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1920x1080px Files: (Includes 8 PNG files and a ZIP of 8 PSD files)




I love all of these like gwad they are so cool!


I love everything you do and wish I could draw like you😔


Is there a deeper meaning to the photos in the game? (looking at this probably not but I still love it)


No. They are simply reworks from an old game I made, deIz. <a href="http://www.indiegames.com/images/timw/deiz2a.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.indiegames.com/images/timw/deiz2a.jpg</a> But with AT characters.

Icey Jin

dude this stuff is amazing XD


Are we gonna have a nude model of Finn/Fionna in the future? Coz according to the timeline Finn should be 18/19 and it is said that Fionna is a few years older than him.


The play of light in these are quite nice.


I can't help but be amazed at your drawing and animation, they are so perfect


This why I started following/pledging to him and it all began with a game called katawa shoujo


Trying to play but am just getting a black screen. Any suggestions?

Herald Hearth

Might be a hardware issue, like graphics card or processor for example. If not that it might be a software issue.


Thanks but... Why is there no School 1 or School 6 pic? Deep meaning? Easter eggs?


All I want now is a Generic Anime opening animation of this XD


It's very unfortunate that 1 and 6 had to be removed in order to comply with Patreon's guidelines.

Cricket Chirps

-Hey re-posting this here in hopes that it reaches Mike and/or others who had the same problem with the last major update as I did. Since i did not see anyone really talking about it. No major game-breaking bug or anything just worried about the design direction the game took with this last update. - I officially am not a fan of the "real finn" fight. i have played all the dark souls games to completion. I have dealt with challenge and attack patterns. I have also put 5 hours into this single fight and will not be finishing it. It is simply not fun. Compared to other bosses in this game, the shear perfect ability tracking and speed advantage the boss finn has in this fight does not make for a entertaining challenge in gameplay. It just feels like you do NOT have a fair chance at it. The first third alone until the boss starts flinging light spheres from the center of the room does not have a SINGLE moment to regain stamina. I could only get through it by dealing enough damage to force the second stage of the fight before my first stamina bar ran out. So many of the abilities can hit you regardless of where you are when they start and whether you are dashing or not. I have also seen different invincibility frames for the boss after the same attacks. At times the player can start dealing damage and other times the boss simply does not react to getting hit during a window which worked previously. Mike Inel i am actually begging you here. Can those of us who simply will not waste more time on this boss fight please get an alternate way around it? Just a skip space hidden in that area would be fine. I will never know what is after that fight otherwise as i am sure some others even less patient than I are likely to miss out as well. :/ Honestly this was the first update i was disappointed with. Three of the same jumping puzzles in different areas instead of the many unique and fun things that exist in this game. Something more like the only stand out in this update that I feel fits the style of this game: the school area time changing. Please try more interesting game-play puzzles like that in the future instead of nearly impossible boss fights.


As much as I found the finn boss fight annoying at first, I quickly realised that even though some attacks may seem impossible to dodge its all a matter of knowing what to do, such as, in phase 3 and 4 he does this crazy laser attacks but if you dodge over him youll hit an invisible wall and just keep dashing onto the wall until hes done. While I do agree it may have been too hard it is certainly not ''Dark Souls'' level of hard Besides, you have no obligation to beat finn as he is only an optional boss and his reward is pretty darn good


All the pictures look so familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it.


I like how you hid Fiona in picture 3 lol.


deIz ! I'm still praying for the 1.5 version :)


wait, in the first part it's Fin having selfsest?