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Download the Windows Standalone here (7.2)

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Important Notes:

  • Save datas of Patreon Beta 7.0, 7.1, and 7.2 are compatible with each other.
  • Save datas from Public Beta 3.0 and 3.1 are compatible as well.
  • .ATCP files from Patreon Beta 7.0 are theoretically compatible with Patreon Beta 7.1/7.2. (with a few minor differences)

Changes: (7.2)

  • Added Hide Menu feature on Pause Screen.
  • Achievements requirements adjusted.
  • Stuck during item unlock after pausing, now fixed.
  • Breakfast Princess’ legs in Model Viewer now fixed.
  • Worms flying infinitely now fixed.
  • Barrier challenge now easier.
  • Continuous fire after using Demon Blood Sword’s ability now fixed.
  • Added tips about targeting.
  • Fixed some objective glitches.
  • Added limit in Eyes level.

Changes: (7.1)

  • ??? Sword now requires to have an existing sword before the code works.
  • Infinite dashing outside the Eel battle now limits the player.
  • Falling into the abyss while the stamina is recovering now damages the player. (But doesn't kill the player)
  • Stamina recovery now disables the player from attacking.
  • Stamina recovery is now 2x faster.
  • Removed the "wavy effect" in VR.
  • Particles in "Scientific Room" now lessen to improve performance.

Model Viewer Changes: (7.1)

  • Improved interface and cursor.
  • Multiple characters limit now up to 5 instead of 3.
  • Added characters: Worm, Fruit Witch, Gunter, Eye.
  • Certain nodes that looks at the camera are now pose-able.
  • Using a character more than once is now possible.
  • Added option to remove limits to nodes.
  • Added "Extras" for certain characters. (Ex. Show/hide glasses)
  • Pressing "Esc" during custom posing now prompts before exiting.
  • Fixed some characters' nodes. (Ex. Marceline's (Realistic) toes)

Fixes: (7.1)

  • ??? Sword code now working after obtaining the 4-D Sword.
  • Added collisions to some areas with missing collisions.
  • Repeated clicking in the main menu now fixed.
  • Certain sound effect glitches now fixed.
  • Going off-map while using 4-D Sword now fixed.
  • ??? Sword's special attack glitch now fixed.
  • Flames from Demon Blood Sword glitch now fixed.
  • Sleeve of Finn's Sailor Fuk-U now fixed.
  • Objectives doesn't reset when resetting.

Known Glitches:

  • Apple-mode of Fruit Witch goes through certain levels.
  • Using Demon Blood Sword's thunder on barrier challenge makes the player stuck in place.

Once again, thank you everyone for your support! There are still a few more things I have to do, such as 3D model distribution and a Youtube video for the Public Beta 3, before I can go full-time with the other project. It's similar to those awesome indie horror games such as Ib, Witch's House, Mad Father, etc. Except shorter.




Keep up the good work!


You're a champion Mike.

Seonghyeon Park

Plz make the Bubblegum's small breast


Great job, Mike, it turned out fantastic. The combat is fluid, the dialogue is much better than it initially was, and it looks amazing. 10/10

Marik Craven

Mike, I don't see any notes about the vive issue but you did something that fixed it being locked to the floor on my vive. So if other Vive owners chime in as well saying it's fixed then you might want to consider putting that in your notes. Hopefully, if you get a chance you can compare the two builds and see if anything makes sense as to why it was stuck to floor in 7.0 and fixed in 7.1. I know you don't have a vive but hopefully you can find it. Great work, love your game.


Thanks for the fixes, glad to see all the changes! Haha, RIP to everyone trying to beat the ice queen now.


plz make Fiona and Finn's nsfw skins


i feel like he would, but she's under age ;(


I hope someone makes a guide. I'm apparently missing upgrades, a certain sword, and hambo.


Also in the maze cave you can fly through the light out of the map. And the nude models in the model viewer are blacked out, is that supposed to happen or is my game broke?


