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Description: You are trying to sleep but the later you get into your pregnancy it’s getting harder and harder. Your baby just couldn’t stop moving tonight. Usually your husband can get him to sleep but you don't want to wake him… Luckily he can always sense when you need him…

VA - Mr. Gallo

This sleep aid was written by Ellie

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And all of our audio archives are available to view and listen to (all 450+ audios) HERE.






Sobbing crying


omg Gallo sleep aid is finally here


I needed this today

lisa person

daddy gallo!!!!!!!!!


GOD YES😭 gallo + pregnancy and sfw!?! I must've done something right today to deserve this.


anther gallo audio? 😭🖤 nah we’re spoiled rn thank you!


Two days in a row of Mr. Gallo!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰

_hxneybeek h

OMG! I'm already in love We missed you Mr. Gallo 🌷


Oh, we're being spoiled, ladies! Another hour-long audio from the gorgeous Mr Gallo! WOOOO! I know what I'm falling asleep to tonight <3 [Edit] I'm just a few minutes in and I'm dying out of sweetness <3 Oh, Ellie, you're killing me softly LMAO The narrative is so touching and beautiful! My poor heart is melting xxx


keep the gallo coming pls and thanks 😩🙏🏽


fuck yes


Can’t wait to listen to this tonight when I get ready for bed!

Jonelle Phoenix

YAAAAAS LAWD. Big Daddy Gallo gonna help me sleep. 😭


I’m totally missing something…do we get SFW content on Wednesdays now…


A blessing from Gallo fr 😭🙏🏽


Gallo back to back ❤️ it must be Christmas


I’m saving this for my nap time. I will treat this precious audio the way it deserves. Bubble bath and candles and wine, the whole package. Then I will take it to my bed, take a nap and fall asleep with Mr.Gallo 🫠🫠🫠

Shavonne Belford

This is so sweet and I’ve never had kids a supportive partner is so important

Kat lopez

Another Gallo? And he gets to say Mama (haven’t listened yet)??? My night will be soo relaxing and good!!

Shavonne Belford

They didn’t really specify a day I don’t think just that for a bit they were going to be releasing a few sfw sleep aid/comfort videos as well as spicy


I want to thank all the girls who voted for this on the voting/suggestion website. One of the audios I listened to with Mr. Gallo had a brief portion with breathing/humming and it relaxed me so much. Mr. Gallo truly has a gifted voice and talent. I've been struggling a lot in life lately, with anxiety and panic attacks (which I luckily don't get often), but I had wanted something like this to help ground me when I'm having racing thoughts. You lovely ladies out there voting on the suggestion helped bring this to life and it really means a lot. Thank you ladies, Gallo, Ellie, and the BKS crew. ❤️

Worlds of Cyn

Mr. Gallo and Ellie, you have out done yourself. This is such beautiful SFW audio. Gallo displays this beautiful and gentle side of him that cares the world for his family. I love this.

Miss Dill

2 Gallos in as many days?!? How much luckier can we get?


wow what can i say this was beautifully written and executed🥺definitely a new favourite for mine and i hope to see more daddy Gallo


You all have completely ruined me! Sigh, I could listen to Mr Gallo all day.


Okay at first I wasn't sure if this was for me bc I haven't experienced pregnancy, then I saw the VA and am IN! Love Gallo's voice so much, he could read the dictionary and I'd be all over it ☺️ 💕


i was just wondering if there was a gallo sleep aid audio and BOOM! here it is! cant wait to listen <3


Oh god I was just asking for Gallo sleep-aid audio this afternoon! Tysm for this one I need it so bad😭


What a great surprise! I screamed when I saw this ❤️❤️

Lady Vulpine

This is what I love about what you guys do. When I had my son, I was mistreated by my son’s father and was not treated with any amount of tenderness or kindness. I can no longer have children due to an emergency surgery, and I always mourned that I would never know what it felt like to have a child with someone that loved me and our baby. This helps me imagine it. I’m still sad, but I can pretend for a little while. Thank you BKS and Ellie and Mr. Gallo.


We’re trying out some stuff. I got no clue on if this will be a regular thing or not but I’m all for it!


