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He and his new wife (you) are on a road trip to a unique hotel for your honeymoon. You are both avid campers/hikers so a hotel that offers private cabins amid a forest is right for the both of you. The hotel advertises geodesic domes, half sphere structures made of interconnected triangles. The domes are built into the side of a mountain providing a beautiful view of a valley of rolling hills. Each cabin is isolated and kept private via tall trees and plants that act as natural barriers.

To add to the experience, there is to be a meteor shower that night, just like the night you two met. But, unexpectedly, rain clouds are gathering.

Still determined to enjoy your honeymoon, you both refocus on more important things, each other. As day slowly turns to evening, he helps you discover there is something far deeper connecting the two of you than just physical love.

VA - Mr. Gallo

This script was written by Mimue


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And all of our audio archives are available to view and listen to (all 350 audios) HERE.




Daddy Gallo’s voice is so deeeeeep. My God! It’s perfect. 😩 It gets me shook every time I hear it. ⚡️⚡️

Amairany Aranda

I can't belive this it's the only honeymoon audio. Pleeeease do more 🥺


🥴🥺 how DARE he be so fucking sweet.


Mr Gallo audios don't feel like listening to a story but more like having phone sex with your partner. He's actually there, talking to me - you can't convince me otherwise.


this was so heart warming, this audio was so personal and such beautiful things said🥰keep gallo coming!!! he's my man but not really my man he just doesn't know it yet ;)


This audio makes me feel extremely warm.🥰🥰Mr.Gallo I love u 🥺I cried bitterly in the second half, and Mr Gallo was so warm that I couldn't help crying.Especially when he said "I love you, even though all the stars and the universe are burning."😭😭😭 (Maybe the grammar is a little strange because my mother tongue is not English. Please forgive me for any mistakes.🥺🥺)


I have been ruined for life🫠

Already Gone

Gallo + man bun is giving Momoa and it’s making me ache 🥵


Excuse me?! How dare you. 🫠 I'm falling in love with Gallo all over again. I'm fine, I'm fine,I'm fine!!!! So many feelings! This audio blew me the hell away. I’ve never enjoyed being drawn into the mindscape of a story like that in my life... His laugh should be illegal! It's way to damn cute... He can come wash my hair anytime 😌. The sweet talk, those growls, all that tenderness, the praises... how do I recover from this?! I’m a sucker for quality wordplay, and this takes the cake... Listening to him, say such beautiful and wonderful things about creating a family... 😳 Great, now I have baby fever... and need a new pair of panties. This man can growl at me all night! The aftercare 😍. Papi Gallo: "Man I swear you got some spell on me..." Me: 😳 "No sir, you're the one that has a spell on me and I can't get enough..." Sir, you make my damn legs turn to jelly. I blush like a damn high school girl, and get all flustered. Papi Gallo knows I'm weak for his voice . Please give us more Husband Gallo in the future 🙌😘.


I’ve been listening to this for a week straight 🙃 my imagination got me going wild and I swear this is one of my favorites for BKS.


I really hope this gets a sequel.. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Sherree Garrett

This was wonderful! The romance, the setting, and who knew I had a breeding kink. The fact that he was praising the listener to get pregnant cause he could already imagine how beautiful they would look carrying the VA’s child is just heartwarming and so beautiful. Of course, based on how the audio is it’s easy to tell this was made for Mr. Robinson. And as much as I like his audios, I’m actually kinda happy he couldn’t do this and Gallo did instead. He did so well in this, and I loved how he was still a little sweet and gruff in certain moments. I’ve been wanting him to do more softer audios and I’m so happy hearing him do more of it, hopefully there will be more the incoming future as well.


🥰🥰🥰🥰 just all the feels


I could have sore I heard this in Mr. Robinson voice if its real can someone shoot me with the audio name

Shavonne Belford

I always love how Mr. Gallo goes from sweet and gentle then rough and filthy yet there’s still tenderness in the roughness

Nala Sky'

No this man just talk about my Auntie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In the section "If you enjoy this audio, we think you'll also like" - links 1 & 2 are the same.


Okay, I LOVE men with longer hair (I blame Orlando Bloom from his LOTR and Pirates days) so when he mentioned he had long hair I just melted even more

Little LOVE

This is one of the BEST!!! 1000000/10 🤩