The "??? Sword" can be obtained by holding Q and press Right, Up, Down, Down, Down, Up, Right. After obtaining the sword, you have to charge it by using it in combat, you'll see a bar filling up when you attack enemies. After it's filled up, go up to the character you want to undress and hold F for a little while and release it. You only need to charge the sword for each new person you want to undress, previously undressed characters can be undressed again without recharging the "??? Sword"


Thats when you tell everyone that they're 18 :^)

Mathias Whisler Jr.

Mike inel, i do understand that when given the responsibility and power of creation, you are essentially the god of what you create. It is up to you what is kept sacred in the worlds you make as you are the god of it. However, when making anything into a porn, nothing can ever be sacred. Though it is not a law, it is nature, and it transcends all creations. Princess flying fish is no exception. although it is your choice whether to change your world again as a god sees fit.

Mathias Whisler Jr.

also btw i feel that in model viewer: breakfast princess is very limited because the dress alone, even though the beach version is nice, a bare skinned version is easier to use. OH i just got an idea: adding in items! YES! items to the poses! i think you know what i mean! OH and finn and fionna should be able to get bare as well. for various replay-abilty purposes. :D

Mathias Whisler Jr.

i actually didnt know you could fall off like that and not die. i really just used a lot of energy it was hard. when she did the mini-spin laser (1 without pillar) i just jumped1x and infin dash into a wall and try to time when she would finish so i still dash back with stamina left. if u have 2x stam, its not that bad. only if rng-sama has her do it 3x in a row. witch can happen.

Mathias Whisler Jr.

also try not to take her below half hp when you are getting her when down. make sure its as close as you can get it, then back off so she is still on easy mode. that way when you get her on her down u can take her to a quarter of hp or even less. and she would just hit her hard mode, instead of from half hp. also dash cancels recover animation from sword attacks. sword4x-> dash-> repeat for best dps. its even faster is you dash at the same time you do your 4th sword hit. time it RIGHT after the 4 attack animation


Released right after I'd completed everything in 7.0. Your timing is impeccable =D


Already?! Dude, you didn't have to concern yourself with a mini update so soon. Most of your legion of fans would be more than willing to wait while you work on other, more pressing projects or if you just wanted to rest. Thanks for the hard work. *returns Mike_Inel to his poke ball for a long rest*

Yuki Wong

Nice! Although I've had windows defender detect the game exe as a virus like 3 or 4 times.


You are one fast badass Dev! But... The showerscene is still the "new" animaatiiooonnn QQ


whenever i try to "extract all" and go into the folder, it says the folder is empty. windows defender also kicks in during this time. is there a way to fix that?


A couple more tips for anyone who might need them: 1. Try to hold onto your potions at LEAST until she's below half health. Not only will you need the HP restore, but the instant stamina recovery will be useful, more now than ever. 2. Don't bother using the Long Dash to avoid the ultra laser spin. The ice pillar she drops on the stage will block it if you hide behind it. 3. Use the 4D Sword teleport to avoid her normal laser spin and use the time to grab any of the health that might be dropped by Gunters in this time. Those are the main things that helped me survive it, I'm sure there are more tricks. Oh and hey, speaking of fights, will there be an Arena/Boss Time Trial mode of some kind in the future? After this update I found myself wanting to try again at the Ice Queen with the stamina system change, but I don't want to delete my whole save file to do so :(


This game is amazing, it's so well done, I am proud to be your patreon!

Mr Ru

I'm still getting the 'ask Jake about the note' error where it doesn't appear as a dialogue option. Going to try a reset incase it's the save file's fault.


Idea for the game What about.........A TAUNT BUTTON.

Mr Ru

Found a bug. On the 'blue key get' screen, I pressed start by mistake. Menu came up and I was able to exit but now the A button won't work and I'm stuck at that screen. Going to try it on other stuff. Update: It's fine on dialogues but hitting pause on 'Potion get' froze the controls again. A and Y won't work but I can still enter the menu and select the options there.


i figured it out! i just had to put the extracted file in the exclusion section of Windows Defender


No longer launches in SteamVR mode when only a Rift is connected, but the distorted view from 7.0 is still present (other programs using the OVR runtime work fine).


