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We thought we'd bring another instalment of a 'Behind The Scenes' to show you what goes into making naughty audios. 

We can't reveal everything, because honestly it kinda takes away the fantasy knowing every step of how content is made. 

But a little bit of curtain peeling back can't hurt right?

I'm not gonna waffle on too much. So without further ado...

Generally, the three stages of producing the audios are:




In the writing stage, we take ideas from bksaudio.com, story requests from the Secret Tier and recommendations for continuing series. We put them to different writers we've worked with previously and some new ones and see which ones they want to do (e.g. Alexis Fire, Ellie, Snooooza, King Kxrina). 

I (Rob) write some myself too but generally we've been expanding the number of writers we work to get different POVs and different styles of story into our audios.

We've worked with writers from all over the world. The US, UK, Philippines, Malaysia, France, Brazil, India, South Africa, Finland, China and other countries. 

The writers produce a draft and we (Jenn - aka Auntie Kinky, Chlo, Ellie and myself) take a look over it, seeing what the story flow is like, the seduction elements, the plot, if the characters are interesting enough, the dirty talk. 

If that is good, things make sense and the scripts are inclusive we move them on. 

Beyond this I like to make sure our writers have as much creativity to do what they want within the parameters of what Patreon allows. 


At the recording stage we hand the finished scripts off to our VAs, Mr. Robinson, Mr. Chambers, Mr. Gallo and others and they record them. 

Sometimes it can be a quick turnaround, 24 hours or so and then sometimes if they are busy with other theatre, play and acting work it can be 1-2 weeks or more. 

The put their beautiful voices to good use and...


Once they've recorded they'll send it to us and we check it over for any irregularities in the audio quality or performance aspects. Sometimes, if we need changes we'll ask the VA to re-do certain parts. But generally things are ready for editing after one take. 

Most of the time Mr. Robinson is a one-take wonder. 

Jenn and Ellie are heavily involved in the quality checking part before it goes to the SFX editors and making sure things in the audio don't totally take you out of the experience e.g. mic blows, large volume changes, crackling, whatever it might be.

Then we pass the audio to the SFX editors and they spin their magic to bring the audio to life. This can be quite a long process depending on the complexity of the sounds required and if certain noises need to be cleaned up. But it's usually anywhere between 6-14 hours of work on this side.

Let's run through an audio to show you...


As an example here is a breakdown of the time taken on an audio we put out a couple of months ago: 'Hall of Harrows' 

Audio Link HERE

Script: Hall of Harrows

Writer: Snoooza

VA: Robinson

  • Writing: 16h 26m
  • Recording:  2h  07m
  • Editing:12h 08m

The TLDR is that Jenn, Ellie and Chlo are the unsung heroes of a lot of what we do at BKS, it's not often always seen from this side of things but yeah just wanted to make that clear and hope this post conveys that.

If you have more questions about the process of things feel free to leave a comment below and let us know what you want to know!



Sarah O'Leary

Thank you wonderful people for all of your hard work and dedication. I've often wondered about how the SFX works and what's used to create it.


What kind of editing software do you use? Adobe Audition, premiere pro, Avid ProTools, Logic Pro, etc. And where do you get your sound effects? Not sure if you have heard of sound snap but they have a huge library of sound effects with unlimited licenses if your in search for more SFX.


''Most of the time Mr. Robinson is a one-take wonder'' ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME FALL IN LOVE EVEN MORE?!


Off-topic. Beards are the masculine version of a full face of makeup 😂 Change my mind go ahead give it your best shot, i’ll wait 😂 then they say we’re the one’s catfishing 🤷🏻‍♀️


我也是一名相关的后期从业者。在我所接触到的相关创作中,你们是我所见过质量最高的!你们在剧本中体现了对女性的关怀,要知道在中国,我很少在音频里听到过After care,它是如此的不常见。总而言之,感谢你们带来的美好~以及我特别喜欢Mr. Robinson!他录音的语气真的拿捏的很好!!还很勤快,我爱他!!


My English is not good, I am very sorry.I was afraid of misexpressing the original meaning in English. I am a mixer. You are the highest quality I have ever seen in the relevant creation. I see the care for women in the script, you know, in China, I rarely hear something like After care in audio, it's so unusual. All in all, thank you for the good things ~ and I like Mr. Robinson very much! His voice is really good!! The interpretation of words he do it very well while recording))Still very diligent, I love him!!




Thank you so much for sharing the production process. I’d like to take this opportunity to offer some feedback (?) as a relatively new patreon to this channel. I’ve been listening to Japanese audio erotica for about 7 years, so my standard for this genre is pretty much fixed now. I expect the audios to be at least 40 mins long with a solid storyline, so when I came across English erotica last year, I felt quite disappointing at first because most them are more like “functional mood pieces”. I need the immersive experience and plots that can make me feel things. That’s why I’m glad that I found BKS and became one of your annual subscribers. So thank you for all the time and efforts the BKS team has put into your work. Another thing that I really appreciate is the regular updates on upcoming audio release and works which are already in production. Because this kind of info won’t be shared with listeners by Japanese audio making companies, like at all. I love the feeling of having something to look forward to, also it makes me feel more involved in some way. One thing I’m still very curious about is the recording equipment the VAs use. I can sense some difference in the sound quality among the audios, but I’m not sure it’s because they’re using different types of recording mics or it has something to do with the editing process. Also, do you have any plan to get an upgrade of equipment for the VAs in the future? Maybe dummy head microphones? Much love and appreciation xx.






Huge applaud to everyone behind the scenes!!! y'all my big heroes!!!!




Will never share my opinion again, scouts honor, I kinda had an idea of how the audios were made but this on top of me getting attacked for just sharing my opinion? Will never do it again y’all got it👍🏾


It really shows that you all take such time and care over this and know who your audience is. It’s so rare when it comes to women and really exciting that you’ve genuinely spotted a niche that hasn’t been really conquered properly yet anywhere else. I really hope you all continue to be successful as it really does sound like you all deserve it ❤️



Pam 701

I am so grateful for all the talented people and hard work that goes into these audios. It really shows in the quality of them. Thank you to all of them! ❤️❤️❤️


And a huge thank you to Rob for bringing all of us together. We are a community of people who found each other and what makes us happy. Without him, we wouldn't be here!


Heyo! Each of the VA’s use different equipment and each of the sound design team use different software, so both? Robinson did recently get new equipment so all of his glorious voice is captured for us to enjoy.


Thanks for replying, this certainly explains why Mr.Robinson's recent audios are so sinfully brilliant💕


Hey BKS Team - this is really interesting, thanks for sharing. I would like to thank you for what you are doing and how are you doing it!! Hands down to you all, the VAs …specially to Mr. Robinson ‘King of the mountain slash One take Wonder’ mister 😊🙏❤️


It depends on who is working on it. We use a mix of a few different royalty free sites for our foley as well as some in house crafted ones!


Hey ! I just read this post and I was wondering, why the editing part is that long? Do you mean that you get the final result in 12 hours or do they actually work 12 hours in total to edit the audio? :)


It took 12 hours of actual sound design work for this audio. Immersive audio takes time.