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The Adventure Time fan game wasn't entirely on-hold when I was working on "What if Zootopia was an Anime".

The fan game was going through a lot of re-planning to see how it can improve.

Long story short, it ended up with three major results:

1. A new guy named "Hotdog" will join the development to do half the work.

2. The fan game will essentially start from scrap to become a 3D pornographic adventure game.

3. A separate Patreon will be made for this project coming this 2019.

Now for the long story:
(Warning: Some images below are NSFW)

Everything started with me not being satisfied with the fan game.

What was once started as a simple project turned into a huge fan game. And now that it's huge, I want to make it really good.

I always feel it can be more than what it is. It lacks so much and I can't make it any better because of the design choices I made in the past.

So during the production of the Zootopia fan animation, I decided to do research. Ask a few people, collaborated with some, come up with various gameplays, code them, try them, etc. Some are even unrelated to Adventure Time. 

(To those who follow Manyakis: If you remember his post where he mentioned he was prototyping a game? That was from this research)

During this time, I met Hotdog. (At least that's how he calls himself for now) He focuses on game design and coding. He also helps with 3D animation by working with motion capture footage.

He tried cleaning my code once. (Converted my JS files to C#. Made my UI from 3D to 2D. Experimented with rendering improvements. It took him months, lol) We then later tried some gameplay experiments.

So I decided to have him do the main codes of the game while I focus on the visual ones like 3D and effects.

A lot of the improvements that we wanted to apply aren't suitable for the existing fan game anymore.
That's when we decided to start from scratch.
(Not entirely, though. The 3D models and a few assets will remain) But the rest, especially the level designs, codes, and even boss battles, will be gone.

And this time, it'll be completely pornographic! Not just nudity with dirty jokes, but actually applying sex in the gameplay. Complete with one-hand controls!

Because let's face it. Majority of the people who play the game are after the lewd stuff. So why not go all the way?

Here's a list of the planned changes for the fan game:
-The game will now become a porn game. (Because nudity is not enough, right guys?)
-One-hand controls (For obvious reasons. To eat chips while playing!)
-Finn will become 18 years old (Or people will find it creepy to see a kid in a porn game)
-Gameplay completely revamped (To fit with 1. Story 2. One-hand controls 3. Sexy stuff)
-Discontinue VR (This is one of the mistakes I made. VR is never a good idea for 3rd-person action games)
-Proper story (We all know the fan game has no story. It's just a bunch of NPCs with 4th wall jokes. That's going to change drastically)
-Episode releases (Every major update release will be based on the story progression)
-Make a separate Patreon for this project (Because people are sometimes confused whether they want to support my animations or this fan game)

Here's what the new gameplay looks like so far:

(Most of the assets shown above aren't final)

So you might ask: "If the fan game will transfer to another Patreon, what will happen to this Patreon?" It will continue like usual. I will do artworks, short animations, and probably piss-off people every April Fools. All the while I work on the fan game.

But that won't happen any time soon yet.

The new separate Patreon, however, won't be made until we make a huge progress with the new gameplay. Once we make something people can play, that's when we launch the new Patreon. In the meantime, all updates will be posted here!

What do you think of the big plans? Share your thoughts below in the comments!




What is this game for, PC correct?

Chase Morgan

Excited for the big plans, hopefully I can support you all the way through, but I might miss a few months


Im absolutely looking forward to this i wish you well and im definitely plan on supporting the new patreon


Appreciate all your hard work!


I've had been into VR for years and the last update with VR feature was my favorite VR game and it is also what originally brought me to Inel and Manyakis. Shame to hear it's going away, really is.


Wow looking forward for this big project weeeew


I really enjoyed the VR aspect though, it's the only way I'd play it.


this is absolutely awesome!


It’ll still be an adventure time game right?


Can you at least have VR in the sex scenes? I doubt anyone was playing the entire WIATWA3DA game in VR, they were just using it to get up close and personal with the gals. I've tried recreating your version of PB in Honey Select but it's just not the same.

Kevin Rodriguez

Those last shots remind me of God of War where he is standing on the top of Muspelheim


I definitely love this project !