Oh, found another bug btw. It was in 7.0 as well. Basically, if you pause after buying a Potion but before closing out the dialog, you'll be stuck at the "POTION GET!" window, and the only button that works now is Start. Only way to get out is to Pause and go back to the Main Menu. Every other bug that I've run into has been fixed though, so nice work dude!

Gavin Thurow

Everytime I try to launch the game, windows defender says that there is malware attached to the game. Please try to fix this.

Micah A Leavens

can any one help me get the swords. I only have found 3 so far. can any one help me.


The Ice Queen's boss fight needs a little bit more tweaking

Mr Ru

I too would like modest bust versions of the girls.


Check the walkthrough for details. you're probably missing the 4D sword and the ??? sword. You'll need infinite dash for the 4D sword. It's located in the twilight room. you need to dash along a wall to get to it. For the ??? sword, hold Q and then press Right, Up, down, down, down, up, right

AAskulls Art

Still can't gt the ??? sword, is there a specific place I have to go to?


my system considers your game malware


no idea why it was running it great the other day

The Retard

Ok i really can't figure out how to do this, I have only got one achievement and it is the naked Marceline shower one. Does anyone know a guide I can follow?


i havnt been able to get the ??? sword ability to work yet, do I hav to beat the ice queen to do it or can it be done at any time after getting the sword, even the bar under the player isn't showing up... please help


jesus christ mike you need to consider making horror games... i just want the ??? boss battle

Rathian Heart

Tried using the ??? Sword in the Marceline boss fight but it looks like it wasn't working on her. Not sure if it'll work on Ice Queen either, unless there's something I'm missing about it? Also is there a way to repeat boss battles after completing them the first time?


ok, I only need 3 more achievements, beat ice queen a second time, get all the upgrades, and use the ??? sword on all the girls... the ice queen battle is extremely hard, and if you didn't know the snail is in the eyes room

That Guy

no i beat ice queen with it, funny thing was that was the only time i could beat her too lol

Rathian Heart

What about PB and Marceline? Every time I've used it it says the appearance is locked and I need to make sure the gauge is fully charged (which is is).

Kidd L3vi

if anyone is curious on how to fill the gauge on the ??? sword. you just beat enemies with it equipped. i found fighting the fruit witches in fionnas world the quickest way.

Meerkat Ears

Yep definitely got trojans from the mega file. :O


anyone know the strategy to beat ice queen, cuz that is total insanity, no one can dodge all that bull crap, lol


Im new here I have to ask. Will you make Adventure time like Gravity falls game too ? Your work is great !


Woo! I finally beat 7.1 without cheese. Magic Man's barrier is still a pain, so I don't know how I actually did it beyond just attacking, lightning, and fire dashing. The Ice Queen wasn't too bad this time around. Without the damage boosting, I just long dashed around and beat her with 2 potions left. I wish I had more money to give you Mike and would love to see more games like this in different worlds/show like Gravity Falls, Phineas and Ferb (might be a stretch), Total drama series, et cetera. Fantastic labor of love. Thank you.

Adam Csirik

some things to note. - executable is being marked as a trojan on a lot of computers for some reason. - when you get unlimited dash you can just kinda alternate between attack and dash to stunlock most enemies. - its kinda stupid that to get all the achievements i had to go searching around in the game for like two hours trying to figure out what i was missing then look it up online and find out you just have to put in a code to get some secret sword. (hold Q and input Right, Up, Down, Down, Down, Up, Right.) (which i had to search for quite a while to figure out)


the code was posted in the original release notes. everyone had access to them. (for the sword in question.)

That Guy

you have to attack smaller enemies until the gauge that appears under you i think is full then you can undress someone

nick evans

how do you unlock gender-bend in 7.1 . . . i feel like i have tryed every combination except the correct one :(

Auzzy B

Possibly a one time glitch, but I was in the intersection room and one of the worms I killed got stuck in the little backflip death animation and refused to go away and as such didn't allow any other enemies to spawn.

