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Description: It’s been two weeks since the break-up. He never put you first, that’s all you ever wanted. He got scared, what were you supposed to do… You had to give in, the fight was over… You loved him, but he couldn’t say the same… That’s the final straw, it's over… but can he repair what was broken?

VA - Mr. Aston

This script was written by Ellie


As a reminder, you can vote on and choose more story ideas and series for Best Kept Secret to take on or continue at bksaudio.com.

And all of our audio archives are available to view and listen to (all 320+ audios) HERE.



Doña Yayi

Ooooohhh Mr. Aston!!!!! Yaaaaasssss!!! Lets take a listen 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

courtney ✨

You’re spoiling us yet again, team. 💗

Kristy Mystery

Snuggle time is going to be so nice with Mr Aston tonight 😊


As soon as I saw the Male Begging tag I know it’s gonna be good


So nice to see Mr Aston again 😁


Male begging, slow fuck, cuddles? Yes, pleeeeease! 🥵🫠🥰



Onnika Lynch

I can't take it. Where is my water, I have to quench this thirst

Doña Yayi

Holy mother of beautiful sweetness!!! Again my heart is skipping a few beats and i shed a few tears with Mr. Aston's sweet confessions!!!! Oh my gaawwdd this man exudes sexiness in a sweet way and so much romanticism!! I love it!!!! 🤌💋❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏👏 oh jesus on a hell's angels bike!!!! Ohh to be that woman !! How he tells her he can't let go of her. How he shows her in body and soul so deliciously how much he loves and misses her that he can't live without her. And at the end the aftercare and the lovely affirmations. Ohhhhhhh gaaaaaahhhh geeeeeshhh Mr. Aston ((((( HUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGG )))))


Excuse me while I go melt into a puddle and do my damndest to try and cuddle up against a voice. I love this so much! A guy who immediately knew he messed up, demonstrated how he felt with more than words, and uuhhhhh his *voice* with this script!! Kudos to all 💕

Pam 701

This has so much emotion, it’s wonderful. Mr. Aston did a great job with this. ❤️🥵❤️


Hello, I have a question regarding submitting ideas. Do they also get to pick which VA for the part? Thanks xx


You can request it but we can’t guarantee the preferred VA will do it. We respect their hard limits and preferences.


Mr. Aston!!!!! Holy I've been waiting for this for so long. All the begging and whimpers suit him so well! Needless to say he acted perfectly! I love this side of BKS audios.


This isn’t about this audio but it’s about audios in general. Stop saying young and hot, it’s weird. I get it’s a older man and a younger women and sometimes DdLg, but saying “ yaaa your soo hot and young, I love fucking this hot young cunt” that doesn’t feel…..nasty coming out of the mouth?!?! I like seeing you wear this tight clothes on your young tight fit body?!? I cringe when I hear it cause I’m like “huh?!?”


Generally I agree with what you're saying. But I can't remember anything like that in an BKS audio. In some student/professor audios or Dad's Best Friend stories, the age of the listener might have been addressed, cause it made sense. Or mentioning the size difference in the Suit & Size series - duh! But I can't specifically remember being praised for being young or tiny - cause that've def. thrown me off, like: "Who are you talking to? Not me." 😁


I have to say Mr.Aston's acting of vulnerability is a beeeeeeeeg treasure❤️I love it soooooooo much🥹😭

Crystal S.

Mr Aston is quickly becoming one of my favorites. His voice and vulnerability melt me.


Would you mind pointing me to where you heard this in our audios? I don’t recall any lines like that and it shouldn’t be in any of our recent audios but I may have missed it in the older ones. It should totally be fixed as it’s non inclusive.


Pretty little thing, and I get it it’s DdLg, but literally listen to it again because it’s just a lot for no reason


I was worried I may have missed something in the 5 listens I did before release to make sure there isn't anything that shouldn't be there so I listened to the posted audio. There were no lines like what you describe and not once is the word fit or young used. However, there are a huge amount of little girl references, which fits with the dynamic. This audio was written by a little for littles so portrays what actual DDLG dynamics are like and thus it may not hit the mark for some of our listeners who have a different idea of what DDlg is. I would suggest taking a second listen yourself as it's possible you may not have heard what you thought you did. I was genuinely confused by this comment as I had no idea what audio you were referring to. We do check older posts on a regular basis but sometimes it takes us a few days to respond there as our catalogue is huge. Thanks for bringing it up, as we feel all critical feedback is just as valid as good feedback.


