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Guys, I saw a lot of people concerned about plots going away on the last post. That's not what I'm saying in that post.

It is the more farfetched plots that we will avoid. (Unless we have confidence a writer can write it well)

I've been getting a lot of bizarre scripts recently like a billionaire and pilot surviving a plane crash, ending up on a deserted island and having sex 2 pages later. It's that kind of thing I want to avoid. Where the convoluted plot gets in the way of actually making the scenario hot or romantic.

Good plots and writing (with the purpose of building up sexual tension and chemistry) will always have a place.

There will still be buildup, lots of flirting and seduction in our audios that's not going away!

Here's a funny meme for Friday morning. Credit to MR POTATO FACE on Twitter. Original tweet is HERE

EDIT - Patreon is being terrible and not linking to the tweet properly but it's MRPOTATOFACE on Twitter if Patreon keeps fucking up.





You need to be happy and satisfied with the content you're putting out, so I absolutely agree! Keep up the amazing work 🥰 the meme has me absolutely dying 😂


Thanking you for working hard isn’t enough, but seriously thank you so much for doing your best to provide us with the best plots and audios. Can’t wait for BKS to expand, who knows maybe we’ll see you guys in the next met gala 🤷🏻‍♀️

로우 할

I agree with you! A good convincing plot is important. Keep up the good work! 🥰 And it's funny because I agree with the meme so much.ㅋㅋㅋ


Lmao what’s my tweet doing here ?


Thank you for all you guys do! I love BKS, you guys capture the moment so well and the build up and actuality is everything💕the best VA's!!!


That is good news!!! 😊.


Thank you so much! That is such a relief and we love what you guys have been sending our way ❤️❤️❤️


You probably received that script because it's an idea that was posted on the website with 95 votes. It does sound far-fetched, I get that part but I do believe that any plot could be made interesting under an hour. There’s a lot of plots here where male meet female and they "fuck two pages later" and people love those. I understand what you’re telling us though and I'm glad you're focusing on quality! Thats one of the main reasons why I love this patreon but the delivery feels...kinkshaming? Rude? Not safe-place? Belittling? I'm not the one who posted that idea on the website but damn they must feel like shit right now. 🙃 xo


Ahh! Now, that's different if the script is badly written for that idea. Well, thank you for the precision!


Thanks for the clarity. I will say I’ve noticed lately the scripts are a more fantasy based and more elaborate. I found BKS through one of the more BDSM focused audios, and I thought that was the intention of the channel. Audios like “Watching you flirt with everyone in that bunny costume” and “It’s more about the aesthetics” are my personal preference as they’re about couples in relationships who are enjoying a “scene” together. I listen to explore my BDSM kinks and for inspiration on ideas to bring into my own partnership. So the scripts that are about Cinderella, or a mafia plotline, are just lost on me. But, that’s just me, as others seem to enjoy them. Thanks for working so hard to try to keep us all happy. I think we’re all just grateful to have BKS in our lives…(and, Mr.Robinson 😉)


The photo made me laugh. That was me the other day, but it was at a library.😭😂😂


Lol this fan base is almost as bad as the directioners when one direction split 😂


im sorry but LMFAOOO


question, do the actors actually masturbate while recording?


No. If they did it would be tagged "Ramplefap" and we've never done those.


Okay thank you! Hope to see some of those soon


lololololololol. thank you. this meme tho... i feel so seen.

MASims Studio

Tbh I actually like the long plots, but that’s just me


That meme 🤣. That's what we do we are thinking about getting backshots while looking at fruit prices. At least that's what I do


Great….now I can never look at peas the same 😂


Wait, the accuracy of this picture tho… 🤣


OMG, that's me in Target on any given day...


Defo trust you guys' taste to choose among scripts. Heavy-plot ones are always great ao far. It helps build up the tension.


😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫the meme tho omfg


The meme!!!...the accuracy,that most of us at Target,cosco,Sam's or work 😂.


I miss Mr.Williams🥺👉👈


The accuracy of this damn meme! I thought it was just me listening to Mr. Robinson, Chambers, Shaw (or any of them really)that has me thinking about them blowing my back out while comparing fruit prices.😉😉