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Description:  Your overworked boyfriend comes home after a long day. The romantic dinner you had planned for him takes a turn…for the best or for the worst? The evening ensues and a naughty idea sneaks into his head. Seems like you two might get dessert after all.

VA - Mr. Robinson

This script was written by Blanche DeLioncourt


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Yesssssss 🧡🧡🧡


I'm here for this!!!! What a treat to come home to!

Doña Yayi

OH MY GAAAAAAAAWD!!!!!!! the sister wives have been summoned!!!!!! Ohhh my beloved Mr. Robinson i am so ready for you to make me shake tonight!!!!! Geeeeeshhh holy mother of everything Robinson let me get comfortable!!!!!! 🤌💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ ohhh this is going to be such a luscious treat my beloved ((((( HUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGG )))))


Well.........I'm not sleeping tonight.


look idk what to tell you, slice of life rough sex w daddy R rly hit different 😭🤌🏻 thank you daddy!

The copperhead

I’m going to be up late toniiiiiiiiggghhhttttt!!!!


What a delicate treat this man is; once you get a taste of Robinson, he’ll make you keep wanting for more. Have mercy..😩


This might be my new favorite Robinson audio

Doña Yayi

Oh holy mother of loveliness! How i love this audio!!!! When he comes home from work and spoils his beloveds surprise, when he soothes her with loving words and showers her with sweet kisses, when they tell eachother how their day was. Ohhh jesus having a sip of champagne!!!!!! Just 🤌💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ when they both have a lovely dinner with wine acompanied with nice music!!!!! Was that piece from the piano from chopin???? Szpillman???? And to be that woman oh my gaaaaaaaaawwd!!!!!!! To make love with such a beautiful man with so much love and emotion his moans are wonderful music to her ears that his erotically delicious noises sends tingles all over her body. How they lose themselves in delicious pleasure until they can't hold on any more. The aftercare was just splended. I love a gentle and caring man. How Mr. Robinson takes her to bed and holds his beloved, showers her with affirmations, covers her with kisses, just oh my god seriously to be that woman. " come snuggle with me for a bit? I need some lovey lovin too...dont tell anyone" " such a good girl for me baby, my good girl" " my heartbeat is lulling you to sleep you say? Thats ok baby close your eyes and rest. I'll be here when you wake up, i promise." " thank you for dessert. Oh my heart holy father of the heavens. Again this man has caressed my heart in a way i can't explain. My beloved Mr Robinson ((((( HUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGG )))))


"You trust me?" 🫠🫠🫠

Doña Yayi

Ohhhhh thank you moi_la_desi!!!! Oooh jesus and here i thought it was chopin!! Omg it was the beloved beethoven!!!! Such an exquisite melody that was chosen to play in the sweet and romantic moments of Mr. Robinson and his beloved 😊❤️


I can guarantee how ✨SPICE✨ it is by the hashtag 😂


I love, how you're fangirling over Beethoven, as much as over our sweet Hubbys. 😊


Robinson’s whimpers in this one! 🔥

Pam 701

Another masterpiece from King Robinson. The sounds he makes while thrusting and/or coming - Oh. My. God. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Ana D.

Ohhh lord!!! Where can one find a man like this one???


Does Mr. Robinson has a young brother?! It sounds like Mr. Robinson and it sounds like different from Mr. Robinson at the same time (but in a good way)!! He always makes me surprised every time I listen to his audio!!!! He’s born to be a voice magician 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


I swear he knows what he’s doing when he whimpers like that 🙄😫


Slice of life🥰🥰 would like to have some more

Frannie Pham

What a nice treat to end my night ❤️🤭


Mr Robinson is spectacular 🥵


Great audio but I have to say I wouldn’t mind Robinson having more relatable female protagonists. Seems like there’s a trend of them being implied as stay at home girlfriends who cry a lot.

The copperhead

Get a bucket and a mop………🫠🫠🫠🫠


I definitely echo this comment x


As a fan of Resident Evil, the Moonlight Sonata doesn't inspire a romantic atmosphere for me, hahaha. Joking aside, this is another delicious treat from Mr.Robinson.


This is too good omg


I've noticed the same thing lately. I would like to have a woman who doesn't need a savior or/and doesn't cry at every opportunity because her lover didn't mother her for two days. This takes me out of the fantasy sometimes, because I can't recognize myself in the stories. (I don't want to offend anyone who recognizes themselves in it or likes it. Everyone is different.) I just wish the types of women in the stories were more varied....or maybe it just seems that way to me because I only listen to the Robinson audios, IDK.

123 8008

But he does have a lot of audios where the listener isn't that though, not even that many audios ago

The copperhead

Ok, I have listened to this waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy too many times


I didn't know I had a smile this big :) well, thank you!

Hey Jamie

I refuse to allow a voice to develop a gat damn parasocial relationship in me for the love of god please I literally beg lol

Hey Jamie

This was clearly rhetorical I am so deep down Robinsons ass you can see me in his throat. This is bad.


I just love this one! Love the 'slice of life' tab and I really hope I get to do this with my future boyfriend hehe! Much love 💜