Follow your dreams! I'm 100 % behind this. I love porn games, especially the ones that have fun gameplay, so I'd back this!


Sounds incredible my man, look forward to supporting this moving forward


while I respect your decisions and will continue to support you, it would be cool if we got to keep the character gallery in vr for.... up close research


I'm probably alone in this but, have you guys looked into turning this into a wholly original thing? Your designs are both very strong and becoming very distinct from the series, plus the gameplay looking unique from most erotic games. I think it could stand out greatly on its own, with more creative freedom, without any looming legal matters that may treaten it.


Sorry, sent that too early. Either way, i fully support what you're doing and looking really promising. Good luck to you and your team!


Very nice, I'm hyped.


This sounds friggin great! Imma keep my eyes open for the new patreon!


Hope Ice Queen will still make it in..best girl


You have my hopes placed on this project, good luck dude!🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️


The second that patreon goes up you've got my money.


I really like this direction you're going, can't wait to see what the future holds!


Honestly it would be even cooler to just remove the adventure time elements all together and make it into your own thing. Like sure have references to the original idea as easter eggs. Looking forward to supporting that patreon.


I cant wait


I believe this is a great idea making the games own patreon is also a good idea can't wait to see the development of this game also one handed nmode smart


Part of me kinda wishes Finn was left as is


Very nice, look forward to it.


Awesome! A full-fledged H-game in your art style would be amazing! There aren’t a lot of really good 3D, action eroges out there, especially nothing as polished as what you’ve produced this far. I just hope my crappy laptop can handle it. EDIT: Now that I think about it though, with all the work you and your team are gonna be putting into this, I think it would be better to do something original. That way, you have more say as to what happens to the final product. Also, as much as I enjoy “eating chips” while playing this type of game, I think it would better to keep the AWSD format. Otherwise, there will be even greater limits on what the player character can do.

Mr Ru

I'm with the folks saying to make this version an original. The AT fangame was pretty much done and it would be a shame to see it scrapped.


Sounds good, I'll make sure to support the new patreon page when it opens.


Honestly looking forward to this change in direction, especially the story aspect

Animated Carl

I have enjoyed everything you've put time into and will continue to support you so long as I can afford it.


Man, I cant wait for this to come out! I am a bit disappointed that you're scrapping the original, however we are getting way more/cool stuff in the new version by the looks of it!


This is epic. I'll support both Patreons. Love your work. I love the idea for this game, on board



Wade E.

What are the new Patreon tiers going to look like? Is it still going to be mostly a one dollar thing again or are we getting into real cash for access rights and the other non-sense game makers try and do all the time on here?


While I like the idea of revamping the game, I don't know about making an entirely new patreon account for the game's production. I mean, if you kept it on this account, the game would cut into the other works and vice-versa, lading to both projects being slowed down. Then, there is giving this new project its own patreon so that it could get more money (presuming it will only be financed with only the pledges to the project's account) which patrons from this account and Manyakis would have to pledge money towards, assuming they don't decide to pledge to one account over the other. So the choices are to leave it on this account and potentially add more work to the pile or, make another account for the project and hope that people from ether on or both accounts (mike inel and Manyakis) can afford to pledge to the new account. Ether way, I hope to see how things go.

Beebob Mckenzie

Sounds good to me man. I like the advewnture time game. I guess I'll just make sure I got the most recent build of that then look forward to this new one. I'll happily support that but... please be gentle XD

Shawn Heatherly

Sounds good to me! I'll be happy to support that Patreon as well.


would there be a way to alter the busts of characters/mobs in the game? I ask because at least to me, those grossly oversized breasts are kinda disturbing, and would like power to make them normal sizes (based on player preference)



AJ Ferolie

While I love you do want to make big changes, and be more pornographic, I am worried it may lose the adventure time feel. Like the bosses in the game are very cool, and they characters all still feel like coming out of the show. I do hope you will still have it keep the feel of the show with these changes. Will there still be bosses? I know the combat is looking to be more like the bottom 2 images, but I hope if could still be a bit more like the top ones.