Rathian Heart

Awesome, got it. All that's left is the all upgrades and abilities which...I feel like I've gotten everything. Double jump, dash, infinite dash, rapid attacking, recovery, double health/stamina, and then the base, root, demon blood, ??? and 4D swords. Unless there's something in the Hambo dimension...I think that's it?

John doe

There's a note outside marceline's house with the genderblender code, which only shows up after the ice king/marceline fight.


any one have a solution to windows defender blocking game


its saying its a trojan and wont let me run it either


How to get ??? sword? The code (Q and Right, Up, Down, Down, Down, Up, Right) doesn't work.

Daniel Hutchins

i cant get the game to work i dont know what to do my pc thinks its a vires and i cant get it to stop being dumb


may i suggest adding some more things to video options 1) light source intensity slider 2) Light color slider no external color change - Current color 3) turning particles off. Also the Inf-dash is impossible to get with lower end pcs due to animation lenghts being longer from frame drops

Daniel Hutchins

i keep trying the ??? sword and it says that the naked people are still locked what am i doing wrong


you need to attack enemies with the ??? sword to raise the meter under finn/fionna once it glows, you can use its ability

Daniel Hutchins

thansk do you know how to get threw the shield as fionna and were to get the big totas hack


to get that hack, you need to go: middle, right, middle, left in the repeating maze


I still think taunt button is a good idea

Zachary Spring

the game only show pink everything for me any help with that please.


I have had this happen multiple times. If you hit the ESC button on your keyboard to pause the game and then resume the game, it "breaks" the stuck enemy into coins and health bubbles.

devin schmidt

i do agree with whoever suggested that we have some sort of dedicated place for uploading model viewer stuff... like a subforum or something


It appears i cannot use the wish or hint menu

Gage Shelly

I can't seem to unlock the ??? sword and I also can't find genderbend room, can someone help me?


the sword you hav to hold Q and right, up, down, down, down, up , right with either the arrow keys or WASD, and the genderbend can only be accessed after beating ice king/ marceline

Connor Piper

Awaiting hambo fight. Keep up the good work :D


how long did take you to beat the ice queen? its fucking hard


<a href="http://i.imgur.com/Q7XpVod.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/Q7XpVod.png</a>

Sebastian John

man i was trying to support you such a long time but my card was not working. i made a new bank account to support you i love you and i hope you keep doing what you do

Chandler Ennis

Just FYI, I got a glitch during the Ice Queen fight where she kept walking in circles around her tiara on the ground while vulnerable, and she never went back to normal attacks. I ended up just beating her by hitting her repeatedly. No idea what caused it though.

Chandler Ennis

Is there any sort of forum or doc for sharing poses? (SFW or NSFW)

That Guy

it was me, and i would love to set that up for him but i still haven't gotten that far into my web design classes


That Guy

it charges by using it against small enemies like worms or fruit witches

Danny Bridges

how do i become fiona and see all the, you know, nsfw. do i have to beat the game first, if so, then fine, but it doesnt seem to different to me than the beta 3 for non patrons was. i know the game is still in progress but i dont see half the stuff some people are talikng about.

devin schmidt

ouch, well it doesnt matter how long it takes tbh. we have several options that i know of. there are some free forums sites that allow a user to create their own forums i believe

Kimi Marvin

there is this glitch where you can get out of the map,you need to have the 4-d sword and go to soul mode and get under marceline house and go to the nearest wall and go up.

Nobody Oryx

Is anyone else getting a Trojan warning?


to be fionna, you need to beat Marceline and there will be a note on the cave wall just outside her house and follow it, to see all the nsfw stuff you need to use the ??? blade on all the girls/guys in the game but it can only be used if you charge up the meter at the bottom by killing enemies

Degenerate Pepe [Common] BS-0034

This game is great it sounds, feels like kingdom hearts game even the combat is similar. Very well done so far, I am wondering will them game feature going out into the world of adventure time or are you planing to make the world bigger ? More areas with different enemies would be cool

CryptidTech Games

Ive gotta say, I bought a Rift for our next project and been pretty disappointed by a lack of content but I have been absolutely loving this!! I had a cheeky peek at Marceline in the shower (very nice indeed) and looking forward to working through some more naughty bits!


