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Patreon Beta Demo 8.0 is basically done. (I just recently tested it up to the end) Hopefully it will be available tomorrow or the next day. (I still have to make a video trailer and do further testing)

Below is the final change log.

-Ultimate Boss Battle added.
-New sword obtainable after defeating the Ultimate Boss Battle.
-4 new regular enemies throughout the game.
-6 new secret areas to find, accessible via Soul Mode.
-6 new outfits for Finn and Fionna, obtainable through the new secret areas.
-A new hack "2D Waifu" will make most of the NPCs to 2D artworks. (Obtainable in one of the secret areas)
-New abilities and upgrades
-Several new BGMs added throughout the game.
-Added Adult Flame Princess as an NPC and ally. (Remains incomplete)
-Lewd animations watchable through Ice King/Ice Queen's television.
-Minor gameplay added for Breakfast Princess.
-Damage value added.
-Model Viewer now supports Undo/Redo.
-Several models added in Model Viewer to include the new clothes, enemies, and a "slug".
-New location called "Patreon Hall of Names" to place all Patreon credit names.
-Playstation 4 Controller support.
-Mac OS support.

-You can now receive damage in Soul Mode.
-Attack pattern of Ice Queen's "Ice Swords" changed to become easier.
-Hats and Clothes can now be changed separately.
-1 lewd poster in Ice King's room redrawn. (To avoid confusion)
-Hiding the window of an NPC conversation will now let you move the camera slightly.
-Double jumping doesn't consume Stamina anymore. (It can now be used while the Stamina is refilling)
-Quick Attack has now been removed.
-Each sword have different speed, adding balance to the gameplay.
-Added sounds to the Model Viewer.
-Several assets changed to comply with Patreon's Guidelines and Terms of Service.
-Saving/Loading and file management improved. (Now uses backup files and temp folders)
-Folder for the save data can be opened using "Options>Others>Save Data Path"
-VR temporarily unavailable.

What's not in this beta:
-Adult Flame Princess Boss Battle.
-Nude version of the "2D Waifu Mode".
-Ending animation of Finn, Jake, and Ice King.

Known Issues:
-Missing sound effects.
-A few incompatibilities with previous versions of Model Viewer files.




I’ve been following this game since the original beta. I love how you used the original caves in nightmare land. I am still waiting for that blocked off below area to be opened up lol. Is there a reason the shibari outfit was removed?


I want to ask ,too, nowhere. I spent 3 nights and get every thing except the? ?? sword (ಥ_ಥ)


Take your time I'll wait for it even if it's released in September don't rush anything. You might make a mistake.


Keep up the good work 🤓


Don't sweat it, it's not like the individual donation amount is large anyway.


Just take your time, we don't want to "squeeze out" your energy :3


That's my boiiii


Awesome dude looks fantastic


Get hyped!


This is going to be awesome


don't make ice queen easier it was super rewarding beating her! And it really wasn't that bad after the 10th try which is the best way to have a boss! And don't remove vr support!


Keep on with the keep on, Mike. We've waited this long, we can wait years for this game to be the toppest of keks, the best that it could possibly be so we can squeeze every drop out of it. Too many metaphors? Maybe, but you get what I mean.


Wow. Honestly, Mike, I expected a "sorry, couldn't meet the deadline" update when I got the notification. I would have understood entirely if you had to delay it. I'm pretty patient. Though it's great that it seems I was wrong. But just so you know, I think I can speak on most everyone's behalf here when I say that, as always, super excited to see your work. The time between updates and delays are easy to forget when the final product comes out and its quality proves it was worth the wait.


Great news! Very much looking forward to it :)


I can't wait, this game is awesome.

Auzzy B

This is going to be awesome.


What were the assets changed for?


Mini update August 4 "Third unfortunate news is, my current Oculus Rift DK2 isn't working well anymore and I can't buy either another Oculus or Vive because both don't deliver to the Philippines. I'm left no choice but to temporarily remove the VR compatibility."


Would it be possible to have 'Unsupported' VR Mode. With a warning that there will be errors due to circumstances?


