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Have you tried looking for your name from thousands of other names?

And when was the last time you did this with my creations? Last year?

Since I'm not planning to focus on huge projects anymore. (Emphasis on "huge", since I might still do smaller projects)

I plan to stop doing this Patreon crediting in the future.

But I have an upcoming video to post on Youtube (An incredibly short one. Just a timelapse of a bunch of Splatoon fanarts)
And I plan to have that video as my last creation with Patreon credits.

After that, no more Patreon crediting.

Here's that video: https://youtu.be/qp7j_pvOiTE 

It has been an honor for me to share thousands of names of those who supported my works.

Thank you all for your continuous support!



Honestly understandable. It can get tedious doing it.


Yeah thousands of names I remember the adventure time credits room and though that was cool it's a daughting amount you


I'm surprised nobody has devised a semi-automatic way to do it by now


People care about being credited? I guess I can understand if donations come in $x,xxx but I only donate $1


Honestly very understandable, but lets be real I hope this is the only sort of problem you'd face. With so many fans it really is hard to thank them all but continuing to producing more work is all we could agree on asking for ^^;


Maybe my name will finally appear for this last one. I don't think I've been able to spot mine up till now TAT not a big issue though, I just like being a part of this train


It's very understandable, I have to admit last time I tried to find mine it took me a while to see it so to be honest it's no biggie. I'm just excited to see more of your work, as a long time fan~


Thanks for putting up with us for so long.

Icey Jin

Keep up the good work dude


While it's no big deal to me, i can hardly imagine there's no automatic method to do it.

Pyo Heliobros

I'm doing this everytime

Tazer Silverscar

This is why you need like, direct links instead. Most people I look for on Patreon I can't find at all.


Ah, that makes sense. So, what smaller projects are you planning on? Short videos? I wish you well!