Once I get out of class I’ll listen back because I’ve been busy today lmaoo. But it was a recent audio sooo I know I’m not delusional.


Thnks! If you could give me specific timestamps it would be super helpful!


I don't think anything weird with "hot young cunt",if you feel uncomfortable plz close the app.


If there is nothing about this audio, you should not comment here. Did things you said have anything to do with Mr.Aston? You are very impolite and self-centered.


Wish I could babes but I pay for it with my own money and idk you so why would I listen to youuu?!?🤔🧐 people have different opinions, accept that and you’ll do much better in life.


Because I’m sharing my opinion and the snowflakes don’t understand that people have different opinions?? Ya okie


Please give me more Aston(weeeeee


To me it seems like y’all commenting on my comment( ABOUT MY OPINION) have nothing better to do and want attention 🙄doesn’t matter if it’s about mr.Ashton or not, if you would have read my first comment you would know I said it’s not about him😃


At the end of the day I feel how I feel accept it, I can tell y’all are either young or naive, I’m young but I’m not dumb enough to not know that “heeyyy people have their own opinions?🤷🏾‍♀️”


I’m sorry I was so busy with class and fight off children in these comments 🙄, but it’s “daddy’s girl is always protected” I can’t remember if that one is a newer one but I see it on my phone like 4 audios down. It just makes me feel uncomfortable you know?!? And again for the children I KNOOOOWW this is another VA audio. I just needed to voice my opinion🤷🏾‍♀️


I’ll double check it. Where it is in your list is dependent on your tier level. Let’s move this conversation to that audio so we aren’t clogging Mr. Aston’s audio. I look forward to the timestamps and getting this sorted!


Male begging! yes more plz♥️ miss Mr Aston soooo much


Oh, you're still in class. I'm sorry to disturb your studies. I was surprised seeing so many replies after meeting. I paid for all the audio and I'm sharing my opinion too. What a coincidence!


I’m out of class, it’s 11:47 at night I’m trying to sleep. We all did duh. Rigghhttt but my opinion was about an audio if you would have taken the time to read. I genuinely don’t care about your opinion on me because I don’t know you and your probably like 17-18 soo a child to me. Goodnight sleepy time😂😴


(Appears with a rose in mouth) Good evening, oh, Mr. Aston. I wonder if you'd like to... (rose stabbed mouth) (hurry to leave) (back shaking wine glasses) I mean, you are really a charming guy. MORE Aston plzzzzzzz!!!!


Hey y’all, let’s keep this civil. We all have our likes and dislikes. While I agree that this audio’s comment section was perhaps not the best place to get into this debate over who’s opinion is more valid on an audio that was released on August 14th the name calling and wide sweeping judgment I’m seeing is not cool at all. We are many ages, sizes, genders and colors. We all love audio. All opinions are exactly that, opinions. Dismissing another’s opinion because it doesn’t fit one’s own is not cool. All y’all are kids to me. I’m older than the internet. Also as an FYI, y’all can turn off notifications. I do when I sleep because we are a global business so there is always someone awake doing something and probably pinging me. Again, let’s move this discussion to the actual problematic audio we are discussing and not on this weeks release. I’m very concerned that this is the 4th audio on your list as it was a secret tier release and there have been about 69 releases between the audio you have a problem with and this one.


every listener here who doesn't pay?your opinion is an opinion,others are not?all of us must follower yours?what the bloody hell are you talking about?hey babygirl,you select this tier and appear here,that means you accept the tier's setting,if you find yourself uncomfortable with these setting,plz go back to the tier which you should stay at,it's up to you.At least all listeners should understand BKS's rule.


Again you act as if you don’t understand people have opinions and AGAIN your OBVIOUSLY not reading so I’m done not about to keep going back and forth with a child lmaooo it’s weird.