Mr. Gallo, I love you so much❤️🥰

Nazelena G

I need a Mr Gallo in my life please🥹

Doña Yayi

Oh gawds i cant believe that i am late for this!!!!!! And oh my heart another gallo audio and its a sleep aid!!!!!! Just in time for me to get cozy in bed and take a listen to this beautiful man!!!! Well now im goin to prepare to have my heart caressed softly and have a good nights rest listening to this man's beautiful voice nite nite sisters!!! ❤️💋🫂🫂🫂🌜⭐️

Doña Yayi

Oh lady vulpine my heart broke when i read your comment 🥺🥺. I give you so many hugs ❤️🫂🫂🫂 remember you are strong, you are great, you are beautiful, you are important. Someone who is worthy of your love is out there and he will love you and your sweet baby ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Much hugs sweet girl

Daniela ✨

Just what the doctor ordered 🥰🥰🥰 Ugh I missed me some Mr Growlo

Doña Yayi

I knew this will squeeze my heart. This was such a beautifully written story/sleep aid. This made me remember when i had a very difficult pregnancy with my babies and how my late beloved husband soothed me and took care of me when i had aches and pains. I loved the moments when he would rub my feet when i hurt, or when i was in pain when my babies moved so much and then when they got comfortable in mommas belly their little feet stay on mommys rib until they move again lol my beloved would massage me with feather like touches. I miss the moments he lay on my belly and talk to the boys and say somethin funny about their momma lol, i loved when he put ear phones on my belly so my babies can hear music lol oh gawds, i miss how every night before bedtime he lay there and caress my belly telling the babies he loved momma and them very much 🥺🥺😢😢. Now that i am abuelita=grandma of 2 beautiful babies he is not here to share those happy moments and be abuelito with me 😢😢😢. Enough of me. This audio is beautiful and this still continúes to caress my heart even to the end. This made me remember the happiest times of my life. Thank you so much Don BKS ❤️❤️🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂 Doña Ellie this was the most precious story ever and this really caressed my heart so much mama thank you 🥲🥲❤️❤️🫂🫂🫂. Mr. Gallo oh gawds you know? Mr. Robinson is usually the one who has me feeling very emotional when he does wonderful audios that have so much feeling and so much love but you sir...tonight you touched my heart with feather like caresses that you literally made me cry because you sir are beautiful and even now i am so emotional i cant stop the tears. How i love you beautiful, growly and sweet man i give you so many gentle kisses, lots of soft caresses and lots of very gentle hugs ((((( hug ))))) i treat you delicately lovely man ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💋💋💋💋💋💋


Daddy Gallo 🥰😍💖❤️‍🔥💝💖his voice is just out of this world 💝💞


Sending you lots of love and hugs 💜💜💜


please, keep the SFW audios from Gallo and Robinson coming. this is gold.

Leanna B

Please I hope there will be more audios coming from gallo don’t get me wrong I love Robinson but we need more gallo

Babygirl Jai

Love me some Gallo!!! 😍


not useful this recording😉


the delulu is real with this one, he's seriously my hubby😭his voice he can say anything and i'm like yes


Ahhhh why am I crying? This is so sweet! 🤍🤍🤍


We need more story telling I am happy with that 😂


🥺 my heart.


his soft voice has crack on it fr


Everything about this was amazing! Thank you for including sleep sounds for the second half, they're my favorite for sleep aids so this was perfect. Definitely eager for more cozy, loving SFW audios/sleep aids like this one.

Tera La'Shun

Even his snores are sexy.

courtney ✨

Very heart warming and relaxing. Another gem.


This was beautiful. The nighttime quiet voices, the story, and the breathing. I had to listen at work to get the whole story because I dozed off not once but twice 😴 Now BKS can we get one for chronic pain?


OMG chronic health Girlie here in pain. Yes, pleaseee




And here I am falling for baby dada Gallo🌹cause, I really felt asleep halfway through 🙈


This was so ridiculously sweet and lovely! Made me miss the days of my pregnancies, even though those are long behind me.

Alisha the Bane of Book Banners

Yes, yes please! As a Fibro/M.E./Hashimoto's spoonie I love this idea! VA being soft and quiet, bringing the listener's comfort drink/meal or making sure she's taking her meds and staying hydrated. Asking the listener if they want the VA to keep them company, and not to worry since they called in and will be working from home for the day. Should I post it on the voting board and see if there's enough interest?


😭😭😭 aww this is such a sweet audio


This is so sweet😭💕


Anyone else think this could totally be passed off as a SFW part 1.5 to the 'My Fawn' mini series hehe! It would fit in perfect to see the journey of early stages of pregnancy, this one, and then once the baby was born. Don't mind me hehe, just creating the perfect BKS Daddy Gallo universe in my head hehe. Much love 💜


Oh my heart.. ❤️🥲 Never experienced pregnancy,but i just totally love Mr. Gallo in this one ❤️ So absolutely sweet. Not helping with my current baby fever!! ❤️🫣❤️

Rose A

This is just adorable. And really just so sweet. 🥺🫠🥰

Lucy Reyes

This was very healing for me. I looooved it. thanks



Avrica Neldon

This was simply beautiful! 💞


I don’t want kids BUT I would get pregnant just to have DADDY GALLO rub and kiss my belly and tell me stories!!


I know this is a pregnancy audio and I love it for what it is. But whenever I am under the weather or not feeling well, I always resort to this audio and listen while I rest. It is so comforting and soothing. Gallo’s voice and the story he tells, always puts me to sleep when I play this. 10/10. Such a helpful audio.