I can feel the money loosening from my pocket already. Please give us something soon, I need this.


Can't wait to get the new game! Please keep us posted in the progress, you've made a great job in all your projects so far, so, I'll be happy to support the patreon for the game as well!


TBH, while having a full fledged h game is nice, I actually did like the combat and would rather see it improved on rather than scrapped completely. I also hope they'll at least be an option to still play as the younger versions, even if it means no porn.


I'm glad to see the return of the Adventure Time game but I'm lukewarm on Finn's adult design. He doesn't really feel like Finn. If anything, he reminds me of adult Naruto. Is there a middle ground that can be reached here? Also, bonus if there's a beautiful long haired Finn mode.


Will this still be an adventure time game? Will the princesses still be there like breakfast princess?


a 3D pornographic adventure game. I LOVE IT!!!!


I'll be honest im a little iffy about scraping everything. In the end yes that is your choice, but i like many others have for a lack of better words played the shit out of the original game, and to me it feels like it still has potential im sure this new version will be spectacular, but flame princess is waiting for that update and she's been waiting for awhile. That's all love you're game and looking forward for the new one


Hmmmm not sure how i feel about that tba you're basically stripping the soul from the game and makin just another generic 3D porn game. Not crazy about the finn's look he looks to much like Dante from the shitty DMC not the good one lol and yes i get that the art,models, aren't final just giving my 2p about it. i've seen so many projects trying to change and end up failing i just don't want the same for this one! whatever you decide to i'm sure it will be interesting at the very least.


I’m sure everyone will love the new design and gameplay for this fan game no matter what they say. Plus, I’m gonna place a bet down saying that you’ll add an Easter egg into the game where you’ll have the option to change Finn from his new form back to the original but keeping the new story with it. Basically we can have the option to play as kid Finn But other then that, I wish you and your team the best while making this game

Some Guy

You are a true hero for implementing one handed controls. Never before has a game allowed me to eat chips while playing.


Not going to lie, I’m not 100% down with the making it a full fledged porn game. I thought the first game wasn’t bad at all, and yeah it didn’t have an Oscar worthy story, but it was pretty fun with some insane boss battles. I enjoy some sexy stuff when I’m in a mood but I’m never going to be down to play a full fledged porn game. I’m gonna have to say no to this one dawg. Good luck with the project.


A few suggestions towards this;


I can not wait for a release!!!

Watson Chen

Finally!We can do some adult things for the princesses!!


Some suggestions, 1. Some suggestions for this; 1. Add Finn's hat possibly on his back tied to his neck to help distinguish him. 2. Add multiple princesses to save and to (You know what). 3. Don't force yourself to make one hand controls work, if they end up not working that's fine don't stress. 4. Keep the original game around, a lot of people love it, maybe even update it every once in a while. 5. Take your time and listen to ideas. If a patron, hot dog, or anyone else has some idea consider it. I'm looking forward to this new version. I'm hype bro.


Another generic 3D porn game? Dude did you even see the GIFs in the post? Look at the way Fionna moves! This looks like it's going to have way better combat than most games made by "industry veterans".

Gregorius Daneli

I guess my only question for this would be "do either of you have an ETA for the first demo release?"


Im all for this


Alright genuine question. Is the hands free game play an option or feature? The first game had very tight physics and I was blown away with the actual game play. Some of the best I have seen in my opinion. As some others have mentioned the nudity was just a nice bonus. Is it possible to have the original engine running the game and those who wanted to enjoy the more lewd aspects of the game? Or is that already a thing and I am just reading too far into this? I would just be saddened if the original gameplay was gone and it became a no challenge generic H game. I still remember that boss fight as on the same tier as the fight with Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 1 in the arena! Man good times. Sorry to take up so much space just wanted to clarify. Keep up the amazing work look forward to it!


So what kind fetishes would be in the game? Would there be fisting, large insertion, straight, gay, x-ray (see through), unbirth, ect.?


Perhaps it will be a strange request, but why not add a model with a prosthetic arm, as in the canon


Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but did you ever go back and add audio to the Arson game? I was waiting to play that until you did so, but I'm not sure if I missed that happening or you just never got around to it.


