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Description: When a previous relationship imploded, you and your ex ceased all contact. It was hard, as you guys were good friends before the relationship. A few years later, you two had rekindled your friendship and it’s been going great. He offers you comfort and advice, and y’all phone and video chat almost everyday. When you wrapped up a major project with success, he insisted on coming back into town to celebrate. While out for dinner and drinks, you realize that what you’d been waiting for had been in front of you all along. Little did you know, the feeling had been completely mutual.

Request: Listener and Mr. Robinson break up mutually because he has new job position across the country and listener has her life made here. Months pass and he realizes that he can’t let her go so he surprises her with a visit and confesses this. She also confessed being miserable and then they makeup. insert spiciness Mr. Robinson begging would be nice. 

Prompts: Old exes secretly pining after one another (good friendship but still sexual tension). Reminiscing over some drinks brings out some deeply buried feelings.

VA - Mr. Robinson

This script was written by Murjanian


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Oh wow Mr Robinson delivered once again! Another fantastic piece written by Murjanian! Brilliant! I need more!

Amairany Aranda

Mr. Robinson is carring all this audio commission better than Atlas, he is truly a god 🧎‍♀️👌


Not me reaching to turn off my own sink as I was leaving the bathroom @19:40 😂💀


It’s a great time to be a sisterwife! 😅😮‍💨 I’m a sucker for the romantic stuff..


I like these rare audios where the man is getting serviced properly. Nipple sucking, a thorough blowjob, and ridden until he explodes? So much yes! 😎 I await the day that Daddy Gallo gets the same treatment. 🤍🤍 Thank you Murjanian for this fabulous script! 🙏

Pam 701

Wow, everything about this is so amazing. The backstory, the emotion, the confessions, the passion are all just top tier! And of course Robinson’s performance is exceptional as usual. This is fantastic, BKS! ❤️🥵🔥🥵❤️


Once again, I'm impressed with the story, the performance of our lovely Mr. Robinson, and how he manages to breathe so much life into every story he works on. We know he's a trained actor, but I think you have to be able to put a little bit of yourself into it to make it so authentic. I think that's the cool part of this job, too. You can live so many lives during your career 😍. I liked the part where the female listeners were going for him, kissing him, letting him know she wanted him and throwing him on the bed too, that was charming to me. It was like „hey we are on the same page, I missed you, I want you back here is how I show you that.“ And also the 🌶️ part was great, I really like that BKS understood that women need more foreplay or at least to get off before the man comes into play. It's so much more for me when you can connect and believe in what you hear. I love it, I crave for a man like that. Good job you guys 🥰


The emotion Mr Robinson put into this, chef’s kiss! Giving me all the feels.

Doña Yayi

Oh tell me why this reminds me of myself and the life i have been living for the past 12 yrs without my beloved 🥺🥺😢😢😢. Ever since i lost my husband i just feel so empty so alone and just mad at myself because i should have kept him home with me safe and never getting hurt. Ever since that day i just gave up on life and on myself. I gave my all to my children and i still do even now that they are grown men but i just never gave myself a second chance in life. But thats changed and im giving myself a second chance in life and in love. I am speaking to someone for some time now and he is such a wonderful human being. So intelligent and sweet and has such a great sense of humor!!!! Im doin everything with baby steps and not rushing things because everything is so new to me again. Oh gawds that man is a breath of fresh air just so amazing and i want to give him a chance to get to know me better and i get to know him better and see where we end up in the future. I dont want to ruin this experience by running away again because of fear. The fear that i live with for the past 12 yrs is still eating at me. I just dont want to lose someone else 😢😢😞😞😞. Anyway enough of me. The audio as always is so full of emotions and intensity and so much love this man has for his muse!!!! The confessions and affirmations were just 🤌💋❤️❤️❤️❤️ i have lived those moments when i had my beloved. Now i am ready to move on after mourning for such a long time and just feel love and give love as well. Im ready to live the best moments. Mr. Robinson as always my love you always squeeze my heart this was such a beautiful story. You always caress my soul. I give you so many gentle kisses, lots of soft caresses and alotta ((((( hug))))) gentle ones. Lovely and gentle man 💋❤️🫂🫂🫂🫂


Hey Sis, don't be so hard on yourself. Grief is so overwhelming but you deserve to be happy, so be happy! I'm so happy you found someone that makes your heart pitter-patter ❤️

Tianna Valdez

Mr Robinson giving the emotion of missing someone wishing it was me ... def need more toys for these kind of things on a bad day.

Jonelle Phoenix

Awww he was on the verge of tears while apologizing. That honestly was the part that hit the hardest for me. 😢 ❤️


One on my favorite


May all sorrowful / regretful relationships find their ways out ❤️


Is it naïve to think I might one day get back with my ex? And if I do I would love for it to be something resembling this audio hehe. Much love 💜


I absolutely adore this audio. Brings out ALL the soft feels. ❤️


I love it! More please 🥰


"I'm tired" sounds like he's about to cry🥹…love this line and Mr.Robinson's performance is just PERFECT🥹🥹♥️♥️


I just need a man as in this audio, am I asking for too much?


omg all the moaning really make Mr. Robinson sound so tasty 🥺🥺🤤🤤


可恶 真的到需要英语的时候就开始后悔自己怎么没好好学英语💢💢 我怎么感觉我这句评论的语法哪里都是错误 呃呃呃呃呃😇😇😇😇


Holy fucking hell!! 🥵🥵🥵

Nala Sky'

😆 That ferry horn had me looking around the gym like wtf.....