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Description: It’s time to get away, the free open air of this secluded cabin is just what you needed… Or is it the lumberjack nearby, he was nice enough to spare you some logs for a fire and when you hear a noise outside, who better to help than him? Of course, you want to thank this man for his hospitality…

VA - Mr. Gallo


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My new fave Gallo audio for sure!


I said this on the discord. I now must bow down to the king of improv Mr. Gallo

Ana D.

Heil to Mr Gallo 👑👑👑


Must. Have. Part 2. Please? 🥺


Mr. Gallo your voice is heavenly ✨😩😩

Queen Koko

I’m sorry but Gallo just doesn’t do it for me…

Sherree Garrett

I swear, whenever I see that Mr. Gallo is the VA in a audio I automatically listen. This one was really good, and I've noticed for the last few ones he's done its been improv. He's been doing a great job on them lately and hopefully, if he hasn't already, write a prompt for an audio.


I love this very romantic 👌😍


No worries! Every one of us has different tastes, good thing we have multiple VA’s!

Jaleeza Love

I just wanna be handled like Betsy 🥵🥲

Jaleeza Love

HIIIIII 🥹💛 you’ll probably be able to find me everywhere he is 😏


Another voice I have fallen for. 🥰🎶❤


Well shit. I’m new here and umm,..🫠 I really liked this premiss.. the accent, the setting, the story.. all very very nice. I would have loved even more fx like when we was woken by a knock on the door, hearing a knock would’ve been nice as well as a door opening and such.. overall I’m very happy to be here. 😂

Goddess Vaughn

🥵 HoOollyy Panty Poppers Batman, NOBODY climaxes like Daddy Gallo!! 🫠🫠🫠


Part two please!


This is definitely a personal favourite! I love it when Gallo is protective teddy bear saving us from things that go bump in the night! Much love 💜


I am new fan Mt. Gallo


We need a series a snow storm, heavy rain


Not gonna lie I legit thought we were going to have like an encounter with crazy stalker or something.


I just love softer Mr Gallo, I really hope he will do improvs in similar style 🔥🥰