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The time has come, for Mr. Robinson's Q&A.

Some repetitive/duplicate questions were removed as many people asked similar things e.g.

How he ended up getting into erotic VA work, his favourite audios, favourite tropes, movies, languages he speaks, interests and hobbies, process in preparing for audios.

His voice being recognised was something he didn’t want to reveal and hair colour and eyes as well and his other VA and audiobook work.

Additionally, don’t be disappointed if your question didn’t get answered, there were over 200 comments and many many questions posted so there was a lot for him to answer and he's still keen on maintaining a lot of his privacy in different areas. We have to respect that and his wishes there....

With all that being said, enjoy this Q&A with the man, the mystery, the lothario, the voice that ruined and continues to ruin a whole load of panties every time it meets a microphone…Mr Robinson.


List of Questions answered in order (if people want timestamps we can add them at some point!)

  • What inspired getting into erotic VA work? How did you end up joining BKS?
  • You’ve played so many different characters, use different dialects, and many situations in different areas. Do you do any character work such as research in the accents, or time periods?
  • What is your favorite and least favourite season?
  • What is your favorite food?
  • how does it feel being a bad bitch?
  • What do you like to do for fun like anime or videos games?
  • What is your favourite movie?
  • What do you do to prepare for a recording?
  • Do you enjoy recording porn with plot audios or plot with porn audios more??
  • What do you like best about making spicy audios?
  • Has it ever got embarrassing? I asked because it took me a good while not to turn red faced embarrassed just listening. (Not anymore you guys are freeing)
  • What type of audio do you like doing more, the rough hard dom or the romantic, seductive soft dom.?
  • If you’re stopping at a gas station before a road trip, what’s your top 3 snacks of choice that you’d buy?
  • Do you have a favorite trope or theme to perform?
  • What were you like in high school? i.e. Theatre nerd, Jock, Late bloomer.
  • What have you been finding yourself/looking forward to do on your free time? Like any new hobbies you found or any new hobbies you want to get into?
  • Any funny stories/moments to share about working as a VA specifically with BKS?
  • From all the asmr you made, who is your favorite roleplay personality or character you like to portray the most and why? 😊
  • Have you been traveling this summer? If so, where to and how did you like it?
  • You don't have to answer this if it will reveal too much. What random joys do you find in life?
  • What’s your favorite dish to make for someone?
  • I also would love to if you are an early bird or more of a night owl?
  • What's the show/character that made you want to do voice acting?
  • Another one: do you speak any language other that english?
  • Not sure if this is okay or not but, If you could travel or visit anywhere in the world, where would you travel to and why?
  • What is your signature dance move?
  • Are you more of a cat person or dog person?
  • What aspect of being a VA has surprised you the most?
  • Do you ever get compliments on your voice?
  • Do you have any pets? Do you like animals more generally?
  • You get to sit on a park bench with one famous person, dead or alive, for an hour. Who are you inviting, where is the bench, and why did you pick that person and location?
  • How easy or difficult is it to get into character?
  • What's been your favorite part of doing BKS?
  • Is there a certain way (or certain ways) you like to wine down and relax after recording an audio or a long day of work?
  • Is the whistling you used to sing in "It all makes you" a whistling that you made your own pitch?
  • If you had the chance to collaborate with any artist, who would you choose? (i.e., actor, director, choreographer, sculptor, photographer, literally anything…) - P.S. - I appreciate your ability to stay consistently grounded in such vulnerable storylines. You bring so much life and your breath work is amazing. Thanks for your work.
  • Do you feel like the “cool” you exude on your audios reflects your actual cool, or does that feel more like a cloak you put on and take off for work?
  • Coffee or tea? And how do you like it?
  • Where do you record and is it a private space?
  • This or that: Wine or beer? Calling or texting? Plans or surprises?
  • What's a storyline that you've always wanted to do, but you weren't sure if it was good or not?
  • If you were omnipotent for a day what would you do? (Thought of this question from an episode of friends 😊)
  • Who's your favorite actor?
  • Recently, mbti (myers-briggs type indicator) tests have been popular in Korea, so what is Mr. Robinson's mbti? I'm curious!
  • If a genetic mutation could cause you to have a superpower, what power would you want to have, and why?
  • Are you an introvert? I just have a feeling
  • I've been subscribing to BKS for well over a year, and while listening to many audios, I realized that Mr. Robinson's range of acting is really wide and deep. Even if it's not necessarily audio erotica like this, have you been interested in acting or voice acting since you were young?
  • Do you have your own way of solving difficult scripts? I wonder if you're the type to act as written in the script, or if you're the type to act with a little more of your own style.
  • Corn or flour tortillas?
  • Do you enjoy doing this? Are you aware that you have a following on here called Sisterwives?
  • If you could throw cold spaghetti at anyone who would it be and why?
  • Favourite place you’ve traveled to? Next place you would love to travel to?
