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“…I have always enjoyed having my virginity, because it’s the one thing no guy has ever been able to take from me after the connection ended…”


I was moved by many of your comments beneath our recent status poll.

You shared intimate details and personal anecdotes about romantic endeavours, from virginity to improving relationships, self exploration or losing loved ones.

It’s ironic sometimes that in a world more and more connected, we often find ourselves feeling more and more alone, longing for someone who can understand our quirks and passions.

I wanted to share some more fan stories, because I know for every listener who tells their story, there will be a thousand other people with similar experiences, who can relate.


I spoke to Beth (name changed) who is a university student in the Bay area, enjoys movies, exercise and vegan food.

She is also a virgin and has never been in a relationship, because the right guy has never presented himself (Sidenote from Rob: Dear fellas, step your game up please, just a general piece of advice I've got, okay cheers, keep reading everyone)

“They don’t want to get to know me, they just want to get into bed”, says Beth.

However, she is strong-minded and says:

“keep doing what you’re doing, don’t feel bad or pressured to have sex, and your prince charming is coming xoxo.”


Read the full story on Beth’s experiences being a virgin in college, her dating stories and views on relationships HERE.

Beth, huge thanks for sharing your story!

If you would also like to share a story about yourself, no matter if it's uplifting or full of challenges, funny, or simply one of your beliefs and opinions, reach out to rob@bestkeptsecret.co.uk



Bryanna Mitchell

Am Also A virgin and it’s been hard being one bc boys only want me for my body I haven’t find that person yet but when I lose It I want it to be for me not nobody else I want it to be special but I always thought it was me and how I look and how I dress but I know that’s not the case am 19 years old and I never experienced theses type of things so as she said I have to still wait and that’s what am going to do 💕


I’ll be honest when I read the article and saw the headline it reminded me of something that my parents forced me to read growing up in the evangelical church how they celebrate and put more value on the women who are virgins . I know that’s not with the article meant, but I couldn’t help but flashback to that. The word ‘virgin,’ some say, was derived from a Greek word that meant ‘not attached to a man,’ a woman who was “one-in-herself.” Goddesses like Ishtar (Assyrian-Babylonian), Diana (Roman), Astarte (Greek) and Isis (Egyptian) were called “virgins” not because they were inexperienced but because they were strong and independent. ‘Virgin’ Goddesses of: Childbirth, the hunt, animals – Diana Love, war, fertility, and sex – Ishtar Fertility, sexuality, war – Astarte Nursing, breastfeeding, death – Isis War, wisdom, courage, strength – Athena There is also evidence that the word ‘virgin’ derived from the combination of the Latin words ‘vir-‘ (for man, as in ‘virile’) and ‘-gyne’ ( for woman, as in gynecology) – a man-woman or androgynous Person

Sweetie 💕

I’m a virgin and it’s hard to go through life sometimes not experiencing having sex like other women do. I was a very sheltered and quiet childhood growing up . Anything that was to unsafe or outside of my moms bubble I would like to call it was a no go. So I’ve never had that experience before with anyone or even had a boyfriend for that matter. But now I’m focused on getting out of that mindset and getting my life back the way that I want it to be.

Valentina Osorio Palacio

“The Scorpio in me just wants something that’s real and is going to last” it got me ❤️❤️ it’s so nice to read your story Beth! Thank you so so much!

Doña Yayi

I am 41 years old. I lost my virginity to my beloved husband when i was 17 years old . I met my husband when we were in high school in 1996 i was 15 and was a beautiful 17 year old headache. Lol he was the most annoying boy the most infuriating human that i couldnt stand the sight of haha. He used to bully me when i ignored him lol. And it was bad!!!!! But i got him back hehehe 😁😎. My Mother used to say " when a boy bothers you and acts like a giant pain in the ass that means he likes you but doesnt know how to tell you so he chooses to act like a little shit. Just go talk to him" hahaha and thats what i did!!!! The next time he came to my i said " oh can you please shut your annoying face and get on with it. What do you want idiot" lol. And thats how my beautiful aneurism and i started our young love. We always went to school together. He always waited for me after class. He would take me out to the weirdest places for our little dates lol. He would come visit me and i remember how afraid he was of my dad hahaha. We shared cute moments together the most sweetest. I remember my first kiss with him. I knew from that first kiss that i was goin to be his forever beloved and he will be mine. He wasnt a virgin but i was and treated me with so much love and respect, he treated me like i was the most precious and delicate thing he can never break me. He never pressured me into having sex with him he would show his love for me with hugs and kisses and his stupid pranks haha. I gave my love to him when i was 17 and he was 19. He was so sweet with me so gentle. Our love was so pure the most innocent. We could never stay away from eachother. The product of our love were born in 1999 😊 my two beautiful boys Cristiano and Stefano. My beloved and i got married in 2004 i was 23 and he 25. Those were the most beautiful moments of my life with my beautiful children and my beloved husband. He was a wonderfull and lovely father and husband. Always taking care of us before himself always showering us with love and so much devotion. I love us, i love our little family so so much. April 26 2011 my beloved was taken away from us. I was 30 and my babies were one month shy of turning 12 when he passed away. Still to this day i love him. I miss him. And i know one day we will reunite. Dificult times have come. And my heart hurts while writing this, sharing my lovely moments. My heart aches and i have moments when i cry like now but i remember happy moments with my beautiful idiot and i feel happy again. When i look at my beautiful 24 yr old pain in the butts i see their father in their eyes they look so much like him my heart smiles. Now my babies take care of their mamá now. As they call me their pain in the butt hahahaha 😊. Well for the young ladies out there!!! Our Virginity is the most precious thing the most wonderful part of us that we have to guard with all our strenghth!!! Never feel pressured by someone who only wants to just take advantage. Stay beautiful, stay wonderful, stay lovely and the Lucky Mr. Prince charming will come your way and shower your days with so much love, respect, loyalty, and gentleness!! He will make you feel like you are great, you are loved and that you are very important. It is worth the wait!


