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Hey guys,

Sadly we don't have a Secret Tier release for tonight but we are back to regular schedule next week.

It goes without saying but if you're feeling like you need to dive into something, we do have a catalogue of over 450 audios you can explore HERE so there's no shortage of listening. 

We do on another note want to do our first writer Q&A below with Ellie, who has written an incredible 70+ scripts for Best Kept Secret and has been an integral part of our operations over the past year and more, helping out on Discord, with some of our marketing, audio production and has become fondly known as 'the BKS Wiki'. 

So, if you have a question for Ellie about writing, BKS stuff or anything else, feel free to ask it below.

Again, please respect Ellie's right to decline answering a question in the comments if it's not something they want to discuss!




Hey! I’m trying to get to the discord can anyone send the link?


Ellie, I am so behind, but I just want you to know that I have gained an even greater appreciation for your writing because this Fiction Writing class is kicking my ass. I have always loved your work 💜


Dude, I was in honors English my whole schooling but I was scraping by with a C BARELY. When I took creative writing I nearly failed. School is great but it is always more technical than life, so even if it's hard, stick with it. I'm wishing you so so so much luck!