Bit sad over the lack of VR Mode as that was the reason I became a patron in the first place. Is there any chance of 'unofficial' VR? (That could be accessed but isn't official supported)


I actually liked the gameplay though.


I don't know if really need a new patreon


Only 1 question, will you make an anousment when you release the new Patrion?


This looks amazing, just asking, can you add a feature upon clearing a certain scene that you have a replay mode in the main menu? I think that would add a lot more one handed gameplay


At the risk of sounding like im blindly agreeing with everything you've said, it all seems logical. Im excited for the future Patreon, and ill continue to support both. GL.


I actually like this idea, and support it completely. I just can't wait for this new game! You've got my support MIke and Hotdog! <3


Ohh i will love this game... i mean for scientific purpose of course *cough* ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


>people will find it creepy to see a kid in a porn game. you draw loli and shota porn, just a couple of months ago you drew Anais watterson getting plowed. I said months ago that this was going to happen and that people should just pull their funding, and I got told that i was full of shit. this doesn't even resemble the game I originally started pledging towards, it's a shell of what it was originally. What a shitty Christmas present you gave me, Mike.


I can't wait


So will there be a genderbent verson of the menions as well? Like fighting naked guys and shit? If so I totally won't complain...


Same as dippyF, won't complain. Didn't like your original anyway


this guy can get behind that

Maksymilian Berent

That ok, you can do whatever you want it's your game. And better be with adults it would be less controversial.

Vicki M.

Some of us aren't uncomfortable with regular Finn being in it, and in fact, there are some who may prefer it that way. Might even be what brought them to it in the first place.. Just sayin'


I'm going to be host, one-handed is going to be nice. I'm as a gamer I Always eat while I play so I'm going to enjoy that, but if it comes at the cost making the game less fun I'd rather use two hands. Besides if I want to fap while playing I'll find a way, but eating while play is still going to be a pain...


what will happen to the old game? will it still be available to play?


I actually preferred the old gameplay style. It was reminiscent of the Kingdom Hearts games. This change in gameplay style is pretty much just alienating the majority of gamers and AT fans just to appeal to a comparatively much smaller group of people. I'm not ending my subscription; I'm just stating my honest beliefs and hoping you understand where I'm coming from.


I really like the old game play style. It was nice to look at, graphics was smooth and battles were difficult. I also likes that you could decide whether or not to have it show PB's big ol' biddys or not. I also liked all the secret things you could find using the 4d sword. The story line could use more work though. Also, some of my friends and I are wondering if you will still keep the same character models and everyone from previous versions of the game.


THIS LOOKS AMAZING, No try something new dont stick to the old ways


This shizzle looks hella sick! Can't wait to get my hands on this juicy azz game, lol, LE-GO!


Will the new patreon cost more to donate to. I love your work man and im most likely gonna pay both but ya boy is a broke college student


What are your plans for the inevitable lawsuit? Unlike animations and images, this seems big enough to attract attention. One handed gameplay and 3D, over the shoulder, action game seems like it would be hard to combine - I'd prefer solid gameplay over jerking potential. Sex integrated into the gameplay seems like another thing that could easily become cringeworthy (looking at the millions of "defeat = rape" games out there) - are there any preliminary ideas how this would work?


Omg it's a good plan ! the first glimpse of the game look cool ! but man do what you want as long as it does not bother you ! (I said that because your avatar in the first game adventure time makes me feel guilty) and i have a question finn and fionna will face monsters also big breast ? how finn can fight this seriously especially since he will be 18 years old !


Love this, Love seeing your projects grow larger and larger. Hopefully this does super well and (as long as you enjoy doing this kind of work) helps you move into maybe even larger project idea's. always have my support. (tho all i can do is throw what money i can spare)

Dylan Maleno

honestly hate this idea, the nsfw should’ve stayed strictly an option, not a priority. pulling my funding because this is not what i payed for. and as for the anais watterson thing? absolutely disgusting.