Mike, I just wanted to say, your the best freaking artist and game designer I've ever seen. This was really fun waiting until I kept getting the next update every month. Most people who would work on their game alone would cancel it, but you just keep working hard no matter how rough it is. Thank you so much Mike. Glad to be one of your patron.


Sweet my glourious user name will be embedded forever in a version 8.0 of a fan hentai action game! What a time to be alive.


i wonder if my name would be in it it probably wont


but it was fun waiting everyday for the game cause when i saw this i freaked out


What assests were changed?


wow, good job ! :3


I'm excited to get into the game again.


im happy i beat ice queen before she got "nerfed"



Tyler Wolfkill

awww no VR! I just beat it using my oculus


will you ever port into linux and mac os when you fully finish the game?


MacOS support nice! Maybe Linux will come next. Still hoping the source code is also released so we can learn from your work. Great work Mike!

Kimi Marvin

will the lewd animation be downloadable ?.


I'm really excited for this game to be complete, I mean from what I've seen just from the game right now, it's amazing, and does anybody know a good site where I could download a ps4 controller app that will let me use it on the adventure time game?


I use SCPToolkit for my PS3 controller which i believe has support for PS4 controllers, that said there's DS4windows which seems like the better choice for DS4 seeing as it's only focused on one controller.


I am SO ready for the new demo


<a href="http://static.fjcdn.com/gifs/MFW+Waiting+for+Book+2_681a28_4038782.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://static.fjcdn.com/gifs/MFW+Waiting+for+Book+2_681a28_4038782.gif</a>


Can you make the hacks work on Fionna, too?

Animated Carl

Thanks a ton, Mike! The game looks to be coming along amazingly. I've basically cleared my save and played this game through once a month since becoming a patron of yours in November.


&gt;MFW I refresh this page and check my email every 30 minutes today <a href="http://24.media.tumblr.com/a4ff08e321a8b262a18cfae7de3f9fc8/tumblr_mmhwbfn60w1s90uwro1_250.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://24.media.tumblr.com/a4ff08e321a8b262a18cfae7de3f9fc8/tumblr_mmhwbfn60w1s90uwro1_250.gif</a>


Windows: <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwOEc4YAIz4FT0hqcWNxZm4wRDQ/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwOEc4YAIz4FT0hqcWNxZm4wRDQ/view?usp=sharing</a> Mac OS: <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwOEc4YAIz4FTnp5N1VNQWFyTHc/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwOEc4YAIz4FTnp5N1VNQWFyTHc/view?usp=sharing</a> I will make a proper post real soon after I'm done with the trailer. In the meantime, my Patrons can play the Patreon Beta Demo 8.0 with the links above. Enjoy!


its not really a big deal but in the patreon hall of names, my name got misspelled




One of the secret areas is attacking my feelings, was not expecting this


Where is everyone finding the download?

Austin (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-16 09:45:59 壁尻頂戴しました!お待ちください!
2017-08-31 06:41:45 up in the comments

up in the comments


Huh. Is anyone having trouble with no input on their controller? I went back and played version 7.2 with my xbox controller and it worked fine, but with 8.0 nothing registers.


Oh. The options screen. Shoooooulda checked that first i'm dumb heh


Am I having a glitch or is the "Hold Q then press Left, Up, down, down, down, up, left" for the ??? sword not working anymore? Or did it get changed and I just don't know / didn't realize?


You need to have one of the normal swords unlocked before you can unlock the ??? Sword

Ian Spence

Anybody else having problems with the secret room within Marceline's house? Can't seem to get that last orb on the picture frame.


[screaming intensifies]


Well i've managed to find almost everything. Missing 2 of Fionas outfits, and the '2D Waifu" hack. If anyone can help there please do so!


Hi Mike, I was just wondering if the savedata.dat folder is compatible with 8.0 and how would I transfer it over


How to ubnlock path with Poo-Brain Horse Stone?


I am ready for dis xD


Where can I find long dash


On top of Marceline's house after you beat the Ice Queen.