That 4d sword sounds more like a smart exploit and not a glitch. I honestly had a harder time finding the sword then the eye challenger so since its a twice over deal I see no reason to close off ways to win


<a href="http://prnt.sc/d3yr3g" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://prnt.sc/d3yr3g</a> i did it! xD of course mike would hide the last powerup in the last place you'd think it'd be.. using the map form marceline's house so people wouldn't know about that area unless they looked extra hard youre clever xD


Thats was awesome! Yahoo! <a href="http://prnt.sc/d49dd7" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://prnt.sc/d49dd7</a>

juan oviedo

podrían intentar traducir el juego al español en alguna próxima vercion? estoy seguro de que atraería a mas personas.


How do you get the demon sword and 4d sword? The only thing i can find now is that star thats behind a bubble that i cant break.

Jessey Bender

I am having problems getting to get the game to work

Narko Silva

to get the deamon sword you need to be fionna and go to where you get the normal golden sword


to break the bubble for the upgrade, you need the demon sword and use the fire dash repeatedly till it breaks and the 4d sword, you need the infinite dash upgrade which I think is behind the bubble and its in the twilight zone room


so I discovered you can easily get things once you get the infinite dash , it allows one to skip the 2nd tentical boss battle . However Id like to state Its not a bad thing. since its a repeat battle and the fact that unless you think in terms of hunting for exploits one would not think of this. and unless somthing silly like an invisible wall was placed this would be a hard fix. Just posting my two cent as a gamer and what I discovered on the playthrough. Really enjoy your work.


as soon as i beat the ice king, the game crashed. it said there was malware in the game


can someone explain how to beat the ice queen ?


how did you beat the ice queen i struggle on the 2nd form (with the ice ring) any tips?

juan oviedo

Someone could win the battle against the icy queen?


how to beat the ice queen... git gud :)... na, just avoid everything and attack when her shield is down, ranged attacks for the later levels (daemon blade)

Mister Maestro

Okay this is a secret but the 4D Blade makes you immune to damage as long as you have stamina so just wait out icy witchy's big hits in the fourth dimension


windows just told me beta 7 has Trojan:Win32/Maltule.C!cl.

David Edgmon

dashing with the infinite dash makes you immune to all damage and it takes less stamina, so just hold out side the ring where she cant hit you. In all honestly you can beat her any-other way, I've tried more then ten times (not including the individual deaths per run through)

The Nanomatic

I think you deserve so much love for these! I'm having a blast! :D


Dear Mike Can you please make it compatible with MacOS/OSX? My PC is not working and don't think it will work and I'm stuck my Macbook Pro. I really want to try this game :'(


So NOW you reverted to the old shower scene, right? QQ Right? Can't play right now, pls someone tell me he changed the shower animation!

robert blair

Is there a reason I can't boot up the game it just deletes itself when I try saying its malware?


Unfortunately, I wasn't able to bring back the old animation due to certain limitations. I'm terribly sorry.

juan oviedo

Please lessen the difficulty of the battle against the icy queen

Meerkat Ears

Still getting malware


Oh well, at least i know now that it's lost forever. Ima go no and cry myselft to sleep. Also I won't bother you about this anymore. Sorry.


hi mike, had an issue with the latest beta and wanted to know if it was a glitch. Tried a few times but can't get the creepy horse to actually stand under the latter.

Victor Robarts

Im having the same problem, it says I dont have permission to use the game


how to get rid of the malware to play?


<a href="http://hastebin.com/nisinicule.diff" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://hastebin.com/nisinicule.diff</a> (beaten game save data)


i cant use the code. I hold q the entire time and enter right, up down down down up right. but it wont work. Its the only thing i havent unlocked


I have the three main swords but how do you get the rest?

