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SET-UP: It’s been more than ten years, but you could never forget that face; the one that tore your heart out and took it with her on her way out of your small hometown, seemingly for good. 

But now she’s back, and you can’t deny that you’re happy to see her, even after all this time. Maybe it’s the scent of peppermint and pine in the air. 

Maybe it’s the way she looks at you with something like regret in her eyes. Or maybe it’s just something about Christmas time that’s brought back all these feelings, and brought you together again. Even if it is just for the holiday weekend…

VA - Mr. Wright

This script was written by King Kxrina. You can read more of her writing and works HERE


As a reminder, you can vote on and choose more story ideas and series for Best Kept Secret to take on or continue at bksaudio.com.

And all of our audio archives are available to view and listen to (all 300+ audios) HERE.




Pt 2 pretty please 🥺


Its been a year since this audio was released and part of me is really hoping for a part 2 for this Christmas season but I don't want to get my hopes up. This was super sweet and caring! Much love 💜


Looking for more Mr Wright 👀


Mr. Wright first time listening to you and I'm very impressed🥰 Post-production team...wet sounds and kisses *chefs kiss*

Valérie Béland

I'm waiting for part 2 😍🍿 It was really good

Mrs_ x

I need a part 2 😫. This had me crying and my emotions flying everywhere! Need to know if she stays❤️❤️


Can’t wait to listen to this tonight after work 🥰🥰🥰


So good and heartwarming! ❤️ we need another part to know how the feelings evolve again


This was such a sweet story, and the sound effects were perfect.

Ana D.

My heart just got soooo warm...and I do need Part 2, if you please! And Mr. Wright is blasting his way into my top 3 VA


The beginning is kinda weird, maybe because I’m a hard ass. But he’s mad at us for leaving? When he didn’t wanna do long distance?!?! Idk maybe I’m a realist and I hate stupid arguments about stupid stuff💀 and then it’s like the female isn’t defending herself!!!


Sweet story, but the little conversation about how they split and how she left, makes it seem like it’s her fault


mr. wright has improved a lot ngl!!! i wish he can act more emotional. now it still sounds like just reading the lines somewhere.

foxy kitty

We need a part 2 please with more emotion would be amazing