Yeah, Mike should make the "Change Time" thing a little more clear. R Trigger + Right Analog Stick for controllers and Right Click + Move Mouse for Mouse &amp; Keyboard. It took me a bit to figure out wtf I was doing but once I did, I LOVED that puzzle. These new secret areas have been GREAT.


Was the Shibakini one of the assets removed from the game?


Yeah it seems that everything even remotely risque (at least as far as visual assets goes) involving Fiona has been removed. Kind of a shame, but it makes sense. Though honestly, Mike would probably be better off just aging her up and going forward with business as usual. I mean, if Dead or Alive can do it, why not here?


Appreciate the tip, but it seems that I just wasn't quick enough to Teleport before getting hit by the lasers. I got by by using Infinite Dash over him, which if aimed right avoids it complete, but otherwise only racks up one or two hits. That was an even better boss fight than anything I dealt with in the later Kingdom Hearts games. Good work!


If you were considering balancing the fight, just 1 more second of delay before the lasers fire might be enough for the faster (but not fastest) and clever players to get the Teleport in. Aside from that and the clearer instructions for the School puzzle, I gotta say this demo was top notch! I think the only bug I might have to point out (that isn't obviously already WIP, like pathing for Flame Princess) is that there seems to be a memory leak with the Model Viewer somehow, and load screens in general. I noticed the longer I played the longer load times got, and by the end of it, the model viewer took up to a minute or more to load each Custom Pose and it straight up locked up at one point in which I had to Force Close the game (no progress lost, thankfully). Otherwise, the new secret areas were really cool and creative. Is there a story behind the Hallway one?


How do I beat Ice Queen since you get long dash after ice queen how do I dodge her lazers, im really struggling


Finn Boss in last stage of HP, so crazy spammer of skills.


Have to use the root sword to parry her spinning laser (the one without the ice pillar)


Has anyone found all six "slugs" for breakfast princess? I can't find the last one


Why can't I take the ultimate tatas? I follow the path of the posters... Maybe I got it wrong?


How can get the new version?


Right, does anyone know how to block real Finn's lasers, because root sword didn't block them


Anybody know what the picture you are holding in the school is for


More specifically, how do I change the time of day


Remember, it says the princesses will show the path. Not all the posters are princesses though.


I finally kill him... This update awesome, i like all new things, they are so creative. But Finn Boss sooooo hard, because of this ultimate attack with rotating lasers. And i can't find Fionna's third costume... Can't wait new updates. You did great work, thank you for that.




Mike, I don't really know where to post bugs, but there are two with the 2d waifu. 1. If you activate it and chat with all the characters, you don't get the 8th character registered as seen, so you don't get the picture. 2. If you get it before ultimate tatas and chat with all the girls you actually get the mega milk pic. There is also the simple Finn battle exploit. Simply mashing the attack button with the blood blade gets you through most of the battle, hope this helps.


And for my fellow patreons, you get the 2d waifu hack at the school, that's more than enough of a hint


you dont block them, most of them are pretty dodgeable, when he does the disco laser move just dash right above him and go into soul mode to float right on top until he finishes


What's the achievement, See all character in a certain form, all abouj


And where do ypu watch all the videos, and also im missing fionnas last costume where do I get it, I have torn party gown, garnets suit, and gym closed##


i want the download!!!!!!!!!!!


Done Marceline's House, Statues, school and Sprites... Now there are two more left, there are holes in the lava pit and above the place of the golden sword but I can't enter them


That was a really greate update Mike! but i found one bug and one Inconvenience. First the bug: when you're jumpig and are ro close to the edge you're some times unable to double jump. And the Inconvenience: when you are in the genderbend world, already got FP and THAN try to do the puzzle with the Magic Man switch its extremely hard to get a full hitcombo against the powerfield because FP comes near and you talk to her with the same Button as attacking


I just want to say thanks!

Tyler Wolfkill

wish vr was enabled anyway :( main reason i play this.

Tyler Wolfkill

finn fight is so hard ive broken the bottom right handle off my controller lol


I really can't get how this time setting works.