Animated Carl

I'm assuming you have the Golden Sword, Demon Sword, and Root Sword. You get one of the swords you're missing by entering in a code from one of the other Patreon Beta posts and the last sword is in the Genderbent world and you need an ability to get it.


queen beyblade can go through her pillar

Keegan Johnson

do i have to extract the files after downloading it or no

David McNoodle

Ice Queen to hard, she can kill you even with root sword. And the pinguins keep falling NO HEALTH CAN BE TAKEN! I die cuz those gunthers fall

David McNoodle


David McNoodle

Mike Inel I am trying to fight Ice Queen 100 times

David McNoodle

Half health ice queen is unattackable


You gotta be patient, her only opening is she's walking and looking for her crown. Wait for that moment and go all out.




So, for some reason I can't get the "Change Sword" ability after making Hambo appear in the secret spot. It looks like the star just gets replaced by Hambo, so I can't get the "All Abilities and Upgrades" achievement. Is this a bug, or am I just missing something?

Keegan Johnson

after going genderbend how do u beat the color cods thing its way to fast


This game is so much fun! It's been years since I've really wanted to beat a game in one sitting.

Jim Rustles

Where is that animation on the tv when you turn off the lights from?

Ghost Mode



It takes me back to old school games. I remember spending hours on a boss or a level and wanting to smash the console up...until I beat it and I feel the greatest feeling ever! and then you for some reason insult yourself for not beating it before. The Ice Queen was a great battle to end this installation of the beta, I dont think the difficulty is too hard or too easy. Hint to beat her - Buy the double health/stamina from breakfast princess. Also get the unlimited dash ability. Good luck!


Im not sure, but I think he animated it himself. He has a YouTube page that is full of awesome animations (OBVS not NSFW) here is the link: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/user/mikeinel" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/user/mikeinel</a>

Lecherous Leech

If someone could help me... I'm having trouble getting the double sword skill. I go to where it should be, but hambo is the only thing I see there.

Lecherous Leech

There are several ways, but before any of them, it's best to get double hp and stamina and additional potion slots first. One way to beat her is using the void sword to just peace out until she's vulnerable. Another way use infinite dash until she's vulnerable. The way I did it was to use the wood sword to 'counter' every attack since counters don't use stamina and you're invincible throughout the counter animation. Then, I dodge the the giant ice pillar, and hide behind it when she does her crazy fast beam attacks (when the lighting dims). You have to make sure to keep the pillar between you and the Ice Queen, so you have to move around the pillar. Then, you attack her where she's vulnerable. Rinse and repeat. Watch out for Gunters (they were the hardest part), and for the spinning ice blade when she gets below half (just keep countering the ice queens attacksand the ice blade can't hurt you). An interesting mechanic is that the defense/counter move can occur at any time - mid attack, mid dash, etc., so it might help to dash/counter for extended invincibility frames.


After getting hambo look around the cave entrance to the twisted maze some messages will appear calling you persistant ignore them and keep going to me awhile to figure it out


Is there another download? I keep getting "out of memory" with Mega, and it keeps asking me to download the software that tacks on the trojan everyone is getting. Help please? We need an alternate download link.

Adam Johnson

have you ever tried making a Gravity Falls game? i would love to play that .-.


Holy shit I've played all of the Dark souls game, I've looped nuclear throne I've done my share of bullshit boss fights but holy shit Ice queen is the worst most frustrating fucking boss fight I've ever done. Christ just let me hit the fucking boss you did this with Marcalene stop having moments where we can't hit the boss it's the worst.


I'm just having a hard time with the Marceline fight, any tips?

Ben Chervinsky

if your having trouble with Marceline get ready for Ice Queen! Here is a tip for most of boss fights just dodge A LOT! Finished the beta in 6 hours... lol

cheelez sanchez

ok i give up I cant find the download for patrons


That's probably because you don't have room in your main drive (Where the OS is). Do you have separate drives? (OS drive and separate for storage?) Make some room if you can.


My tip, get root sword, get double stam/hp, 2-3 pots, and learn to dodge her skills... Took me 2-3 days to beat her.


go to hambo world and stand on top of marceline house. Look at the area where you got your redkey or tricard(genderbend), you should see a faint light, that was change sword ability. To get there is quite tricky, you need to keep jumping on rocks.