Baby I said I didn’t care about your opinion on ME. Because MY OPINION was about the audio, THAT IS WHY I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION. Geez read baby read🙄 weirdos I swear


I really feel like Mr. Aston has soooo much more range than we’ve seen from him so far. I can hear glimmers of it in every performance so far and each time those glimmers shine just a bit more. He has the emotion and breathwork and is doing amazing on learning to integrate them for a more realistic read. I’m really interested in hearing him explore the range of his voice more because to me it seems like right now he’s only using his upper registers. I kinda feel like he may be another Gallo in the making, each audio shows amazing growth and I am HERE FOR IT!


I absolutely second this! To me he's also in the same category as Gallo, but they're still both so unique, that there's def enough space for both of them. Aston's voice sounds to me, as if there's always an (emotional) backstory to what he's actually telling us - and I'm eager to hear about it. Maybe that's just what you were saying, @AuntieKinky 😊


YES! He doesn’t come across as reading a script like he did in his first one. There’s a whole 3 dimensional aspect he brings to the table now, like the character has a whole backstory just below what he’s saying.


Absolutely agree✨ With each recording I hear more depth in Mr Aston's performance, he has a unique timbre in his voice and I wonder with his accent how he would come across in a Victorian setting! 😊


I love Mr.Aston's voice,young and gentle,so sweeeeeeeet❤️but I'm also wondering if Aston would try to act as a spicy daddy with charming deep voice one time in future works,oh,that will be killng me😍


Oooohhh, I could see that, once he has his conversational pacing issues down. He’s def getting better but still struggles with how much space to leave with listener responses.


TBH, to me, there's never a "right" lengh of space for the listeners respons - and that's absolutely fine! On the first listening, my "replies" never fit anyway, as I don't know yet, where the story is going. And on any further run-through I kinda adapt my "lines" to what they're "supposed" to be. Or, I don't reply at all, but just sink into the VAs voice. 🫠🥰 So to me, there're absolutely no issues with Aston's paceing.


For me if it’s too fast it’s like homie don’t care what my answer is and cuts me off. Throws me out. Gallo had the same problem when he started with us (among other things) and now he’s much better.


I couldn't help thinking why I am NOW crying when I listen a erotic voice ...


Please tell me we’ll get more of Mr. Aston 😭❤️


Guys stop trying to turn Mr Aston into Daddy Spicy Aston😭 He’s a sweetheart to us. But I must agree that the thigh riding in the newest audio was hot like… And his moans are so freaking hawwwt🥰


This is the audio that made me come (no pun intended) to patron and hand over my money. I love that finally I have an audio that's consistent in the stylr he does. Not everyone has a daddy kink and I love ALLLL of Mr. Astons audios. I love that he's such a sweetheart. It's rare actually to find ...what some consider "vanilla" although I hate that word. His audios are so intense in their own ways and so hot in other ways.. And his moans...and breath hitches are just... *chefs kiss* thank u for having a VA make audios for us without a daddy kink or hard Dom kinks...his praising and accent are just sooooo rich. Again with audios like his.. TAKE MY MONEY 😆


Thanks you! I totally agree...its his sweetness that makes him sooooooo freaking hot. I'm not really into the daddy kink and theres plenty of other VAs on BLS for that.


More please, the voice is amazing


It really makes me very emotional 😭😭I love this💕💕💕


I really like Mr. Aston. Something new from him would be great.

Worlds of Cyn

I loved this one. I am glad I found him.


I was obsessed with this one since I came across it on PH first! Aston is just super sweet and perfect for this audio. Given I was going through a breakup at the time of first listening to this, it broke my break all over again but gave me irrational hope at the same time! This deserves a proper review and it will get one eventually haha! For now, it still holds up as one of my personal favourites! Much love 💜


I don’t know how often I have listen to this audio but it is perfect and I adore the VA Mr. Aston so much, is there any chance to know if he will record new stuff in the future? His accent the vulnerability in his voice, the feelings he transported in every line. This is amazing and to be honest I need more of audios like this. Please please please Mr. Aston come back to us.


Top tier pillow talk/aftercare 😍😍😍


Man I loved this one. It brought back bittersweet memories 😔😔😔


Mr.Aston knows how to make a mess with me 😮‍💨😮‍💨 that accent, the begging, just everything


This was soooo romantic 🥺😩 my heart! Loved it so much💕💕


Mr. Aston, come back😢