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There are progress so far, especially for the boss battle in the nightmare world. But I can't show much of these progress since they look too technical for now. I'm mostly focusing on adding additional enemies, clothings, and short lewd animations.

Thank you again everyone for your support!
I'm estimating this game to be finished in a couple of months again, but hopefully it will be worth it in the end!






You're worth it in the end. Keep up the great work!


I follow you on dA from a long while but I am a new Patron :D and this looks so awesome dear! Which program do you use for modeling? Maya? Keep it up, will be worth it for sure!!


Sounds great! Can't wait to see your work!


[Lewd intensifies] Oh I can't wait. Also, the nightmare boss has me hyped.


Hey mike I have a question. Is this a continuation of the adventure time fan game, or is this like an expansion or separate game?


Continuation of the AT game. As of Patreon Demo 7, I believe the game is 80% complete. The puzzles and challenges are considered done, but some features and gameplay elements aren't yet.

Cricket Chirps

The more lewds the better :D


Someone asked last time but I can't remember who. The game works very very well on the HTC Vive.


Love your work Mike Inel, don't rush it, we have the patience!

Jerry V

I look forward to the boss fight when it comes out and whatever else you add in on later updates as well as what other girls you plan to add since Huntress Wizard and Canyon have had more involvements in the series. Keep up the amazing work! :D


Since you can access the Nightmare before fighting Ice Queen, is the nightmare boss meant to be about the same level as Ice Queen, or a step up in difficulty?


Looks great, too bad I won't experience it because I can't deal with anything remotely scary.


is there any way to get the camera in the custom pose maker to be able to chose its "center" or remove it all together? it makes it a pain when im trying to do small changes and adjustments and the camera is fighting me to get the right angle

Icey Jin

take your time n make this game awesome dude =)

Sebastian John

this game actually feels like an adventure thank you for that


I CANT WAIT <3 i know you are close to finsh, but i silently hope you will make it even bigger..


Yes take your time, we all appreciate your efforts and love you for it. I would even love if you did add-ons in the future like making Marceline playable. Whatever you do I will continue to pledge to you, you wonderful human being.


yeeeeeeeessssss mooooooorrrrrrrreeeeeee! cool man keep up the awesome work!


Hey mike when it will come out the next update of the game is that I can not wait anymore xD


I made a few NSFW poses <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1jsEjTySzHwN2hmN09rNHpJZ2s/view" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1jsEjTySzHwN2hmN09rNHpJZ2s/view</a>


hopi ship thought fin got some kamen rider styled super kick move Adore your rate of growth as an artist from when I first saw you doing that draw with me movie ages ago.


Any possibility of getting Susan Strong up in this?


I'm new here so hi mike...want some tissue?


that cat thing from that one episode though


Legit I would pay a solid 60$ for this game no joke. I cant lie the lewd factor is supper dope, but its genuinely challenging, not in the Dark Souls sense, but in the practical calm fun type of challenging. Keep it up bud, I thought at first that id cancel my patreon 1$ a month but now that I see more clearly that's the worst thing I could've done, I want this game to get better I want it to succeed and be much more than it already is. If I weren't a broke student id up my monthly support, leaving would have been a dire mistake. Big Ups mike you rock!


Nice concepts, what about adding Huntress Wizard? She can be a nice NPC