Where is the mesh editor?

Karumi Yusa

Might I suggest providing a different way to download this version? This...MEGA site doesn't sit well with me, but I decided to play along. The problem is that the site refuses to let you complete the download unless you create an account with them. Which has proven to be near impossible since they refuse to send me an email. On another note, I have played the Public Beta and was thoroughly impressed, but that's to be expected from you. Regardless, thanks for quite the experience.

David Ramirez

I have downloaded the file but I cant run it.....somebody help please



David Ramirez

where are hambo and the fish princess?

Sora Zealon

I've only recently Started supporting Mike, and this is the absolute best thing I've seen in ages. (Totally not drooling...) Keep up the good work! c:

Joshua Heidorn

can someone help me i have the demon bloodsword and i use the fire dash to got the long dash and the bubble like protector won't open


Blessed Sigmar! The "nightmare" part scared me real good. I genuinely got creeped out by it and had to switch my outfit to the "sailor fuk-u" for the silly looks to make it less creepy.

Blais Hurst

I love the way the the game plays. The attack and defend animations remind me of kingdom hearts. This gave me a nice feeling of nostalgia, keep up the good work.


I can't find the Change Sword perk to get the achievement.


How do I open the game? it keeps saying something about game data.

Wesley Gunder

why did you remove ??? sword?

Marcel Rimkus

Hm. What happened to the ??? sword? Was fun :D


Click the button on the right ('download through browser'), instead of the button on the left, and you will be able to download without an account.


para desbloqueala pega uma espada qualquer antes


i got a few suggestions to make it better. 1) make it so the weapons appear on the back of Finn/Fiona, and when you get the dual sword ability, they both appear like an 'X'. 2) make it so the coins and orbs are auto collected, its annoying to stop fighting, collect and then back to fighting, because they only stay on ground for 5seconds. it ruins the fighting experience. 3) make a combo or hit counter. i dont care if it does nothing, i just like seeing how high i can get with hit counters. however, if you do make it so it does do something, that would be cool too.


True, if you were just able to it her during the fight, it would make it a bit easier.


Dear author, could you testing this game before uploading? Main boss unbalanced, this is UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!11111

Ian Stubbers

I'm having trouble playing the game, I download it and save it to my desktop, but it just shows up as a .zip file, and I cant run anything inside of it


you need to unzip the file with winrar


actually you can cheese ice queen pretty hard. just run off the edge the entire time to get the perma invincibility and then time it with her final attack ( uually you can stop killing your self during the part where she speeds up to fast to dodge at the end) then run in and hit her about 1 or 2 cycles and then dash out so you dont get hit with explosion when she picks up her crown. save your portions for when she brings up the ice swords. it tok me about 6 or 7 tries but i did it in 1 night


you should put in a multiplayer would love to kick some one else's ass while waiting for the next updates

Herald Hearth

I seem to be having troubles accessing other parts of the game. The moment I try to go into Marceline's house or back to the main menu from the cave I'm forever stuck on the loading screen. Possible bug?


well this game have more!~~ update? is super awesome~!

Richard Zealy

Are there going to be major differences between the patreon version and the final public version?


Probably not much. As a patreon, I'm curious how that'll work out.


im having issues acessing the ??? sword are there additinal requirements? other than need ian a sword? and holding q and pressing right/up/down X4 or 3 then up and right?


second battle with the ice queen is ridiculously hard


I really love this game! You did a great job with it. Can't wait for new updates! So here's a weird question... (or maybe not so weird)tehe. Have you considered adding a uh... ehem... futanari hack? (^_^)

Joakim Ericson

No its just perfect. Its a easy fight only hard to master! :) I know what i need to do all fight its only my skills that make it hard or easy.

The Jay

So mouse camera controls aren't working, and any loading screen I go to once in the game sits at loading forever

The Jay

okay I fixed the camera problem with a simple redownload, but still when I enter marcelines house at the beginning it stays on the now loading screen forever

The Jay

any luck on this? I'm having the same issue

Gabriel Martínez Delgado

This game's just awesome! I love the way you combined anime style - Kingdom Hearts - kind of - combat system that feels so familiar with the Adventure Time universe. Can't wait to try the full version! Cheers for you!


