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This is the first time you’ve seen her in months. well, seen her in person. for most of the last few years you’ve only seen her in late night facetime calls, texted afternoon selfies, and your dreams. But when you wake up, you know the girl you love is actually hundreds of miles away. 

This most recent week-long visit should have been perfect. instead you’ve spent every day dreading the moment she gets on the plane back home and leaves you again. no one said long distance relationships were easy, but every time she walks out the door you feel like she’s taking a piece of you with her…

VA - Mr. Williams

This script was written by King Kxrina. If you enjoy the writing, you can find more of her scripts and work HERE


You can access all 300+ audios from Best Kept Secret in this audio table if you CLICK HERE. There you can filter for other themes, writers and VAs you want to hear more from.





I miss Mr Williams😩😩


Anybody know how Mr. Williams doing? Is he ok? We miss him ❤️😔

Doña Yayi

Tears are just flowing oh gawds. That was the best time of the day for me. Every morning my beloved would give me soft kisses and gentle feather like caresses. And when the day ends he puts our babies to bed the he comes to me and gifts me so many kisses, caresses and so much love. Everyday was a beautiful day. My beloved headache my beautiful aneurysm rest in father jesus' arms. I love you 💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️


I don't know if this was planned but I find it ironic that this was Mr Williams last BKS audio and it is called 'Bittersweet Goodbye'. Honestly that seems to perfect to not be planned!

india ali

I miss Mr. Williams so much 😭


This hits home 🥺

Ryssa Fiu

As someone who is currently in a LDR of now seven years, I fucking broke down 💔


Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


This was fantastic!!! I missed you mr. Williams… I’ve re listened all of your audios and there isn’t enough! We need more! More mr. Williams!!!!


Mr. Williams is finally back 🫣❤️ Need more of him please!!!!!

Deanna Tyson

I can’t stop crying….why can’t I stop crying 😭😭😭😭

Jojo B

Yesss, my fave VA is backkkk!!

Love Dainty

I listened to this audio before going to bed last night. The content about long-distance couples reminded me of Mr. Williams who came to visit after a long time. After a long wait, I was able to hear his tender voice, but strangely, I felt both excitement and sadness throughout this audio. I guess I really like Mr. Williams' voice. We'll have to wait like this long-distance couple until Mr. Williams records good audio again, but that's okay. I can wait. I'm one of those people who wants Mr. Williams to record a lot of audios.

Love Dainty

It was really, really good! I hope the couple in this audio will meet again at Christmas and have a happy time.


Not gonna lie, this sort of broke my heart Don’t get me wrong, it was amazing: the acting was next level, the script was amazing, the voice was exceptional… but please break my heart *after* next time? 🥺


I’m here again 🤣🤣 This is def my fav audio recently 🥹🔥I love the murmur at beginning so so so soooooooooooo much 🫠 Good morning Mr. Williams ❤️


I'm currently in a long distance relationship and this....this hit me so hard in the heart 💔🥺 The first time an audio has made me cry..