I love it! This game is the entire reason i joined the patreon, so the seperate page is a slight dissapointment, seeing as i dont have the budget to support both, even if it is a dollar a month, so when the new patreon is made i will stop funding this one and move to the other. i am a first year game design student myself, so i know how much work it is to make a game from scratch. Good luck to you on this massive project!


I normally just kinda lurk in the backround but.... Jesus Christ man this is freaking huge!! I love it!!


Uuh, I don't really like where this is going. If I wanted porn, I would've just go to manyakis. Not everything has to be adult-only. I'm quite dissapointed with this new direction you are going.


It looks fantastic, the seperate patreon may cause some issues, but other than that i am excited!

Sebastian John

Love it. I hope the new patron will be the same as this. already support Many an Mike will gladly support whatever new name you create this time


Not gonna lie, I did join for the boobs at first, but the actual gameplay of the old game is what hooked me in. I loved all the combat, as people said earlier it was reminiscent of games like Kingdom Hearts, and the fact that the nudity was more of an earned bonus than the main focus was a good part of my motivation to keep playing. I’ll give the new game a try, and I’ll likely enjoy it, but don’t be surprised if I come back and complain about the changes.


I like the idea of "a new Patreon", but i don't fully support it. Reasons being that you'll have to divide your artwork into two different artwork-platforms and creating so to say, an account//Patreon that is the same but still different considering your intentions. Also i love the new ideas for the game, though the VR decision is disappointing, considering it has so much potential.


Well Mike I am very exited to try out the new version of it when it comes available (bth i think fun to see it in it's technical alpha / Pre Alpha and see how far it will go with my own eyes!)


I’m rather disappointed, I funded you because I love adventure time, I love the whimsy of it all and your game mechanics were good and only getting better. NSFW was an option but one I always had off because it added nothing to the game. Recentralizing the game around it is genuinely as disappointing as the show getting cancelled. The action for your new game looks awesome and I’m sad that I will not be experiencing it.


That's nice, but Finn needs longer, fabulous, hair


yo yo it will be the same price as this one? cuz i dont have much money for patreon, u see dollar for me is like 4X the "real" so i cant really get things so expansive i got the 1 dollar because of that.


was such a huge fan of the game I played through it 100% 3 times. I cant wait for this is be beta.

David Lewis

I am super excited about this! Awesome work!


Cant wait!


One handed controls 😂😂😂


I've been a Patreon to mike since the project was called Marcellines house. Unfortunately I'm gonna End it here and now. What fascinated me about the game was, that it was not a full porn game. Just a vaery good game. Way better than the stuff you find on steam nowadys made by indie asset flippers. What I loved about adventuretime was the careful balance between gameplay and a little bit lewd stuff. Also dropping VR... why? VR worked great in the old game. it is one of the few games of the sort, that didn't give me motion sickness, and had some really neat gimmicky fun stuff in it. Anyways this ain't what I'm here for, nor was it what I have come here for. I'm really sad. Also, why start from scratch and not make it two seperate projects. I feel like a fool, that I have stayed so long. To be honest while trying to be supportive, I had no personal intrest in the fan animations. But I stayed. The new project looks not bad. And I would've stayed longer if the old project was finished 1st and this was what followed up. Oh well. Bye Mike I whish you well and I hope other patreons don't think like I do. It's just not for me anymore I guess.


tbh i like the new idea but i also dont like the whole new patreon and ditching the old game because there are so much things that are work in progress that have just been thrown out the window like the flame princess boss fight some bugs i like the new game but after that game is done you should really come back to this one

Rune Blacksin

I have to agree with dukgunner I like how the new one looks and how it’s gonna be a seperate game, the first one is what got me here and I would like the first one to be finished but I’ll still try the new one (mainly cause I haven’t beat real Finn yet)


I don't fully agree to this. Honestly. Lots of questions that most likely won't be answered so we'll just see.