  • opinion on taylor swift?
  • What's a book you think everyone should read at least once in their life?
  • Have you gained more confidence with the VA work you have done over the years and do you realise the confidence you give others with your work? Because I gotta say that I have gained a level of confidence I thought wasn’t possible for me and words cannot explain my appreciation and thanks to you and everyone at BKS.
  • How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
  • What do you think about the show You? if you’ve seen it. I always thought you sounded like Penn Badgely aka Joe Goldberg, a You inspired audio from you would be cool too.
  • something I’ve always been curious about is how much of what you do in audios and acting is reflected on your life, or vice versa? What I mean is, do you think the Robinson you play in the audios is someone you think shares common traits with you?
  • What’s your favorite dinosaur?
  • What is your favorite holiday? (Obviously, Groundhog Day doesn't count.)
  • What is your favorite candy?
  • Movie night! Do you reach for something sweet or savoury?
  • Go to Karaoke song
  • When did you realize you have a Golden Voice?
  • Hollywood is notorious for fucking up classics. What movie should they NEVER remake?
  • hope it’s not too personal, what’s your favorite perfume/fragrance?
  • When are you most self-expressed?
  • If your loved one or partner was turned into a zombie would you keep them in your room until there was a cure or let them loose?
  • What makes you feel truly seen and heard (beyond your voice)
  • What’s your hot take on the Game of Thrones finale? (Assuming you’ve watched the show)
  • Whats your comfort meal?
  • what types of music are you most into (pop, metal, house…)? are you into concerts, or is that not really your scene? if you are, what’s the last concert you went to?
  • Random question would you rather fight a gorilla and survive or have all your thoughts come true
  • Since you have a fabulous voice already if you could choose the voice of another person who would it be?
  • How much direction/ leeway do you prefer to have in an Improv script?
  • How much input do you have in SFX on your audios? Do you direct the sound design? (Idle thought: Can foley props be listed as tax deductions?)
  • Your BKS audios have shown your talent in portraying menacing Mdom parts both silky and growly. How hard is too hard a Dom role for you to feel comfortable accepting?
  • Many actors personally hold strong views and refuse roles that cross those lines, but will reconsider borderline scripts that are sufficiently artistically interesting. Have you encountered such scripts, and were they for VA or typical acting roles?
  • what’s something you wish more people knew about you?
  • What would u tell your slightly younger self now that you’ve learned after doing many audios. Any advice u would give yourself?
  • Which do you prefer, Android or Apple?
  • Which one of the five senses could you absolutely not live without?
  • When given a script to record, how do you prepare before turning on the mic? Read through, test runs, breathing exercises? I’m curious about the process behind the audio
  • In a scenario where you could only do one or the other. Would you rather do only cardio or only weights training?
  • Sometimes it’s easier to just give up on things. What’s that one thing that keeps you motivated?
  • How much does your VA voice differ from your everyday voice, if at all?
  • Do you sometimes use lines from the audios in real life? Like the degrade and praise…
  • Do you have any advice for people who might be considering getting into the voice acting field, be it regular voice acting or erotic voice acting? Would you be willing to share some of the day-to-day dynamics of what it entails?
  • Are there any specific ways that you look to improve your acting skills that you can share?
  • We have seen several improv audios and many improved lines (late stage capitalism 😝). I am genuinely curious if you have ever given thought to writing your own script? And if you could write your own script, what is something you would want to see in it?
  • Did you have any hint of what this job would become when Rob first contacted you?
  • Do you pick the songs you hum in the scripts?
  • I have no questions that have not been asked or come across as being nosy personal- instead I will just say thank you for talking me to sleep in the evenings- your voice is soothing and the story telling outstanding.
  • In regards to the Cowboy audios you’ve done, if you’ve ever ridden a horse/horses in real life, did you enjoy it? If relevant, do you feel like having some experience being around horses somewhat helped with the Cowboy audios in any way at all?
  • Have you ever revealed any of these audios to your friends or partners? Like if someone your dating or a friend asked you what your occupation is, what do you say?
  • ​​what is your favorite audio that you've done so far and why?
  • Has any form of art (e.g. literature, music, film, theatre, etc) influenced your voice acting and/or how you play your characters?
  • what inspires/ inspired you above all else?
  • Just a little note that I hope he sees: Dear Mr. Robinson, thank you for being a part of BKS and lending your voice to these audios. I suffer from anxiety and severe depression. When I started listening to your audios, I was going through a very dark period of my life. Your audios were the only thing that could stop my mind from racing, keep away bad thoughts. I found an escape and comfort through your audios and I truly thank you for it. Knowing that I get to hear your voice helps me get through my days so again, Thank you Sir for all that you do ❤️‍🩹 Always hope and wish the very best for you.