It's a little awkward at first, but it becomes pretty straightforward once you get the hang of it. If you're using a controller, you need to hold down the R-Trigger (Dash) and adjust the time by tilting the Right Analog Stick (Camera) Up or Down. If you're using a Mouse &amp; Keyboard, it'd be the Right Mouse Button and Moving the Mouse Up or Down.


wtf. every time i try to jump from the candlestick to the picture frame for the last orb, double jump fails. this is aggravating. it's like the double jump function tries to calculate whether i can make it and just bails for some unknown reason. double jumping should work at all times, in all situations. the lack of checkpoints or recovery points for such a long sequence makes it even more irritating when the system itself gets in the player's way. fml. i just wasted 2 hours failing to get that last orb.

Ghost Mode

The special area which is called "Marceline's House" irritate the fuck outta me man. I've been jumping from the top of the door to the table ledge for almost 1h now. The double jump don't work when you hold it for at least a second or two. You can double jump before that time but it still wouldn't reach. I can't find any other way to go to the counter ledge. #WELP


My only issue with the jump is that when you're close to an edge your counted as falling and lose one of your jumps, it took me about an hour to figure out that's what's happening and even after figuring it out I still had a hard time pulling off a good jump sometimes as some spots are really on that edge of reach-ability. It's also a little stiff of an animation and a real hard/slow landing if you're interested in my petty gripes with jumping, although honestly those two are more of nit picky polish than necessary attributes.


Does anyone know if there's a bug involving Breakfast Princess in the Model Viewer? I can't see any of her swimsuit models despite having them in game, and hitting her with the ??? Sword.


Anyone having an issue with the code for the ??? Sword? I tried the q + l,u d, d, d, u l but no luck. Feel like my memory is failing me.


Has anyone completed the special area "Marceline's House" if so how do it get to the candle stick?


Follow the horse's backside to his tail. Jump from tail to candlestick.


drop from the door into the kitchen. there's a handle you jump on to get on the red object, then follow that up to the fridge, then the across the white door to the ledge. there's an orb behind the fridge on the window sill and on top of the fridge.


damn was i frustrated. after a grueling day at work, unwinding with a game was what i would have liked. but apparently torture was what the chef was serving. lol


you have a point. way back in the days of 2d platformers, i recall games often gave you a whole foot-over-the-edge of fudge-factor before dropping you over the edge.


I wish I thought of that, A good solution to a problem would help when I point something out but I couldn't think of one. That would really help I think.


does anyone know how to get finns masquerade outfit


That last part of the fight to get the bomb is a lot harder than I remember. I might have somehow missed the charge move. Unsure.


Hm, ok, managed to somehow activate the mobs at the ladder in the lava pit before climbing the ladder. Gunna try the fight again with the dash move. *edit The enemies didn't spawn after I respawned. Strange.

jeremy adu-asamani

Can anyone help me out idk if I fucked up or if there are bugs but I have a couple problems 1) I can't find any pictures on the lockers for the 2D waifu puzzle 2)flame Princess is no where to be found 3) can't figure out how to get to the secret boss at all Any help would be great. Thnx

Marik Craven

How do you turn on the options for VR? I see them in settings other but they are all greyed out.

Lecherous Leech

1) Pictures don't appear until you get all of the orbs for the stage. 2) Flame Princess is accessible through Fionna where you have to fight the giant purple sea serpent. 3) The secret boss is in the nightmare stage available through Hamob.


Accidentally corrupted my save, had everything completed upto the IQ fight, anyone wanna link me their completed save file?


give me a moment ill update my save all thats left is the last boss and sword

Pyo Heliobros

I got a little problem, too. I didn't got the wishing orb in the nightmare realm and now I can't return to it so I can't earn the "get all orbs"-achievement anymore


If you've beaten the boss battle in the nightmare realm, there should be a black-eyed girl in the regular world, hiding behind a staircase below where Hambo used to be. She'll take you to the nightmare realm when there are no enemies around. But if you haven't beaten the boss battle, Hambo should be where it's always been.


How do you get the ??? Sword?