure time project.


I am conflicted.


Fine... I will do it myself


I came here because I heard there was a poll, found out the poll is closed. Can't vote for Reverse Fall, dangid!