로우 할

I always crave Mr. Robinson's book narration or SFW audio. And this Q&A audio is perfect. I've been wanting to comment since the day the audio came up, but I've been stuck in this audio, of course I'm still listening! I had a lot of affection for Mr. Robinson, but through this Q&A, I'm going crazy with love! How do you make every answer cute and witty and keep falling in love? 진심 엉덩이 써클 답변 개레전드ㅠㅠㅠ넘 귀여움ㅠㅠ🩵 I really really love your voice work and would love to hear other voice work outside of here. But I know I can't. It's sad, but I'm still very grateful for the existence of BKS. I feel very homogeneous in the last question. I have depression, too. Mr. Robinson's voice is one of the reasons for my life. It's still hard to heal, but it makes me want to keep hearing it. Thank you for answering my questions and all the questions that everyone asked are quality questions. I love you all! 🥹💖💖💖💖💖 (It's a comment that's awkward and lacking in grammar as always by using an English translator. But I put my heart and affection ><🩵)


Tbh I’ll listen to anything Mr. Robinson reads/says, this👏 voice👏 is👏 just👏 gold. This 1 hour full-of-goodness Q&A is just the right thing I need! Have already hit replay several times now, I guess I’ll never get tired listening to it.

tsuki kim

can I just say the beeping out of the personal details is so funny sdjkfhasd


You are really cool!

Honey Buns

♥️♥️♥️ I think my time doing NSFW work myself has ruined my bashfulness. But this Q&A really made me giggle and blush. It’s so nice hearing the person behind the character! Also that MMF audio idea is sheer perfection and I hope it comes true!! Keep being amazing Robinson!! ♥️♥️♥️


Once again, Mr. Robinson is getting me through another intense essay writing session. Also, when he gets super close to the mic and whispers, I giggle.

Jenner Oliveira

No but bouclé is the popcorn ceiling of fabric/couch. This recycled trend needs to die already. I’d help the cat destroy the couch 😤 Anyway, Mr Robinson sounds a gen z kid to me. 🫣


😂😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥 #nailedit on all counts


Definitely on sofa and gen Z 😂🤌🏻❤️ I actually find it hilarious that he has my attention as a gen Z. Shows his range 😂😂😂. Popcorn ceilings can get in the bin 🗑️ x

Jenner Oliveira

Haha our millennial is showing. Gen Z kids are so cute, I think of them as our little cousins. They are still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when we are already cynical and jaded. 😅


I know 😂😂😂I need to snort some Gen Zs or stick them in my bum 😂😂😂😂😂


i dont know... i think the influence of tiktok keeps millenials pretty trendy these days, especially those living in **BLEEP** 🤣

Jenner Oliveira

Based on what he said, I had the impression he graduated college in recent years and is still in his mid 20’s. Like, he’s just starting out in life, you know? I dated that type of guy in my mid 20’s living near nyc 😅 Also, his high school experience made me think of Zac Efron in high school musical and no self-respecting millennial would pass up the opportunity to reference the beloved movie 😭😂


I went back in forth on him being a Gen Z or Zillennial and I knew it was Z when he said life is long. And even though I’m not old old, no boo-boo it ain’t long at all. I still absolutely love him and even though I’m probably old enough to have birthed him lol, will still love every second I get to hear that voice. Also I had no idea we had a sister wives club!! I must be aged out. *cries in Gen X we are always forgotten 😂😉


It’s the minor burn about the Great Barrier Reef 😂 ouch


Mr. Robinson sounds like a brat sometimes and I think it’s so funny 😂😂😂


A swimmer?! Oh lord, I thought Mr Robinson couldn’t any hotter, but that, ugh, just damn.


Sooo…Love Story TV themed audio?


I'm a quarter into this interview (If you will ) and he sounds likeweeee........ a best friend, to me. Of course, ❤️. This is almost better than what I usually listen to.... no. It IS better. Too bad i'm working today, stay great MR. R.



Silvia Lee

Mr. Robinson is so talented and I just love his laugh so much! 😍❤️


LMAOO the Gregg Abbott digs🤣🤣🤣Only in Texas


THIS MAN LOVES FOLKLORE AND RED ?!?!?! this is my man 😭


34:22 🥹😂


I just love Mr. Robinson ❤️❤️ there is nothing more left to say about this man, he is just absolutely amazing ❤️❤️


The bleep cracked me up. That was so funny and weird and I was honestly surprised like, "HUUUUUWHAT?!" I heard a BLEEP on BKS??????


We need to take a minute to appreciate how he just utterly fucks up Gallos name


As an Android user don't bitch me you bitch 🙄


Yasss girl pass the fuck out while I verbally dick you down