I want the 7.3 update for new stuff


Perverted'ness., Anime, and silliness all in one great cartoon ... I like the way you think


Perfect, but I need the update 7.3


Watch this video I hope it serves you <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHTWi37y7qw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHTWi37y7qw</a>


Do not pay attention to the message just press enter and with that it should just tell you that there is no data because you started a new game


Right , Up , Down , Down , Down , Right and Up and obtain the sword ??? But before you have to grab the first sword.

Daniel Douthwaite

is there gonna be a finished game and when will it be out? :P

Tristan Neese

Will there be a way to strip Fionna down like the Pervy Sword can to all the other npcs?

Daviel Banister

I picked up Marcy's doll and if you look over the water where the super high platform is normally, you can see an upgrade star. Anyone know how to get it? I can't figure it out.

Tristan Ancelet

how can I use the hacks? when I downloaded the game it did not start with any of the hacks. how can I get them?

Zombie Kick

Daviel you have to go one the side you see the star and follow a path to get to it. it was hard for me to find it too.


I can't hear anything in the game. :/

Orion Derek Murphy

So I found an orb of light inside of Marcelines hambo fueled nightmare...I can't find it in items and it doesn't appear to have affected anything. I also reached the end of the path in the nightmare that leads to "You're not Finn" and another path that says "Jeez, you're persistent" did I break something, or am I missing something?


i receive some error report , should i send u?

Mr Ru

Something feels weird with the VR but I'm having a hard time placing it. Like the FOV is lower on the edges of the screen, so things feel like they're shifting as I turn my head. Maybe the fisheye effect is too high/low? I'm on an Oculus CV1, btw.


omg i lost my savegame alsooooo like about 7 hours WHYY

Gwen Evers (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 04:47:52 any idea when u will releases 7.3 no rush just love the game so much cant wait till you do the next big update &lt;3
2017-05-21 17:01:50 any idea when u will releases 7.3 no rush just love the game so much cant wait till you do the next big update <3

any idea when u will releases 7.3 no rush just love the game so much cant wait till you do the next big update <3


I would like to ask kindly that you shorten the boss battle for the 2nd phase of fighting the Ice Princess, im fine with how challenging the boss is, (given i have played more than my share of darksouls) but im truly not having fun with this boss and the given time length between the times im able to attack her. eventually you run out of health, its inevitable for you to lose a lot of health, the only way to really survive the boss is for you to strait up get lucky.


I agree, and every time I died and came back to start again, I started at the difficulty that I died at :( so I just gave up on even trying

Dominique Loggins

There are ways around loosing so much health you just need to upgrade yourself. If you are loosing too much health then your not ready to fight her. Not to say it can't be done before upgrades just that if you don't it WILL be harder.

Marco Diaz

im a new patreon so umm whats the difference between beta 3 public and beta 7.2 patreon

Gwen Evers

cant wait for 7.3


When do you expect 7.3 to come out :3?


Ive been waiting 9 months for the next update xD

anthony ronquillo

Wow, Inel, great moves, keep it up, proud of you!


The Google Drive link is broken. Says that it doesn't connect with the Terms of Service.


Hello mike inel, I just recently donated to your patreon (just found out about your extraordinary game) and was wondering if I could do a youtube series on your game ( also im sorry if this isnt how I shouldve contacted you I made a pareon account just to donate, thanks.)

Kevin Rodriguez

Google Drive link is not working and MEGA link is telling me to either pay for storage or wait 6 hours to start downloading the game


are you clicking download through browser on mega?

Koren Shiki

damn man 7 months without a new update the next one must be the last

harry nelson

i want to try with the extra characters like flame prince/princess and stuff

harry nelson

also needs more swords like the grass blade and the fin sword

harry nelson

i found a glitch to where if you use the 4 d sword you could fly through walls and i was also thinking you need to side quest and be able to leave the cave and meet other characters