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You and your new husband are a couple of days into your honeymoon. It’s
been nice not needing to leave the cabin and spend all your time teasing and
pleasing each other. But, you both need to stretch your legs and get some fresh
air. There is no way either of you can pass up all this nature just on the other side
of your cabin door. A short hike along a trail would do you both some good. You
have yet to give each other your wedding gifts but he senses something has
been bugging you. Those far off looks, the nervous twitches. Maybe being
outside for a few hours will help?

VA - Mr. Gallo

This script was written by Mimue

If you missed out on part 1 you can catch up on it HERE 


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And all of our audio archives are available to view and listen to (all 395+ audios) HERE.




Well who could deny a 1-hour audio? And Mr Gallo combo? Omg I'm not going to sleep tonight🥵❤️‍🔥 EDIT: Mr Gallo's crispy laughs is all I need✨️


Math with Papi Gallo: (sweet + silly) × growly voice = 🔥🔥🔥


Just a reminder that there’s people here with many different skin tones. So when a VA says things like "you’re turning red as a tomato" it can feel like the audio wasn’t catered to some of us. Let’s not forget about inclusivity 😊


We normally do, this one was missed in editing, my apologies. We will keep a closer ear next time ❤️


02:02?!?!?! Outrageous.


now, we need a part three where the listener is pregnant

Claudine Langlais

Yes absolutely. I thought that would happen by the end of the audio. Especially every time he mentioned how she is glowing and why she started crying when he was putting on her collar.


I know this is going to sound weird, every time I hear Mr. Gallo regardless of the story I immediately visualize him as Toji Fushiguro from Jujutsu Kaisen, the voice works. I'm not mad at all. Lol 😂


ugh i'm in love with him, can we appreciate the purrrr-rito though! when he rolled his tongue omg i was giggling he's so fucking sexy!!!😍

Kandita Putri

Ha? Wait, so the storm cosplay story was the story before the wedding? The relationship before the wedding? What? 🤨


Papi Gallo…that’s it. That’s my comment.


oh god two braids while he's asleep and his reaction is so sweet🥺🥺


Can we get a part 3? I would love to know how the honeymoon ends or what he does with nipple clamps or can we take some pictures of Daddy in all his man bun, beard, and muscled glory?


Sigh, oh Mr Gallo…. 🥵🫦 So we need a #3 where they’re home from the honeymoon and she tells him she’s pregnant. Because she is right? That’s why she didn’t want the champagne and she’s emotional, right?

Daniela ✨

The way this growly man always seems to maintain a level of tenderness throughout various forms of dominance just activates all facets of submission in me 😩🥰


This was a perfect part 2! And I love listening to both parts back to back when I'm in need for a soft Gallo filled afternoon. Much love 💜


Gods...Gallos happy laugh just does it for me. I'm a swooning lunatic over here🫠🫨


MOOSE AND SQUIRREL?! Was I the only one who caught the Supernatural reference?!


I keep coming back to this story. I love it. The sweet little conversations alternating with shorter scences, its the best. I really like this type of pace. Would love a third part but honestly it’s not a big deal if not. The quality of audios and VAs are soo good. So happy I found BKS 🥰

Daniela ✨

Never noticed all the praise but omg 😩 I definitely have a praise kink and a Gallo kink 🤭💗💗💗


Mr. Gallo’s laugh is so adorable and sexy!