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You are paired up with the star athlete for a project. You begrudgingly agree to meet him in the library to start work on it. He’s been admiring you for a while, and when things get more comfortable between you after you realise you have more in common than you thought, you make a confession to him. You’re a virgin. You shock him by asking him to take your virginity. But there’s more feelings at play than just the simple agreement it appears to be. The tension and feelings that were already present shine as you both share the special moment.

VA - Mr. Robinson 

This script was written by Han B


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Ryssa Fiu

Urgh! You're making life so much harder because I am measuring every man I meet against you. And they're all coming up short 😭 I've been away for 3wks for family stuff and I haven't had any privacy or alone time in those 3wks. Now that I'm back home in my safe space, in my comfy bed, this is the first time I've 💦 in a while and I couldn't have picked a better audio. I'm feeling so many feelings 🥲 PS: Please read to me as I fall asleep every night 🫶🏼 PPS: This audio requires a Part2, please and thank you 🙏🏽


there’s something so therapeutic about these audios. BKS really be helping me heal… I’ve literally thought: do they have a mental health expert on staff, lol. Thanks for everything y’all do and all the hard work that goes into these audios.


I’m shy about commenting but this just became my absolute favorite. Sequel please!!


I also wanna say thank you!! I'm way too old to be a fangirl! But i have to deal with depressions and borderline and a husband who doesn't give a fuckin shit about my feelings and needs! That's not the life i was dream about! But you give me the strength to keep going and handle this shit! Your Voice is the first i listen to when i wake up and the last at night! Thats everything i need! I wish so badly you would whisper this sweet things in my ear irl ... I just wanna let you know that you keep me going on in my darkest hours!

Kate Wiebe

Your groans were delicious. And the reading at the end was a nice little touch, it would be cool to hear you read more of it in an aftercare video or something

courtney ✨

Okay, but this was relentless.


My uterus is weeping



Shavonne Belford

As a bookworm being read too would absolutely be my aftercare


I keep coming back to this one and hoping for a part 2.


Robinson and virgin audios always hit different and I love it! Much love 💜


The whole thing was amazing but then HE READS US TO SLEEP WHAT

Mølla Rouge

Okay this is now my new favourite. The greatest one... Reminds me of the guy I sorta was seeing back in uni (many many years ago lol!) he's similar to Mr. Robinson's character too... It really satisfied the 19 year old self that's somehow still stuck inside 😂

Mølla Rouge

Okay but 1984 is my top 10 favourite books, I rinsed that book throughout sixth form (equivalent to the last two years of US high school) and then through the first year of uni. It's a great book to be reread and to hear Mr Robinson reading a bit of it after a glorious virginity experience I-- I'm so glad I'm here and subscribed.


I can't stop coming back to this. Xxx

Nope Bruh

Robinson has got to be my favorite, gotta save this audio for when im not at work


I'm here for the 'shy listener' tag because I'm shy and that's what I relate to. But shy audios so often also happen to be virgin audios (which is nice too sometimes), but I've been wanting a shy listener audio who wants it rough. Then I found this one. It's perfect how Mr. Robinson goes from gentle to savage. Is there a 'shy listener' audio with Mr. Chambers (my fave VA) where he's also rough?


Oh Gods the sweetness and hotness in this one 🥵


Not me hoping the ex would have called right in the middle and he puts it on speaker 🙈😂


If my first time had been like this... fuck.. a girl can only dream of what could've been 😩😩 but seriously I fucking LOVED THIS! Mr. Robinson is & always will be my favorite 😍