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Sadly, there are no updates for the game itself. I'm keeping myself busy with creating more characters, just as planned. As of August 31, I've made 10 so far. I'm hoping to add more, but it seems I'm getting really close to my deadline. (The deadline being, 1-2 months before Halloween) I'm sorry to say, but I have to rush the game now. (Having little gameplay and such)

Aside from this, the NSFW version is now on the works as well. I'm sure some have already seen the updates from the other tumblr blog. (If you like to know the link, simply private message me here)

Thank you everyone for your extra-ordinary patience and support!




"(If you like to know the link, simply private message me here)" It's in the description.


While I'm really excited for the game, please don't work yourself too hard. You don't need to wear yourself out.

Ashley Mason

It's look great so far, Mike. IMpressive work with those character model. Love those hips! <3 And same goes for those seen on your other tumblr. ;P


I'm glad we share the same canon for PB and Marcy <3


PB's really doing it for me, love the sexy nerd trope

Icy Panda

Hope the Breakfast princess is a bitch, other than that I know that your game will be amazing even if the NSFW stuff isn't in the this version, keep up the goodness :3


Nice Work Mike


I like it! I'm very impressed! If I may suggest, I think that Marcy and PB's body proportions are getting slightly over exaggerated. Not that I don't mind some, it just seems excessive.


any ETA on when you will release the nsfw version? i doubled my pledge as your work in all forms is fantastic

Kyra Arkenseed

I thoroughly enjoy your work Mike, but I am curious as to what exactly you meant by your "deadline". Are you on a strict schedule for all of your work?


I saw your work, and like always i'm beyond impressed, I think this is gonna be the "one"

Maurice Gibson

awesome i look forward to it being released ^^


I think I speak for many when I say that I'd rather wait a bit longer for the game to be 100% complete than getting it early and rushed. Take your time, mate. (Unless the deadline is there for a completely different reason, then just ignore this). :P

torin sockey

cakeinator I second that


Oh my god, that Fionna model is a thing of pure beauty. But I also want to chime in to say that I'd rather have the game be delayed and be the best it can be than have it rushed.


It's fine if you have to rush the game, but could not make it like Sonic '06? lol


Never mind waiting when you always deliver amazing quality. Keep up the good work man.


just played it really liking it so far also i agree that id rather not see this rushed this has a lot of potential looking foreward to seeing more content


My only question is if there's a way to stop that horse from following you. I triggered it and it's honestly creeping me out


How does one obtain this link?