The fan game as is has been one of my favorite silly games. In fact I've had it played on the big screen at parties by the funniest/best gamer there, while tons of people watched. It was rough, sure. But I'll be damned if a single person there didn't see passion in it. Everyone would go wild with laughter or awe when you meet poo-brain horse, flip the light switch, learn to use the horse to peek upstairs, jump across Marceline statues, the shock of finding Hambo, or the intensity of the almost impossible Finn fight. A personal favorite was the school light puzzle. Basically everything you've said about the new game has me hyped. The one really sad part is the decision to take out VR. The VR capabilities is what originally helped me find out you were making this game. I had been a long time fan of your animations, but it pushed me to be a supporter. I fell in love with the rest of the game and your work after that. I understand VR is not the best idea for the combat, but keep it in the game as much as possible. Perhaps reward players as they progress? Either way I still love your work. Thank you for everything. I'm eagerly looking forward to 2019.


I like where this is going but as far as a fan game that most of us have grown into. This might (and will) take a lot of time for you and Hotdog to work with all with just both of you. I would backup this project on KickStarter or GoFundMe, or something so that you can actually make a small little team with people specializing in each aspects while designing the game. For the time being I think most of us just want to mess around with the already existing fan game. So if you decide to completely scrap that, some of us might love to get the our hands dirty with them codes. You know, for the home brews ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but this is just what I personally want. And about a new Patreon for the new game, you might not know about it but Patreon rules have changed due to controversies and political disagreements upon the platform. Most of the rules aren't written down anywhere and they can just terminate the Patreon without prior notices. I think this would be troublesome (but I'm talking out of my ass here based on the news) so I would suggest having backup platforms (just in case) to do what we have been doing for years on Patreon. It is quite unfortunate that I have to mention this side note but oh well. But with all said I would love to see what you have to offer this year!


Loss of VR sucks big it'll be worth it


I'm definitely excited by this idea. Will happily support a new patreon page dedicated to it.


It's going to be interesting all this changes, but I believe it would be for good, lets see how this goes I'll support this new idea


I look forward to it, sad about the loss of VR though


It looks amazing, much better design, I'm excited to play the actualization


YES. I have been waiting for the return of this Fangame and it’s LEWDS!


So now if we wanted a SFW kingdom hearts esque adventure time game we're fucked? Cause I was kinda hoping the censored version button was gonna mean we could just enjoy a porn free game. Well, I guess I'm staying on this patreon for SFW stuff, hopefully.


As long as you keep a copy of the original fan game around for everyone to also enjoy, I am in on the new one too. I really enjoyed the humor & quirks of the original but will be looking forward to this new incarnation. 😁

Icey Jin

I am looking forward to the new one but will never forget how get the first one was. thanks for everything dude =)


Jesus. it feel's like a AAA tittle game, i wander will finn and fionna can have sex with other characters. like a dating sim. 4 kind of animation. XD


Does the game will be playable with a gamepad or only with one-hand-controls ?

Kouta kyun

hello sorry the late reply, I'd like to say I think that making this game purely porn will significantly reduce the reaching of the game, i feel like you are privating many people from enjoying your art. I think it's not that complicated to make some kind of lazy censored version. I the other hand, id like to criticize the fact that your woman models are too closed in tastes. that is to say, your woman shapes are too voluptuous, that even broke the original characters appeal, i think you can create more moderated models and keeping the sexiness. Also pls include some lolis.


I hope not all models have monster sized tiddies >< Otherwise, excited for the new updates!

Ghost Mode

Okay, I'm hyped! This would go down as the BEST porn games out there.


will 'the machine' still be a feature? if so, can you add room settings?


YES. ive been a patron for a while because of the fan game, but mostly forgot i even was after it was on hold(was just doing bills and noticed the charge) I can't wait!


cant wait for the new game but just wanting to make sure the old one will still be available because i love it as is :3


When are they going to put the new pattern and where?


Will there be a low or very low mode for low-income PCs?


i kinda like how it is atm, will it still have a kind of lighthearted fun feel to it?


Will all of the original characters remain in game Marceline, Fire Princess , Ice-Queen, Princess Bubblegum, Fiona, Prince Gumball, Marshall, Breakfast Princess, "ice-King?"?


he already said no lolis :( and that part of patreon rule i guess, but man add some lol


whats the name for the patreon?


is there a link to the new patreon?


Oh my god, this new desing os awesome, i LOVE your Game ^^