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The rework is progressing so far. We focused more on the gameplay.

Here are some GIFs of what the gameplay looks like so far.
(Please take note that assets and designs shown aren't final. They only serve as  placeholders)

Attacking is mixed with swordplay and magic, both using the Spacebar key. If the target is close to you, you will attack with your sword. If it's far, you will use magic.

You can switch magic as well, using the number keys.

The keys Q and E are used for turning the camera 45 degrees. But if you have targets, it will change targets instead.

The one-hand controls also work with a gamepad. (Both sides)

This is one idea our programmer wanted to apply. Instead of the Patreon names only used in credits, he wanted to have the names of Patrons trapped and held by enemies. Once the enemy is defeated, the name will be released with a message. All names and messages will go to a book for viewing. And players will get a game-based reward once all names are collected.
This idea, however, is still too early to apply and finalize. We're still unsure whether it will get in the final game.

Aside from the gameplay, we're also working on our base models.

Even though I can reuse the detailed model I made with Marceline, we decided to take the bodies (but heavily edited) from Daz Studio's Genesis instead. A lot had to be tweaked to give them anime-based proportions, as well as the bones and rigs fully-reworked for compatibility with real-time rendering. (The heads, however, are new)

And lastly, a bunch of sketches. Brain-storming ideas for character designs. Some look stupid, some are reused designs from other characters I made. None of them are final.

And that's all of the updates for this month!
You can view all the images in this album: https://imgur.com/a/uMI1Jk7 

We plan to take a break from the fan game this March.
With the fangame well-focused on production for the previous months, I'm not able to work on other stuff that I have to do, such as the rest of the Zootopia PSDs, its video clips, and the updated 3D distribution of the previous fangame. I wanted to finish them first before I get back to the fan-game again.

I hope everyone won't mind. We'll continue the fan-game in April.




Im really excited for it


Good luck, I cant wait for the game to come out

Minh Do

Add futa


The patreon names idea sounds cool.


Can we get an idea for when the new Patreon page might go up, or maybe even when you think a playable version of the game will be live?


Starfish love you


Wonderful work, I'm looking forward to it, take as much time as you need and keep up the good work guys!


this looks amazing! honestly, gamepad support? you care of your fanbase more then blizzard.


I'd like to be a trapped spirit o(0u0)d

Lecherous Leech

Damn! The animations are looking really clean and responsive! The subtle motion blur on the run is also well utilized, and many games over- or undertune it. The designs and models are also looking pretty sexy. Keep up the great work!


On this note, please add an option to turn off motion blur completely

Shawn Heatherly

I'm perfectly okay with you taking March off.


it all looks super cool, the only thing i kinda don.t like is the 3D model of girl, it looks too thick


im sure lotsa people are going to enjoy thst one handed controls


im honestky amazed, you guys made a core game in like what? A few months? Idk but i think thats impressive! Im very excited to see the end result!

Pyo Heliobros

That looks pretty impressive so far. I'm looking forward to the finalized game!


Will be in game option to two-hand control? And what if i want only sword run? Will be option for that?


Bro! You really inspire me so much! Like game play and design wise. You are always a goal I wish to reach. It so impressive, the quality is something to marvel and I hope to touch in my own projects. Thank you! You get me pumped and ready to go!

Juha Linna

I recommend to use Morph3D base characters (Genesis2 for Unity from DAZ daugter company). Morph3D have starterpack as free asset. I think DAZ still have this nasty licensing for their basemodel so it maybe easier to use Morph3D starter pack and Genesis2 is better than Genesis 1 for games. If you want to use DAZ then I recommend to get Aiko8 or Sakura8 pack and runtime license for that. Edit: If you have old indie gamedev license then you are fine. It was dirty cheap at somepoint so I got one for myself for future use. It wasn't that cheap how current basemodel license is or if you use one pack.


Thank you for the warning! We'll look into this before proceeding.


Do like :D


When will the new patreon be created?


I have some questions. Can you use a mouse to look around and fight or is it only one-handed controls?. If it's only one-handed controls I would probably feel uncomfortable not knowing what to do with my other hand. And will you be forced to lock on to targets in combat ?


In all honesty, I hope this game doesn't focus that heavily on the porn side since it looks like you have an interesting story. The game play is also kickass and it was my favorite part of the original game. Don't change it and add to it a bit, as it seems you are doing, and focus more on story than porn and this could be epic my guy. Whatever you put out, based on this, I for one am gonna love it regardless.


I'm really desperate for the release of the first version of this new stage of the game


We're currently looking into experimenting with the concept of Easy-mode as one-hand controls and Normal-mode as regular two-hand controls.


And in all honesty, we're worried that we might not be able to put many pornographic elements in the fan game since we're way too invested in the story and gameplay. We're doing our best to make a blend of game and porn that we will personally like.


I'm sorry, but we're expecting that "first version" will take several months from now. Hopefully we can make a test demo at some point for people to play around while waiting for the first episode release.


Once we manage to create a playable demo. But I'm expecting that will take several months from now.


I see a ton of KIngdom Hearts in this game, even the original build felt like KH to me, Especially with the super bosses. Is that a good thing?


Looks absolutely stunning. The previous game has become my favorite pc game ever, can't wait for this upcoming one.


Love your game^^


I'm so excited to play this new beta...