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EDIT: Due to the overwhelming response we've had to this we won't be accepting any more questions submitted after August 16th at 1am UK time.



Okay the time has come...drum roll. We're gonna do a Q&A with Mr Robinson.

As a member of the Secret Tier, as one of the perks, you get the priority to ask the questions.

So, the main caveat he mentioned was - No personal relationship or sex life questions (e.g. do you have a girlfriend). He doesn't want to be asked about those.

Submit your questions below and I'll send them over and whatever he's not comfortable with he'll let me know.

Don't be disappointed if he doesn't answer your question, he's keen on his privacy and we have to respect that from our side as well.





when can we expect this q&a to drop? I’m sitting on the edge of my seat


Can’t really say for sure. A lot of it is tied up in production & availability so any time frame we could give would be a stab in the dark. Best I can say is when it’s done. 😜

Mrs_ x (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 06:33:35 Probably so late to this but yeah I’ll ask two 1.what makes you happy like really smile . 2. Not sure on everyone but when I’m low and not feeling my best I love to get lost in a library or museum what is your go to place that just makes you feel grounded ❤️
2023-08-22 19:19:39 Probably so late to this but yeah I’ll ask two 1.what makes you happy like really smile . 2. Not sure on everyone but when I’m low and not feeling my best I love to get lost in a library or museum what is your go to place that just makes you feel grounded ❤️

Probably so late to this but yeah I’ll ask two 1.what makes you happy like really smile . 2. Not sure on everyone but when I’m low and not feeling my best I love to get lost in a library or museum what is your go to place that just makes you feel grounded ❤️

沛谕 钟

Hi,Mr.Robinson~I'm wondering if there's a big difference between your everyday voice and your dubbed voice? And what is your favorite story you've voiced? I'm looking forward to your answer~【ps:Forgive me for using a translation program to translate the questions, so please forgive me if there are any translation errors~】


Can anyone answer me who's the man in the GIF? 🌸❓️