I’m 27 and I’m a virgin. I also still haven’t had my first kiss or a boyfriend 😂 Most of my friends are in the same boat so we support each other and often have deep conversations of what having sex and losing our virginities would be like. I’m waiting for my forever person- my future husband and father of my children and I want it to be special. Having sex is the most vulnerable position and place a person could be in. I wouldn’t be able to have it casually with just anyone. There is the fear of not knowing what to do/lack of experience when that time comes. But experience and knowledge come during learning and learning takes time. But for now I’m focused on my personal growth and being my best self in every way possible.

Brandi M



Thank you for sharing Beth. I hope we also see women who are not “waiting” as just as courageous. Owning your sexuality takes courage no matter what form that comes in. As women we face a great amount of societal conditioning around the value of being “pure” of “virginal” that has been used to suppress us. I hope channels like this allow women to feel powerful in their sexuality and help to uncover ways to communicate our needs, wants, and desires - whether that’s to a long-term committed partner, a casual encounter, or just for ourselves. X

Ana D.

It's your body, your sexuality, and the only one you answer to is You. We need more Beth's, please. And Beth, thank you for your strong-minded will.


I lost my virginity at 18 and had really good sex but with a really bad guy… whom I dated for 2 years. Lesson learned ✨

🫧Ms.Bratzilla🫧 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-12 21:48:39 Thank you for sharing Beth.❤️I’ve experienced traumatic past so in result while growing I’ve gained this fear of having to trust, to love, I still lack experiences with being in any sort of relationships, but I’ve always been a hopeless romantic. There were times where I felt like I’m being seen as “that single friend” or a 3rd wheeler, I started to avoid people more & because I’ve been focusing on work & study it became a good excuse too, I did try to date years before, I kept giving my time & feelings for the wrong guys constantly to the point where I started questioning if I was the problem, I lost my confidence & I became insecure about myself & my appearance. Beth was right about virginity was one thing no guy has ever been able to take from me at the end. I’ve been on so many dating apps it was always the same outcome, they were more interested in just hooking up. I’m now 30, I currently enjoy being single, focusing on my mental health & wellbeing, work, education & try to achieve my goals. I haven’t lost hope in finding love. 💕
2023-04-10 05:23:25 Thank you for sharing Beth.❤️I’ve experienced traumatic past so in result while growing I’ve gained this fear of having to trust, to love, I still lack experiences with being in any sort of relationships, but I’ve always been a hopeless romantic. There were times where I felt like I’m being seen as “that single friend” or a 3rd wheeler, I started to avoid people more & because I’ve been focusing on work & study it became a good excuse too, I did try to date years before, I kept giving my time & feelings for the wrong guys constantly to the point where I started questioning if I was the problem, I lost my confidence & I became insecure about myself & my appearance. Beth was right about virginity was one thing no guy has ever been able to take from me at the end. I’ve been on so many dating apps it was always the same outcome, they were more interested in just hooking up. I’m now 30, I currently enjoy being single, focusing on my mental health & wellbeing, work, education & try to achieve my goals. I haven’t lost hope in finding love. 💕

Thank you for sharing Beth.❤️I’ve experienced traumatic past so in result while growing I’ve gained this fear of having to trust, to love, I still lack experiences with being in any sort of relationships, but I’ve always been a hopeless romantic. There were times where I felt like I’m being seen as “that single friend” or a 3rd wheeler, I started to avoid people more & because I’ve been focusing on work & study it became a good excuse too, I did try to date years before, I kept giving my time & feelings for the wrong guys constantly to the point where I started questioning if I was the problem, I lost my confidence & I became insecure about myself & my appearance. Beth was right about virginity was one thing no guy has ever been able to take from me at the end. I’ve been on so many dating apps it was always the same outcome, they were more interested in just hooking up. I’m now 30, I currently enjoy being single, focusing on my mental health & wellbeing, work, education & try to achieve my goals. I haven’t lost hope in finding love. 💕

Fleur Pouvior

I got tired of guys wanting me to 'give them' my virginity. Like it was a thing they could have to display as a prize. So I found someone I didn't know, beyond reputation as 'good in bed' and had a one night stand. I felt that doing it that way, completely on my own terms, with no pressure no demands, I was taking it for myself.

Eve Kolm

I waited till I was 27 I thought I waited long enough & I still felt guilty about it because it was the wrong person