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“I wasn’t allowed to date. I could never enjoy sex because of immense guilt”

I spoke to Danielle as part of a series in which we share the amazing and diverse stories encountered among the Best Kept Secret listeners.

Last week I spoke with Beth, a college student from the Bay area, who cherishes her virginity and says “it’s the one thing no guy has ever been able to take from me after the connection ended“.

This week I want to share Danielle’s experience and her opinion on sex, dating and pleasure.

Big thanks to Danielle for sharing her story which centres around freeing herself from the constraints of religion.

‘I recollect a pastor stating that the intended sexual experience is not meant to be pleasant.’

She views her upbringing as a type of maltreatment and shares how she ultimately freed herself from the constraints of the religious values that were imposed upon her.

Danielle left the church for good and is now focusing on herself and fulfilling her dreams.

She says:

“In the event that a woman finds herself in circumstances similar to my own, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to her for effectively mastering the art of not giving a F*ck.”


Read the full story on Danielle’s experiences HERE.

If you would also like to share a story about yourself, no matter if it's uplifting or full of challenges, funny, or simply one of your beliefs and opinions, reach out to rob@yourbestkeptsecret.co.uk




I haven't had a chance to listen yet but a massive thank you for featuring a story like this - my story is similar to Danielle's and it's certainly a process to retrain one's brain after thinking one way for so long 💜


Absolutely loved reading about Beth’s story. Honestly it almost felt like I was reading my own life story. It’s inspiring to know that someone who has led a similar life path, have the same view point and stance about relationships nowadays. Makes me feel less alone and makes how I feel and my views feel valid.


I’m glad I found BKS, knowing that those who shared their stories and experiences made me feel familiar to it, I was raised in religious background too, when I moved to live aboard, so many things I’ve learned while growing, things I never knew about, good and bad. It took me quite long to come to my realization that many things I was taught were wrong, the way I was treated was wrong too. But the best thing about leaving it all behind is I had the chance to live my adult life in a better and healthier way, learning more about myself and discovering my desires.

Doña Yayi

BKS thank you for shariing these stories of amazing people with us here. Beth's story was so empowering it was wonderful to see that i too shared the same experiences that she lives in my young life. It was worth waiting for my forever beloved and still to this day i love him with all the strength of my heart. As for the other story of an amazing person i have not heard it yet but i am on my way!!! What i can say is never let anything or anyone dictate your emotions. What you feel in your heart and how you want to express it is your decisión no one elses. Enjoy life, learn more about your wants and needs, go on and explore new things you want to discover about yourself and your sexuality! Be blessed, be beautiful, be awesome, just be you!!! I am on my way to read danielles story. BKS ((((( HUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGG )))))


I was a missionary for the mormon faith, served my mission in South America. (Santiago, Chile) I was heavily endoctornated. And there are times where I enjoy sex with my husband so much that I feel guilty and cry afterwards. The religious trauma is there. Always will be. Women in this religion are taught that women should never enjoy sex, and it's only to have children, which is something I cannot do. I'd love to hear a Daddy Dom story about after care after a scene where she's talked down because she feels guilty for enjoying it to much.


People need to stop saying "Sex for women was not meant to be pleasant". Women is not an object, we deserve love and pleasure too. And just because we care and nurture doesn't mean we don't have desires. Thank you Danielle for sharing your story. So many women all around the world feel the same too, for a lot of us sex is just a duty, people said we don't deserve to feel good about it. If we as a woman have lust, then we're no good than a slvt, they said. People around me has the same mindset too, but I've decided to look for a partner who cares about my feelings (or I don't want to have a partner at all). *sorry for my bad english, i just want to share my opinion about this bc this topic has been enraging me for some time haha*


So much of this resonates with me. I was also a missionary (Greece), and eventually, after many tries was unable to have children. I understand the indoctrination from church, but I never felt that way from my parents or from my husband, all of whom were converts and not generational members. My parents had so much joy in their relationship, especially their physical relationship. They were my inspiration on waiting for the right person. My husband was the right person in so many ways, including physically. I think because he had not been brought up in the church, he was fun to explore with. We've been married 20 years


Ooh! I can't wait to dig into this. I'd love to share something.

Brandi M

These would make great podcast episodes.