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Synopsis: When the hero Theseus arrives to the island of Crete to be one of the sacrifices to a horrible monster, the Minotaur, the princess Ariadne (you,) falls head over heels for the hero. But your father, King Minos, has already promised your hand in marriage to Dionysus – the god of wine.

Completely infatuated with Theseus, you help him kill the Minotaur, your own half-brother, and for that crime, you will now be hunted by both men and gods.

But Theseus swears he will take you with him to Athens and marry you and protect you.

So, after killing the Minotaur you flee Crete and set sail to the island of Naxos.

Up in the mountains, you give yourself to Theseus and you fall asleep in each other’s arms.

That’s when, in the dead of night, Dionysus finds you both.

He wakes Theseus and while you’re still sleeping, he tells him that the goddess Artemis has decided that you need to die for your crime and that Theseus won’t be able to protect you from this fate. But Dionysus can.

He continues to say, that if you were to believe that Theseus had abandoned you, you might change your mind and decide to marry Dionysus instead. And if you do, you will become immortal, and Artemis can no longer hurt you. But you can never know the real reason as to why Theseus deserted you.

Devastated, Theseus realizes he has no choice but to abandon you and runs back to his ship and leaves. Now it’s up to Dionysus to, in secret, save you from the wrath of Artemis by convincing you to marry him as soon as possible.

And gods, can be very persuasive.

VA - Mr. Robinson

This script was written by Peaking Pam


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We need more gods!!!


That was perfection.. story was amazing love the gods and Robinson wow he is god .. divine !!!


I'm absolutely melting 🫠


I like this one. I hope they continue this thread of the Greek God's. Mr.Gallo will always be my fav, but I enjoyed Mr.Robinson in this one.



courtney ✨

Can y’all book this writer again please and thank you?


Love the audio but the way i had to stop myself from giggling when i heard the twinkling sound. All i imagined was ✨*poof appears*✨


🥹 convinced fuck the Hero marry the manipulative villain🥴