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You're reading a book and I'm struggling with the lagging internet at home, it's just one of those days when I'm really bored and looking for things to do. I try and rouse you to go get a bite to eat at a restaurant, or catch a movie, just something, anything. 

However, it's a little distracting when you're in my sweatshirt, yoga pants on, messy hair, just looking like the perfect image of sexy bliss. And distraction like that only gets me more interested in other ideas...

"Come on. I don’t believe you baby. No, I don’t. Your eyes give you away, that cheeky little grin when you want to be a naughty girl for me…gives you away. The little furtive glances at my lips. Coincidentally… I had a little idea to get over some of the boredom. It’s nothing too wild…just…follow my lead."

VA - Mr. Wright

This script was written by Orchid Unbloomed


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Now this is my kind of vibe - relaxing weekend reading a book and definitely not wearing a bra aka boobie prison haha. Now if only I had a boyfriend to do these naughty things hehe. Much love 💜

hana moon

starting the work week with this and i'm not sorry 😌

Trealop {Millie}

Please. I actually LOVE this man 😼


i love this more mr wright please <3


Yes!!! I've been waiting for you Mr. Wright❤️❤️❤️


Oh. My. God. Everything about this is pure perfection. From the dirty talk, to the overstimulation, to the moans 🥵


Oh. Dear. God!!!! 🥵🔥 Quite literally absolute perfection. I haven’t cum this hard in a while. I’m talking a grip the sheets and put down A towel kinda situation. My legs are still wobbly as I type this lol I love all the VAs but this guy? He’s my new favourite hands down! Please keep him forever 😍💕


well I died. you killed me. hope you're happy.


I'm not one to switch favorites quickly, but damn, Mr. Wright is making it really hard to stay loyal to the others. 🥺🥰😍


Welcome to heaven! We're just about to prepare our little Mr. Wright nook over here. 👋🏻


Does anyone know if Mr Wright has a reddit? 😇😈


Mmmm this was delicious 😈 😍🥵

Ana D.

Mr. (W)Right indeed!!!


I honestly cannot function right now🥵

Miss Bee

Omg! Daddy Wright is so hot 🤤


Love the plot and the voice acting ♥️